
Meng Qingyang and the other three from the Qin family were wandering the street, looking very comfortable.

“Master Meng, aren’t we going to the You family to form an alliance now?”

Ling Ke saw Meng Qingyang focusing on shopping, and he looked puzzled.

“Yes, Master Meng, you are not a fun-loving person.”

Cai Wukun was also surprised, what kind of calculation is this Meng Qingyang making?

“two, there is only one left to find the last big family to form an alliance, we don’t need to rush so much.”

“Anyway, it’s hard to come to Fengcheng, why don’t you have fun?”

Meng Qingyang looked at the bustling scene on the street, with a graceful look.

“Master Meng, you can play here… Can’t we all play there in Qingcheng? ”

Lingke still didn’t understand Meng Qingyang’s thoughts, it was difficult to find the last family alliance, but he had to waste time shopping here.


“Not really.”

“really fun place… Only here in Fengcheng. ”

Meng Qingyang shook his head and said.


“I don’t know where the Meng family master said?”

Cai Wukun suddenly became curious, and he knew that Meng Qingyang would not simply go shopping.

“right here.”

Meng Qingyang said slowly.


Lingke and Cai Wukun are full of puzzlement.

isn’t this a very ordinary commercial street?

there in Qingcheng.

“I mean here… Below. ”

Meng Qingyang pointed to the ground.


“Master Meng, don’t play dumb riddles.”

Ling Ke saw that the other party had been selling Guanzi, and he felt like there were many ants crawling on his body.

“Yes, Master Meng, just tell us directly.”

Cai Wukun immediately spoke.

“Here’s below… There is a dark market. ”

“Specializing in selling and trading warriors’ weapons and magic weapons.”

“There is a good chance that you can find something good.”

Meng Qingyang no longer sells Guanzi and said bluntly.


“And such a thing?”

“Patriarch Meng, then how exactly do you know?”

a brilliant light flashed in Lingke’s eyes, and he asked immediately.

“I have been to Fengcheng before, and I happened to shop around here, and it was a nearby vendor who told me about the dark market.”

Meng Qingyang spoke.

“So it is.”

Lingke and Cai Wukun understood.

“Master Meng, if you want to enter this dark market… What conditions do you want? ”

Cai Wukun asked.


“At least a warrior, ordinary person… It’s not put in. ”

Meng Qingyang replied.

“Then we’ll be fine.”

Cai Wukun said with a smile: “With our strength, the people in this dark market… Don’t you have any respect for us? < p idx="50"> “Then you are really wrong.”

Meng Qingyang immediately poured cold water on Cai Wukun.


“Could it be that our strength is not good?”

Cai Wukun’s face was full of disbelief.

Lingke was also surprised.

“It’s not that our strength is not good, but that the people inside value not strength, but our wealth status and the value of the treasures we take.”

Meng Qingyang explained.

“Oh… It scares me. ”

“I thought there were warriors inside… The strength is so terrible. ”

Cai Wukun breathed a sigh of relief.

“But what if someone inside robs the treasure?”

Lingke couldn’t help but ask.

hearing this, Cai Wukun’s eyes lit up.

Oh yes!

if someone comes and grabs it… So what to do?

“Eh… Well asked of yours. ”

Meng Qingyang looked at Ling Ke and said, “This dark market is the strongest… It’s the security inside. ”

“Master Meng, no matter how strong … Can it be better than us? ”

Ling Ke couldn’t help but smile.

to know… They are all level ten martial artists.

unless it is an existence that has reached the innate realm, otherwise… No one can stop them.

“It’s really better than us.”

Meng Qingyang said lightly.


Suddenly, Ling Ke and Cai Wukun were shocked.

stronger than them?

Could it be a congenital realm martial artist?

“You heard it right.”

“The defenders inside… Stronger than us. ”

Meng Qingyang’s eyes condensed slightly, as if he was in deep thought, and then slowly spoke:

“81”> “Many years ago, I went to the dark market and witnessed a level ten warrior being killed by a man wearing a newspaper security uniform… Give a slap to death. ”

“And this kind of thing?!”

Lingke and Cai Wukun were full of disbelief.

and such awesome security guards?!

“yes, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes.”

Meng Qingyang shook his head helplessly and said.

“Meng family master, the person who runs the dark market… Could it be the one from the Jiang family? ”

Ling Ke’s mind remembered that person, except for the old man from the Jiang family, he couldn’t think of a second person.


Meng Qingyang denied: “I’m afraid that the people who opened this dark market… Even more terrifying than the old man of the Jiang family. ”


instantly, Ling Ke and Cai Wukun’s hearts set off a wave.

a person who is even more terrifying than the old man of the Jiang family, what kind of existence is that?!

the most important thing is that in their minds… I never imagined that there were such people.

“If you think about it, even the old man of the Jiang family has just stepped into the innate realm.”

“But those security guards, the strength has reached this point.”

“So the one behind the scenes must be a more terrifying existence.”

Meng Qingyang’s eyes condensed slightly, and said.

“Master Meng, as long as this person is not on the side of the alien race, I think… is the best result. ”

Cai Wukun said slowly.

“If such a terrifying existence is on the side of the alien race, then we Terrans… I am afraid that I will fall into great passivity. ”

Lingke’s face was solemn, after all, the matter involved too big.

“So two, are you still planning to enter the dark market?”

Meng Qingyang turned his tone and asked.

“Of course you have to go in.”

Lingke is undoubtedly authentic.

“Even if the protection inside is very strong, as long as we trade normally, there will be no problems.”

“so… Why not go in? ”

Cai Wukun couldn’t help but ask.


I thought the two were scared.”

“Since we are not afraid, then let’s go in.”

“The passage of the dark market is 2 kilometers away from here.”

Meng Qingyang said with a smile.

hearing this, Ling Ke and Cai Wukun looked at each other, thinking that this Meng Qingyang would really come.


underground dark market.

channel port.

two older brothers in security uniforms are standing in front of the door, looking majestic.

“Three warriors?”

one of the big security guards stopped Meng Qingyang and the other three and asked.


Meng Qingyang answered, and released the breath on his body by the way.

Lingke and Cai Wukun also showed their breath.

“The strength is not low.”

Seeing this>

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