“Patriarch Cai, what’s going on with you?”

“Why do you always want to increase the popularity of others and destroy your own prestige?”

Lingke couldn’t sit still at all, and immediately stood up and glared at Cai Wukun.

“Patriarch Ling, I just expressed my thoughts.”

“Of course, I hope that the third son of the Jiang family can be eliminated, after all, in this way, we will have one less biggest enemy in the future.”

Cai Wukun saw that Ling Ke was angry and quickly explained.

“Patriarch Ling, you also know the character of Patriarch Cai, he usually thinks things in a bad way, he has no other meaning, don’t be too angry.”

Meng Qingyang made a round and said.

“forget it, drink and drink.”

Hearing this, Ling Ke sat down and no longer thought about Cai Wukun’s remarks.

“That’s right, let’s just wait for the good news later.”

Meng Qingyang said with a smile.


the next day.



Jiang Feng woke up in a daze, looked at the time, and found that he had slept for 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Oops, sin, almost more than 24 hours.

so that there is no self-discipline.

fortunately he woke up in time.

【Ding! 】

【In view of the host’s laziness, the primary wind system energy has reached a saturated state, and the system has automatically upgraded the host to intermediate wind system energy.] < p idx="22"> hearing this, Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment.

upgraded again?

but it’s good, it’s not going up.

Now that you have woken up, then next… It’s time to eat.

After washing up the river breeze, he lay down on the sofa as usual, and then… Snacks began to feed him automatically.


at the same time.

periphery of the magma zone.

a dozen people arrived with hundreds of beauties.

“I wonder if you are satisfied with the beautiful woman we sent?”

the old man in gray asked with a smile.

“Hmm… Not bad. ”

“are all on point.”

the elder of the Chijiao tribe nodded in satisfaction, and touched the delicate body of the beautiful woman beside him by the way.

“You are satisfied.”

“We don’t bother too much, as long as Your Excellency… Just don’t forget to kill the third son of the Jiang family. ”

the gray-clothed old man arched his hand towards the Chijiao clan boss and said.

“Don’t worry, promise you… I won’t break my word. ”

the Chijiao clan boss waved his hand and said with a smile.

“Good… See you again. After

, the old man in gray and the others left the place.

“Boss, do we enjoy the beauty first or kill the third son of the Jiang family first?”

the 6th junior brother of the Chijiao tribe asked.

“Since we promised these people, then let’s kill the third son of the Jiang family first.”

“As for these beauties, wait for us to come back… It’s never too late to enjoy it. ”

an evil light flashed in the eyes of the Chijiao clan boss and said.

“Then listen to the boss, kill first… Enjoy the beauty again. ”

the No. 6 little brother of the Chijiao tribe smiled and said.

the rest of the Chijiao people naturally have no opinion on this.


the Chijiao people headed southwest.

There… It is exactly where Dubei College is located.


Kyoto camp.

“Big brother, the recent movement of the alien race is not very big…”

“57” > Jiangan pointed to the map, and was reporting to his eldest brother, when an urgent voice suddenly came over: “It’s not good… There is a change in the Chijiao clan! ”


Hearing this, Jiangan and Jiang Ze were shocked.

Chijiao are not ordinary aliens, not to mention their strength, it is the life they have… It’s also more than ordinary alien races!

“What’s wrong with the Chijiao clan, hurry up and report specifically!”

Jiang Ze frowned and said.

“The Chijiao tribe set off from the magma field, and the destination… It seems to be Dubei College. ”

said the guard who heard the news.

“Dubei College?!”

Jiang Ze and Jiang An were shocked again.

their younger brother is in Dubei Academy!

“Okay, you go down first.”

After calming down Jiang Ze waved his hand at the guard and said.


hearing this, the guards left.

“It looks like we are going to send out the silver armor guard again.”

Jiang Ze’s eyes condensed and said.

“Big brother, the Chijiao clan is not ordinary.”

“You have to call the centurion over, otherwise … It’s not an adversary. ”

Jiangan couldn’t help but say.

“Hmm… Let Guo Xu lead the seven hundred silver armored guards to rush to Dubei Academy. ”

“Never let my brother hurt a finger!”

Jiang Ze hammered the table with his fist and said.

“Don’t worry, big brother, I’ll arrange it right away.”

Jiangan nodded and said.

After Jiang’an left, Jiang Ze fell into deep thought.

this friction between the Chijiao tribe and the human race is the least among all the alien races, how could it suddenly go to the trouble of Dubei Academy?

Could it be someone… Secretly directed?


“Everyone, we have reached the border of Qingcheng.”

“Travel another 300 miles, and you will reach Dubei College.”

the boss of the Chijiao tribe looked at the pedestrians below while flying, with a smile on his face.

Terran cities are good… Beauty can be seen everywhere!

“Boss, then let’s speed up, hurry up and complete the task, and we can enjoy it next.”

Chijiao Clan No. 6 said with a smile.

“hahahaha… Good. ”

“Brothers, speed up!”

said, the speed of the Chijiao clan boss increased sharply, and in an instant, he disappeared into this area.

as well as the rest of the Chijiao people.


Dubei College.

martial law has been imposed in the hospital at this moment.

and the silver armor guard… It has also arrived early.

dean’s room.

“Centurion, this red jiao tribe deals with it… It’s a lot of trouble. ”

Situ Aotian’s face was full of sadness, he had checked the information and knew the horror of the Chijiao clan, so he was worried.

“Dean Situ, just calm down.”

“Although the Chijiao tribe is not ordinary, my soldiers… Nor is it vegetarian. ”

Guo Xu’s face was full of confidence.

he has been crisscrossing the battlefield for many years, he has never seen any scenes, no matter how strong this Chijiao tribe is… It’s not as strong as him!

“Centurion, do you want to book the second plan?”

“After all, no matter what, Sangongzi can’t have an accident.”

Situ Aotian couldn’t help but speak.


“Little Chijiao… It’s not that it makes me feel tricky. ”

Guo Xu waved his hand, for the Chijiao clan, he did not really put it in his eyes.


Situ Aotian sighed, this centurion is really arrogant enough.

if something goes wrong, how should he explain the eldest prince and the second prince?


ten minutes later.

outside Dubei College.

“Brethren, the destination has arrived.”

the eyes of the boss of the Chijiao clan are full of excitement, the third son of the Jiang family is a supreme genius of the personal race, if he destroys this person today, the first hero of the alien race… Nothing is more than him!

“Boss, what should we do?”

“Directly storm in?”

asked the No. 6 junior brother of the Chijiao clan.

“That’s nature.”

“After all, this small high school academy is not strong, just go in and take the head of the third son of the Jiang family.”

the corners of the Chijiao clan’s mouth lifted slightly and said.

< p idx="127"> “Huh…” “No strong?”

just at this moment, Guo Xu’s voice came.

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