"Because I'm too afraid of death, I choose Invincible (

With Jumang's invincible experience, Li Shaozhe was more cautious, and he was not watching from the side above, so Li Shaozhe could also practice boldly without any hindrance.

For a while in the middle, Li Shaozhe also enjoyed the pleasure of the celestial energy wandering through his body, and he almost couldn’t control it. Fortunately, Fang Mo’s mental impact stimulated Li Shaozhe, allowing Li Shaozhe to find himself again and control the celestial energy in his body. After a regular cruise, it was finally absorbed.

Also reached the ninth order of stars.

Want to break through the ninth order of stars.

They also have to complete the advanced tasks of the game system.

Of course, just when Jumang Wudi and Li Shaozhe were excited and excited to temper the energy of the stars and upgrade their levels.

Fang Mo and Gonia were frantically mining nearby.

Especially Gonia, finally couldn't be reserved, and she no longer paid attention to her image like a saint.

She sacrificed her light staff and bombarded the orange star crystal mines!

However, her staff of light is useless to these star crystal mines.

On the contrary, she suffered from the energy rebound of the Star Crystal Mine and almost shot Gonia dead.

The key moment, the necklace on Gonia's neck.

That's right, these life-saving methods seem to be necklaces on the neck, and I don't know how to change something new.

The necklace prop on Gonia's neck released a bubble-like barrier to wrap Gonia's whole body.

Within ten minutes, Gonia was immune to all attacks.

Of course, it means immunity to attacks that do not exceed too high a level.

At the same time, Gonia couldn't attack in the special bubble.

Gonia almost cried. This safe escape bubble item is one of her life-saving methods, and it can resist even the fatal blow of a star cluster-level powerhouse.

But I didn't expect that because of his reckless mining, he dug out all his registration methods.

Fang Mo solemnly said: "Fool, don't use skill elements! These star crystal mines obviously contain a lot of energy, and you need to use physical attacks!"

After that, Fang Mo's magic ape protects his body, with infinite power and magic!

Holding a magic stick, look at my invincible Optimus Pillar! Sweep the palace! !

Fang Mo continued to grow and thicken the magic stick in his hand, and Optimus One Pillar blasted into the orange star crystal mine.

The orange star crystal mine opened a gap, but it was still as stable as Mount Tai.

Fang Mo smiled: "It's okay! I'll come again!"

Total Annihilation! Sweep the palace! Sweep everything!

Fang Mo held the magic wand, spinning wildly, faster and faster!

Boom boom boom!

The magic wand kept hitting the star crystal ore.

A quick orange star crystal ore burst out from the shell rock.

Gonia completely forgot the frustration she wasted by the means of saving her life just now, but excitedly said: "Slow down! Slow down! Too much! Too much! Haha! Too much ranking! Too much enjoyment! A lot of ore came out! !"

With Fang Mo's magic wand continuously bombarding the ore.

The ore cracked, and a steady stream of star crystals popped out of it.

You know, on the market, one cubic meter of star crystal is about one million stars.

A cubic purple star crystal is about 100 million!

A cubic orange star crystal is so valuable that no one has ever sold it!

The orange Xingjing is something that Xinghai class grabbed their heads.

Rumor has it that there was once a Galaxy-class powerhouse who couldn't break through and got stuck at the bottleneck because he tried every possible means to obtain an orange star crystal mine, and then absorbed the energy in the orange star crystal mine and successfully broke through.

One can imagine how valuable this orange star crystal mine is.

Gonia is like a little mushroom picking girl, she doesn't care about everything, she doesn't care about anything, this trip is a great harvest, so worth it.

It took a while.

Gonia has picked up nearly 100 cubic meters of orange star crystal mine.

Gonia was even a little bit scared. With so many orange star crystal mines, will they be robbed when they go out? This is too expensive.

Fang Mo is also generous.

After all, Fang Mo felt that this underground vein was too much, too much to calculate.

Why should I feel sorry for Gonia to take away a white cube of ore.

After all, if Fang Mo hadn't been brought in without Gonia, Fang Mo wouldn't get these things.


Fang Mo coughed: "Hey! You're good! Are you not a player with a turn! Are you just picking up trash! Don't you know how to dig yourself!"

Gonia also ignored the quarrel and complained. While picking up the ore, she said: "Get rid of it, big brother! This is the orange star crystal mine, how can you say it is garbage! And you said it, it requires physical attack to dig Mine, I am a Light Master, how do you attack physically."

Fang Mo laughed and said, "Didn't you just pick up a lot of ores? You can pay half of the reward and I will dig for you! You can pick up the digs freely, but you must hand in 70%!"

"Wait?" Genia said angrily and funny, "Do you think I'm an idiot! What do you mean by spending half of the ore, please help me to mine, and you still have to keep 70% of the ore that you dig. No, in the end I got only 1.5% left!"

Fang Mo held back a smile and said, "Wow, you got it right, you got good math scores! Okay, okay, just kidding, take whatever you want, just take it! But you are sure that you have nothing to hide us, if I find out later , You are done!"

Gonia hesitated for a moment, and thought for a while: "There should indeed be one more thing, which is concealed from you."

"Say! What's the matter!" Fang Mo said coldly.

Gonia sighed deeply and said aggrieved: "Actually, I am not a saint! My last life ~www.ltnovel.com~ my parents were persecuted to death by the family. I lost my support. I have no choice but to Take a desperate gamble and carry out this reincarnation plan with a mortality rate of over 99%!"

Indeed, the death rate from reincarnation is indeed too high.

If it is some great power, great god! The most powerful! Reincarnation!

It can also pass through the energy of the sky, even if it is reincarnation, it can also carry some talents, imprints, totems, magic weapons, luck and so on.

But ordinary people are reincarnated.

In addition to not being reincarnated into pigs and dogs, reincarnation is possible in any family.

It may be an orphan, it may be a beggar, it may be a savage planet, it may be a super-civilized planet, it may be a primitive society, and there are any possibilities!

If this survives, he can still become a star owner, this chance is too small!

And Gonia was such a lucky one, she was right!

This time to participate in the Time and Space Secret Realm dungeon, it is not the quota given to her by her family!

It was that she replaced the family's quota and robbed it. She was breaking the ship, she must find a way to get what she wanted in the time and space secret realm, so that she could fight against the family she hated!


Fang Mo couldn't help clapping his hands and said, "The story is well-organized. If you think you're telling the twists and turns of your own life experience, I will sympathize with you! Go and pick up all the trash! Remember to turn it in!"

The sad and crying emotion that Gonia had just brewed was completely interrupted: "Ahhhhh! That's not rubbish! That's treasure!"

After finishing speaking, Gonia seriously picked up the crystal ore on the ground, for fear of missing it.

Fang Mo held back his smile, yes, isn't this just finding a tool man to collect the ore flying around for himself.

Very good, go on! Hit the workers!

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