
1″> seeing the river breeze disappear, Cang Hanyao was immediately anxious to the extreme.

which is so unsettling!


dean’s room.

“At this time, the third prince should have left.”

Situ Aotian thought in his heart.

as long as the river wind is safe and sound, then everything is not too bad.

“Grandpa Situ.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded.

hearing this, Situ Aotian’s heart was cold, he turned his head, looked at the young figure outside the door, was stunned for a while, and then asked: “Third Prince, why didn’t you leave?” ”


“What to go?”

“Can’t I come and see what the Chijiao tribe looks like?”

Jiang Feng couldn’t help but say.

“Oh, Sangongzi, this Chijiao clan is very different from the previous alien race.”

“Now even the silver armor guard can’t hold it!”

“Sangongzi, you hurry up and escape!”

Situ Aotian’s face was full of anxiety, he did not expect that Jiang Feng not only did not leave, but also took the initiative to step forward.

How can you give away people’s heads like this?!


“forget it.”

Jiang Feng shook his head.

since they have all come here, how can they escape?

besides, he didn’t bother to escape.

“Sangongzi, you… Alas. ”

Situ Aotian sighed, Jiang Feng insisted on not leaving, he had no way!

Is it today’s catastrophe… Is it really impossible to hide?



“No, the dragon qi has invaded my body.”

“Me too, I feel like my body is starting to corrode.”

“No, my hands are numb.”

“My legs are numb too.”

“It seems that we are destined to die here.”

< p idx="35">“…” the faces of the silver-armored guards were full of despair, this dragon array… It’s really deadly.

“Brothers, blame me…”

Guo Xu’s eyes were full of regret, knowing this, he prepared well.

so that it will not be so miserable.

“Centurion, it has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes, the Dragon Array is so strong, no one expected it.”

“Centurion, you don’t have to blame yourself.”

“It’s only our bad luck.”


and the silver armored guards spoke.

“Big brother, they won’t be able to do it right away.”

“It seems that this big silver-armored guard… That’s all. ”

the No. 6 junior brother of the Chijiao tribe couldn’t help but say.


“50”> “It’s true, they… It’s just a false name. ”

the Chijiao elder said with a smile.

“yes, yes…”

“53”> “They’re too weak.”

“You can’t say that, you can only say that we are too strong.”

“Makes sense, who makes us so good?”

< p idx="56">“…” the faces of the Chijiao people were full of excitement.


just as they were celebrating in advance, a terrible cold wind suddenly descended in mid-air.

the dragon qi that was originally like a copper wall and iron wall was blown away in an instant.

Dragon Array… Broken!


Suddenly, the faces of the Chijiao tribe changed greatly.

Dragon Array… It was actually broken?!

and it was broken so easily and so inexplicably!

at the same time.

the already desperate silver armored guard was instantly overjoyed.

Dragon Array… Broken!

they are relieved!

“Who broke the Dragon Array?”

the elder of the Chijiao tribe looked excited, his gaze swept over the faces of all the silver armored guards, and he couldn’t help asking.

“Not me.”

“Nor me.”

“Nor me.”


the silver armored guards shook their heads.

they were also curious about who broke the Dragon Array.

“Strange, not one of us, who else could it be?”

Guo Xu is confused, is there really a superior person to help?

at this point.

Dean’s room.

“Sangongzi, you actually broke the Dragon Array?!”

Situ Aotian looked shocked.

even Guo Xu, who is a level 10 martial artist, could not crack this array, but Jiang Feng actually did it!

could it be that his strength has exceeded the level of a level 10 martial artist?

think about it very scary!

“amount… It seems to be. ”

Jiang Feng is also very confused.

he was just trying out a wind system that he had never used before.

I didn’t expect to break that dragon array like this.


it’s really impermanent.


“I don’t know which master is coming, it’s better to show up.”

the eyes of the Chijiao clan were slightly condensed, and he said loudly.

who can break the dragon array, he is definitely a very strong person!

he wanted to learn the strength of the other party!

“You called me?”

Jiang Feng’s figure suddenly appeared in the air, still looking lazy.

instant, the silver-armored guards were shocked.

Sangongzi… It’s actually the third son!

he broke the Dragon Array!

at the same time.

Cang Hanyao had just returned to the dean’s room.


“Dean, he broke the Dragon Array?”

she couldn’t help but ask.


Situ Aotian nodded, his eyes full of admiration.

“My God.”

“It seems that I underestimated him again.”

Cang Hanyao’s face was shocked.

I didn’t expect Jiang Feng to crack even the Dragon Array, which a level 10 warrior had no choice but to crack!

I knew this earlier, so I didn’t have to try so hard to persuade him to escape.

Seeing this, many students of Minobu College, who were already desperate, instantly cheered up.

the one who created many miracles and constantly surprised them appeared!

“Hahahaha… I said, in the end, the third son of the Jiang family had to settle this matter. ”

“I also expected that apart from him, no one present could crack the Dragon Array!”

“I can be a fan of the third son of the Jiang family again.”



“You are the third son of the Jiang family?”

the Chijiao clan boss asked with some uncertainty.


Jiang Feng nodded, looking lazy.

“I didn’t expect ah didn’t expect that you were a little student, but you could break my dragon formation.”

“Truly worthy of being the top genius of the Terrans.”

“However, the thought that you are about to die in my hands makes me even more excited.”

the boss of the Jiaolong clan looked at Jiang Feng’s gaze more and more fiery, more excited than seeing his favorite beauty.


> Jiang Feng was speechless.


the other party is dreaming, right?

but if you want to enjoy it all the time, how can you die?

Seeing that Jiang Feng did not speak, the boss of the Chijiao tribe thought that the other party was frightened by his own momentum, and then said: “You can rest assured, I will not torture you, it will make you unconscious soon.” ”

Hearing this, Jiang Feng rolled his eyes, if I hadn’t been too lazy to scold you, I would have spit fragrant fragrance in my mouth.

“Boss, what more to talk to him, let’s do it.”

the little brother No. 6 of the Chijiao tribe on the side can’t wait, he is eager to go back and enjoy the beauty.


the Chijiao clan boss nodded with a smile and said, “Then I will take his head.” After

, just as he was about to make a move, a terrifying aura that made his heart palpitate locked him fiercely.

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