"Because I'm too afraid of death, I choose Invincible (

The Royal Diamond Guard!

Thousands of people! All are diamond-quality saints!

A diamond-quality saint, a shining saint, brilliance.

A set of diamond-quality saints is worth at least one billion stars, and the quantity is scarce.

Tai Weiyuan was also blushing, he must grab the Chrono Shuttle Fragment! Otherwise it will fall short! !

Taiweiheng already has 8 pieces of fragments on his body, and other game guilds have completed the transaction and gave the fragments to Taiweiyuan.

Tai Weiyuan did not leave a way for himself, and gave the 8 pieces to others, but placed it on himself.

Because Tai Weiyuan knew very well that once Chihuo died in the turbulent flow of space and the space-time shuttle fragments were lost, then all the eight-speed fragments in his hand were waste products.

Therefore, only if he gets the fragments from Chihuo's body, the 8 fragments in his hand are valuable.

But the strange thing is.

After the high-level cloud summit meeting, after repeated confirmations, only 9 pieces were confirmed, that is to say, there is still a piece of debris.

The top management confirmed that no one lied!

After all, it doesn't make any sense to lie now, because when the copy is released, the people of the Protoss God will disclose the ownership of the copy's loot!

For the time being, Tai Weiyuan didn't care whose hand the last piece was in. He was now determined to kill Chi Huo and regain the last piece!

Space turbulence!

Chi Huo moved forward hard.

With thousands of elite members, more than 200 people have been concentrated by the rocks in the space, and they are directly broken into pieces, without the slightest resistance.

Here is the space turbulence, even the Xinghai-level powerhouse dare not enter the space turbulence at will! !

Chi Huo can only make a bet. The bet can be in the turbulence of the space, go to another space exit, and then escape! !

Not to mention, Chihuo's luck is really good, it really made him find a space exit after sacrificing half of the elite members! !

Chi Huo said excitedly: "Quick! Quick! The exit is ahead!"

Chi Huo was burning with star flames all over his body, resisting the powerful impact of space turbulence.

As soon as he saw it, he would rush to the space exit.



One shot! !

Shuttle space, a powerful shot! !

It was Tai Weiyuan, the commander of the Royal Legion, who launched the Star Energy Cannon, aiming directly at Chihuo! !

A loyal guard pushed away the red fire and blocked the star energy cannon.


The body of this loyal guard disintegrated directly! !

It can be seen how powerful this star energy cannon is.

Chi Huo raged into the sky, staring at Tai Weiyuan: "Tai Weiyuan! Why do you rush to kill!"

Tai Wei Yuanyin sneered and said: "The matter is over, and only you die and I live! Chi Huo! Hand over the fragments, hand over the fragments, I may be able to bypass the members outside of your Scarlet Snake!"

"Hahahaha!" Chi Huo looked up to the sky and laughed, "Even if I am buried in the turbulent space, I will not give you the fragments! Since you are going to live and die, let us all die together! There are all! Red snake incarnation !"


I saw Chi Huo and hundreds of elite game members remaining. All the skins of their bodies burned. In an instant, Chi Huo and hundreds of other members turned into a thick red snake! Flame is burning all over! !


Hundreds of huge red snakes ignored the impact of the turbulence of the space, stirred the space, desperately, and slammed into Tai Weiyuan and the diamond guard beside him.

Tai Weiyuan was a little panicked, if in an ordinary place outside, facing the red snake madness, Tai Weiyuan would still have a way to escape.

But here is the turbulence of space, this space has become more chaotic because of the impact of hundreds of red snakes.

Tai Weiyuan gritted his teeth: "Don't panic! Hold on! I release the space field!"

Tai Weiyuan took off the necklace from her neck.

There is a small space defense field inside this necklace!

It can create a fixed space barrier to resist all damage outside.

It was the life-saving method given to him by the Right Guardian.

Sure enough, these brothers would be embarrassed to come out without a necklace.

Everyone has a chain of necklaces, and you can save your life when it is critical.

Tai Weiyuan smashed the necklace.


A circular space barrier emerged out of thin air, protecting Tai Weiyuan and the hundreds of diamond saint guards around him.

Boom boom boom boom!

Chihuo and hundreds of other elite guards, incarnate as red snakes, clashed frantically against the space barrier.

However, none of them can break the space barrier field.

Tai Weiyuan sneered and said: "Chi Huo! You can't hurt me!! If you give me the space-time shuttle fragments earlier, you will not only save your life, but also get a galaxy, why do you need to go this far."

Chi Huo laughed wildly: "Even if I fall into the space vortex and smash the pieces, I won't give it to you!!"

After that, the crazy Chi Huo actually turned around and rushed directly into the space turbulent vortex.

Not to mention that Chihuo is only a galaxy level, even if Chihuo is a star-sea level, jumping into the turbulent vortex of space like this, I am afraid it will definitely die.

Tai Weiyuan was also a ruthless person, seeing Chi Huo actually speeding up to the turbulent vortex of space.

Tai Weiyuan took the initiative to attack, rushed forward, wrapped the red snake's tail with his royal saint ~www.ltnovel.com~, dragged the red snake tightly, and organized the red fire into the turbulent vortex of space.

"Hey!" There was a cold laugh, "You got the trick!"

It turned out that Chi Huo knew that Tai Weiyuan would not bear the fragments, so he deliberately sent him to death and forced Tai Weiyuan to rescue him.

And Chi Huo suddenly turned the snake's head and opened the blood basin to swallow Tai Weiyuan.

Without the protection of the space barrier, Tai Weiyuan can only release the huge stars.

The energy of the stars in both hands was injected, and the hands became ten times huge, supporting the bite of the red snake.

The two people just entered a stalemate.

Tai Weiyuan's holy clothing entangled Chi Huo's tail, making Chi Huo unable to escape.

And Chi Huo's blood basin gnawed towards Tai Weiyuan, and was supported by Tai Weiyuan with his hands!

Neither of them can move, they can only fight for star energy! See who can stick to the end.

As for the two men.

Just now Tai Weiyuan went to rescue Chi Huo, and when he was excited, the space barrier shattered.

All of his subordinates were turbulent in the space, entangled by other red snakes and died.

At this time, in the turbulence of the entire space, only the final duel between Tai Weiyuan and Chi Huo was left.

Just when the two of them couldn't help each other, seeing that they might fall into the vortex of space together.


The space vortex turbulence tore a gap.

A huge purple unicorn came out of the gap, and there were four people sitting on its back.

Both Tai Weiyuan and Chi Huo were dumbfounded and shocked!

They never dreamed that someone would be able to travel through the turbulence of space so easily.

Fang Mo sat on the back of the purple unicorn, came next to the two people, and said very politely to the two people: "Good for you two, I heard that both of them have fragments of the time shuttle, can I take a look! "

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