Chinese restaurant.

“Sangongzi, thank you today, otherwise I may…”

Shen Sihan thought back to Fang Cai’s young man, and he was afraid for a while.

after all, she is just an ordinary girl, and it is impossible to resist a superpower.

“It’s okay.”

“In return, you can just make more noodles next time.”

Jiangfeng said.

“hahahaha… You can rest assured of this. ”

Shen Sihan said with a smile.

isn’t it the following… It’s easy.


“Then I’ll go back.”

Jiang Feng yawned and said.

I was suddenly woken up just now, and now it’s time to go back to sleep.


hearing this, Shen Sihan waved his hand towards Jiang Feng.

although she really wanted the other party to accompany her for a while, she knew very well that Jiang Feng was a sleepy person and could not stay here for a long time.

next second.

Jiangfeng thoughts.

the whole person disappears in an instant.

if it had been before, Shen Sihan would have marveled at the coming and going of the river wind without a trace, but now… She’s used to it.


Jiang Feng lay on his bed as he wished, and soon… I fell asleep again.




the atmosphere at this time is unusually serious.

“Fang Gongzi, you said that your powers were abolished by the third prince of the Jiang family?”

Meng Qingyang frowned, but he didn’t expect that Fang Wang had encountered such things not long after leaving the Meng family.

but when he thought of Fang Wang and Jiang Feng coming to have a grudge, he still had a faint joy in his heart, after all, in this way, the alliance matter… It’s even more reliable.


“The third son of the Jiang family is indeed strong, but this tone… I can’t possibly swallow. ”

“Although the Jiang family is strong, but our family is not weak, and with the strength of you, I think we still have a chance.”

Fang Wang’s eyes could not hide the anger and said.

“Fang Gongzi, you can rest assured that our three major families in Qingcheng must be on your side.”

Meng assured.

“Yes, Fang Gongzi, after all, we are the family of the future alliance, this evil breath of yours… We’re sure to help you out. ”

Ling Ke on the side spoke.

“Fang Gongzi, the grievances you have received now, we will definitely double for you in the future.”

Cai Wukun also spoke.

“Thank you.”

“When I return to Los Angeles, I will definitely complete the alliance as soon as possible.”

“My dad he… I don’t leave my son alone. ”

Fang looked at the three heads and said.


Los A.



Fang Wang returned and told his father everything that had happened to him.

“What did you say?”

“You were scrapped?!”

Fang Tu looked incredulous, his son went outside to play for a while, and then there was no power?

“Dad, I’m frustrated right now.”

“The only thing that makes me happy… It is to overturn the Jiang family. ”

looking at his father.

“Overthrow the Jiang family?”

“Son, our family may not be bad in Los Angeles, but it is not up to the point of breaking the wrist with the Jiang family.”

“Alas, in fact, you have nothing without powers, and it is okay to be an ordinary person in the future.”

Fang Tu sighed, since things had already happened, he could only be forced to accept it.

“Dad, one Fang family can’t deal with the Jiang family, what about five Fang families and ten Fang families?”

“As long as many families are united, then no matter how strong this Jiang family is… It will also be crushed by us. ”

“You mean to say… Alliances with other families? ”

the eyes of the square diagram are somewhat complicated.

“Yes Dad, alliance… Not a bad thing. ”

Fang Wang’s eyes were firm, “If we can overthrow the Jiang family in the future, then the status of our Fang family… It will also improve a lot. < p idx="66"> “You allow me to think.”

“After all, there are a lot of things involved.”

Fang Tu’s eyes condensed slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said: “Those allied families… Is it really guaranteed to be reliable? Let’s be honest… I didn’t trust them that much before. ”

“Ensure reliability.”

“I’ve already negotiated with them.”

seeing his father relaxed, Fang Wang was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly nodded and said.

“Wang’er, Dad originally wanted you to live your life in peace, but since you have this idea, Dad will depend on you.”

after hesitating for a long time, Fang Tu finally agreed to the alliance.

the new hatred and old hatred of the Jiang family, then count it together….

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