Fangmo looked at the appearance of Gonia being mad at her, and finally had a trace of joy in her heart.

   If you don't put pressure on this Gonia's magic, this Gonia is really floating in the sky.

Fang Mo pursed his lips: "Okay, I don't take advantage of you anymore. We all ask for what we need. You hope that the three of us will be security guards for you. When the danger is high, since it is not a game copy, but the second universe. The copy, does that mean that once you die, you are really dead."

   From the beginning to the end, Gonia didn't mention death, Fang Mo guessed it must be so.

Sure enough, Gonia hesitated and said: "Yes, yes, but don't be afraid. I have a map. My family has prepared a sophisticated electronic map for me. Almost the entire time-space secret realm has been copied on the route and terrain. Depicted, when the time comes, we will split a few well-known large mineral veins, there are definitely the most people, we mainly choose some inaccessible, remote places, dig some star mines, and then luck may get one or two. Equipment, there is almost no danger in this way."

Fang Mo rolled his eyes: "Miss Saintess, do you think we look like a good deception? If there is really no risk, would you still use three less bodyguards, and my two little brothers are obviously The strength is not enough, you don’t care, because from the very beginning, you felt that our three bodyguards were going to die in it, and then you have any means of escape, so you don’t panic at all!" The genius remembered 噺バ for a second One Chinese mx/8/1/z/wc/o/m/

Gonia's face panicked, but she quickly calmed down: "I am not a saint lady, call me a saint eldest lady! I am a clear, bright, kind and gentle me, how can I frame you! I am really true. I really appreciate the brotherhood of the three of you. I really don’t like your two brothers. The strength is too weak, but I know that if you don’t bring them, you will definitely not agree, so I Naturally, I brought all three. I didn’t lie to you. It’s safe in remote places. I said that there is no security from other players’ sneak attacks. But the more remote the place, the more ferocious monsters there are, so we still have Fight against monsters, but you can rest assured, because the strength level of this dungeon is set at the star level, the most powerful monster is just the pinnacle of the galaxy, and the strength you showed in the ring today, I believe you, even if you meet the most powerful You can face the monsters calmly!"

   Fang said impatiently: "Stop pinching the heads and tails. Tell all the information you conceal, otherwise we won't go with you."

Gonia was anxious: "I really didn't hide anything. I have already said everything. Yes, there is one more point. This time, the scale of the Secret Realm dungeon is larger than the previous nine times. I heard that it is because of the Secret Realm. The dungeon has gone through countless years. In addition, the owner has already died, and the interior is already very unstable, so it is very likely that this is the last time and space Secret Realm dungeon. Therefore, all forces have almost exhausted the strongest star-level powerhouse, even I heard that even the most beloved youngest son of the Empress of the Virgo King City has been sent over!"


   It seems that the strongest ruler of this Virgo supercluster is a woman.

   Fang Mo remembered what Wushuang Wan'er had said before leaving, so that Fang Mo didn't have to worry about her, just boldly pursue what he loved, and if necessary, he could sacrifice hue in exchange for some survival resources.

   Or, take a closer look at yourself and this empress.

   Fang Mo shook his head quickly and threw this thought out. He was really crazy. It was not good that he had the idea of ​​eating soft food at a young age.

But if this empress really falls in love with herself and wants to give Fang Mo the rule of the entire Virgo super cluster, Fang Mo might really hesitate. After all, in this world, no, it should be said that there is nothing in this universe that cannot be traded. Yes, if not, then it must be that there are not enough chips.

   Seeing Gonia so anxiously, she should have already told the truth.

   Fang Mo is not too difficult for other little girls, no, this is not a little girl anymore, this is a first-round player, she has passed a 20-year-old in her previous life, and has passed a 20-year-old in this life, actually 40 years old.

   But it is true that I have been 20 years old for both my life, and my mentality should still be 20 years old.

Fang Mo said, "All right, Miss Saintess! I can also be your bodyguard. The three of us don't take advantage of you. You take one third of all the rewards. This is ours. The bottom line is now."

   Geniya pretended to be very embarrassed, struggled, and finally made the same request.

   Geniya is already secretly happy in her heart: Very good! You make things difficult for me now! Let me down! it's okay! This young lady doesn’t care. When I trick you into the dungeon of the time-space secret realm, there are mazes and illusions everywhere in the dungeon. If you are not careful, you may not be able to get out. If you don’t have a map, it will be difficult to move. , This lady will give charcoal in the snow, the three of you must not be obedient.

   Genia stretched out her white and smooth little hand: "Okay! It's hard to chase after a word! It's such a happy decision! Congratulations, I got the opportunity to cooperate with this lady!"

   Fangmo stretched out his hand to shake hands with Gonia.

   Suddenly, Li Shaozhe took the lead and took Gonia's hand: "Happy cooperation!"

   Geniya took out her hand with disgust.

   Li Shaozhe is a hippy smiley and covetous beauty. Gonia sees too many people, so she is very disgusted. On the contrary, it is the cold, cold, and unruly person like Li Shaozhe who is very interested.

   Of course, Jumang Wudi is also a little interested, but it's too cold, even colder than Fang Mo, without saying a word, like an ice cube. First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   Geniya actually understands that this is a sentence that Mang Wudi deliberately uses high coldness to show that she is different, to attract her own eyes.

   It's a pity, the other party doesn't know, what kind of suitor I Gonia has never seen, such a trick doesn't work for her!

  Time is running After Gonia bought the order, she took Fang Mo and others to leave the restaurant.

When    left, hundreds of elf waiters in the restaurant shouted sweetly at the same time: "Welcome to come again next time!"


   Li Shaozhe felt that his whole soul was gone.

   Li Shaozhe secretly swears that in the future, he must find a way to get a female elf as his assistant! for sure!

   Fangmo, Li Shaozhe, and Jumang Wudi followed Geniya directly to the wilderness.

   Fang Mo frowned, is it possible for Gonia to ambush people in the wild? Isn't it?

   They have novice protection, and they can't kill them.

   Li Shaozhe got more and more wrong: "Hey! Miss Saintess! Where did you take us? How come this deserted place looks so infiltrating!"

   Genia looked at the idiot: "You can't read the markers on the map yourself!"

   Fang Mo and others quickly opened the map.

   Take a look, here is the mark on the map!

   Interstellar Channel! !


   A stream of light flashed, and a light shot directly into the sky and took off.

   Walking a little further, Fang Mo saw thousands of interstellar warships lying on the flat wilderness like in the game.

   It turned out! This is where the Star Warship is docked!

   New players are not eligible to come here at all. Those who come here are old players, and they are extremely rich old players.

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