Jian Er now regrets it is useless!

He has one last chance! !

Jian Er's body was divided into eight, turned into eight **** sword lights, and the giant spirit sword that rushed directly into the eight corners of the Sword Dynasty Hall!

It turned out that Jian Er used his own essence and blood to transform into the eight life swords, and then rushed into the giant spirit sword, using his eight souls and life sword qi to force control the giant spirit sword!

The giant spirit sword is handed down by ancient gods and men!

It looks like a sword, but it is actually a sword qi entity that has gathered the sword qi of the ancient gods.

These eight giant spirit swords are actually the entire sword world, the ancient world, and the sword qi of all the sword gods are condensed.

Yi Jian Er's strength is definitely not driven.

So Jianer knew that he couldn't escape death today, so he simply gave up his life and took righteousness, using his life and soul to control the eight great spirit sword qi, carrying the anger of the ancient gods, and rushing to Fang Mo at the same time.

Giant Spirit Sword-Wind!

One of the giant spirit swords turned into a violent wind and swept across the sky, and the violent wind swept the leaves.

Giant Spirit Sword-Thunder!


Thunder Thunderbolt, one of the giant spirit swords turned into hundreds of thousands of thunder sword aura, like a thunder father and an electric mother, swiping the heavenly soldiers and geniuses, directly rushing towards Fang Mo.

Giant Spirit Sword-Fire!


Eight giant spirit swords, eight different attributes!

As if covering the universe, Fang Mo had nowhere to escape.

Just a giant spirit sword already contains hundreds of thousands of sword qi, densely packed.

Let alone eight!

Fang Mo's imperial power was immediately overwhelmed.

The domain of the royal power is more than the maximum tolerable damage of the domain of the royal power, and it is instantly broken.

It is indeed the sword energy that the ancient gods gathered together, the power is indeed against the sky!

Coupled with the home court advantage of Jian Er, the power is doubled.

Jian Er's voice echoed throughout the world: "Today, even if I die, I will pull you together! Hahaha!"

Fang Mo has an extra item in his hand!

That's the eight glasses of Yaqi Orochi!

Fang Mo has mastered the time stagnation rules, in fact, it does not need eight wine glasses to release time stagnation bubbles.

But using eight wine glasses seems to be more ceremonial and more powerful.

Fang Mo took out the eight wine glass created by the Eight-Snake Orochi, exaggerating that there was actually red wine in the glass.

This is too Versailles than pretending to be.

Jian Er looked silly, the eight giant spirit sword aura was about to swallow Fang Mo.

Fang Mo actually took out a wine glass and had a drink? ?

What an operation! !

Although it feels a bit strange, Jian Er has no way out.

"Don't play mystery! Go to death!"

Tens of millions of sword qi, eight elements, and eight meteorites exploded, exploding countless stars and streamers towards Fang Mo.

That's right, these eight giant spirit swords actually contained a part of the energy of the stars and streamers.

After all, it has gone through hundreds of thousands of years, it is not surprising that it can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and transform it into star streamer.

Seeing Fang Mo was penetrated by these sword auras.



There was a pleasant sound.

Fang Mo smashed the red wine glass directly under his feet.

Then a huge bubble formed around Fang Mo.

The sword light that was a thousand times faster than the speed of sound actually slowed down in an instant, like a snail.

Time stagnation bubbles are also very effective against long-range projectile attacks.

The effect on melee physical attacks is not obvious.

And Fang Mo targeted these long-range flying attacks.

Fang Mo was under the aura of time stagnant bubbles.

It's like walking in a leisurely courtyard.

Easily, from the tens of millions of sword energy, go out!

That's right!

Jian Er couldn't believe his eyes, Fang Mo unexpectedly walked out of the sword aura formed by the eight giant spirit swords.

Then Fang Mo locked onto Jian Er, who was hidden behind the Eight Great Spirit Sword.

"Don't hide! Come out for me!"


Man and sword are one, one sword flow!

Fang Mo turned into a stream of light and cut directly to an empty place with nothing.


Blood soared out.

Jian Er's body hidden in space appears.

It turned out that Jianer seemed to explode, turning into eight points into the giant spirit sword.

In fact, Jian Er still didn't dare to die together, and kept a part of the soul, hiding behind, and controlling the giant spirit sword.

It was directly captured by Fang Mo's heart network.

One sword!

Two breaks!

Jian Er's body is divided into two halves from the middle.

Jian Er did not stare at Fang Mo, his mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but his mouth was also cut open, and when he said a word, he fell to the ground and split in half.

Jian Er died, the remaining great sword masters, wherever they had the courage to fight, all knelt on the ground, Jian Er's body was not cold yet, these great sword masters shouted together: "Gong please new King ascends the throne!"

Fang Mozhong coldly snorted: "From today, the sword world will be led by Fang Mo. Don't call me the Sword King. My name is really stingy. From now on, I will be called the Sword Master!"

"Meet the Sword Saint!" Kneeling on the ground.

Successfully occupy the sword world server.

According to general procedures, players need to show their dominance, personality charm, etc. for a long time, so as to completely conquer the server, and then let the server recognize you.

The average player can get 50% of the server's approval, even if it is very good, which means that they can get 50% of the server's energy bonus.

And Fang is different.

It is directly swallowed by the three bodies, and swallowed down along with the entire server.

A planet of the sword world is formed in the three-body space.

Then Fang Mo was in the three-body space, where time could be unlimited, so Fang Mo personified the planet of the sword world and turned it into a horse.

Then Fang Mo tame the horse, and after countless falls, he climbed up, rides, and sprints!

Finally, the horse was tamed and subdued.

The degree of integration between Fang Mo and the Sword World server is 100%.

And successfully obtained the server bonus of Sword World!

Sword Qi bonus!

Sword Qi bonus is naturally used in King Power Sword.

Now Fang Mo's King Power Sword can also possess the sword aura of the sword world.

The impulse of the kingship is all golden sword energy, using the sword energy blessed by the sword world server star.

Even more exaggerated is that Jian Qi can be embodied.

Become a warrior wearing a sacred garment of stars!


In fact, there are hundreds of warlords wearing galaxy-level saints~www.ltnovel.com~ Fang Mo releases the impact of kingship, just like an emperor, commanding thousands of troops to sprint the enemy.

That posture! That momentum!

If a Xinghai-level player saw it, he would be shocked and exclaimed.

This is Tao! This is heaven! !

That's right!

The more powerful than Xinghai energy is the ethereal Tao.

As long as you enter the rank of gods, you can comprehend this thing.

As for Fang Mo's imperial power impact, it was actually vaguely, already a bit of the emperor's way, but to form a complete way, it still needs the tempering of the energy of the stars.

It's just a shadow for the time being.

After conquering the sword world, Fang Mo returned to Blue Star.

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