Dragon’s Den.

The Dragon Emperor, who was cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes, and a burning aura overflowed from his body.


The Dragon Emperor called.

“The subordinates are here.”

Hearing the sound, the figure of the flying dragon instantly appeared in the dragon’s den.

“Do you count the days, those Terran geniuses have a few days to go to the college entrance examination?”

The Dragon Emperor slowly spoke.

“Emperor Qiyu, there is probably … 7 days.

The wyvern gestured with a “seven”.

“There are still 7 days left…” ”

Flying dragon, 7 days later, you led the 10,000 horses of the Dragon Clan to the territory of the Terrans, on the day of the college entrance examination… You’re going to strike suddenly, those Terran geniuses… Kill them all for me. ”

A fierce color flashed in the eyes of the Dragon Emperor, this is the first step, after the other three alien emperors are revived, they will deal with the Terrans… Launch a general attack.


Wyvern replied.



Pack after packet of snacks floated in mid-air, and Jiang Feng … It was lying comfortably on a small tornado.

That’s right, he used the wind system to make himself cooler.

At this moment, he opened his mouth slightly, allowing the snack to fall into his mouth.

I enjoyed the wind that was cooler than the air conditioner and ate my favorite snacks.

I have to say, super cool!

【Ding! 】

【Detected host is enjoying, wind system energy +70】【Detected host is enjoying, wind system energy +90】【Detected host is enjoying, wind system energy +110



“Am I time to start a live stream now?”

As soon as he remembered the contract he signed, Jiang Feng immediately opened Douyin and immediately started the live broadcast.

No way, some things… You can’t do it.

Of course, he will not get tired of live broadcasting.

Still ate and slept as usual, slept and ate.

At most, a few words with water friends from time to time.

“Groove! Sangongzi started live broadcasting!

“What a surprise!”

“You can see the prosperous beauty of the third prince again.”

“It’s a little chicken.”

“Lying groove, what do you think the third prince is doing?”

“Is he lying on a tornado?”

“No, there are tornadoes in the dormitory?”

“There are tornadoes, will there be elephants too?”


Just livestreamed, after reading the comments of the water friends, Jiang Feng was speechless.

Why did even the elephants come out?

“Dear water friends, there are no elephants in my dormitory.”

“But tornadoes do, you can understand that … It’s my mount.

Jiang Feng explained while lying on top of the tornado.

“Mount? Using a tornado as a mount? ”

The third prince is probably too awesome, right?”

“If I use a tornado as a mount, I’m afraid I will be devoured in the next second.”

“The third prince is really different from ordinary people, so admired.”

“I wonder what the third prince thinks about the recent warrior?”

“Yes, Sangongzi, tell me what you think.”


warrior is good.”

“I admire him.”

Jiang Feng said slowly.

He also brushed several things about the warrior, learned what happened, and only admired in his heart.

“Click, click…” The

snack floating in the air fell into Jiang Feng’s mouth again, and he was naturally not polite and ate fragrantly.

“Envy, the life of the third prince is my dream.”

“If I had the strength, I would enjoy it too.”

“Don’t dream, the strength of the third prince is not what we will have.”

“When will I see the video of the battle of the Third Prince?”

“Isn’t the college entrance examination going to be in 7 days? Won’t the third prince also have to participate at that time? At that time, there should have been a look.

“Will the third prince broadcast a video of his college entrance examination beating?”


Feng, who was leisurely eating snacks, glanced at the barrage and found that everyone was discussing the college entrance examination.

“Dear water friends, I will definitely participate in the college entrance examination.”

“As for whether it is directly broadcast or not, see the situation at that time.”

Jiang Feng also did not have to pack a ticket, although the college entrance examination is a martial arts examination, but if the people above are not allowed to broadcast live, then he must have no way.

“I hope to live broadcast, I want to see how the third prince fights.”

“I really want to see it too.”

“Expect +1.”

“When the people of the world’s Terran combat power ceiling, it must be wonderful to fight.”


not a good fighter.”

Jiang Feng couldn’t help but speak.

He fights with people very quickly, even in less than a second.

What’s so wonderful?

“I’ve seen Sangongzi fight with people, and it really can’t be exciting, he stands there without moving, and the opponent is knocked away, I’m dumbfounded.”

“I’ve also seen it, I’ve seen it, the three princes all defeated people while standing still.”

“No, is it okay?”

“That’s an exaggeration, isn’t it?”

“Those who haven’t seen this scene say they’d love to see it.”

“Yes, yes, if you don’t save people, you can knock people away, I want to see it so much.”

Instantly, the water friends became even more excited.

After all, many people have seen fierce battles, but that kind of crushing battle is rarely seen.

“Eh…” Seeing

that the water friends were even more energetic, Jiang Feng didn’t know what to return for a while.

After eating snacks for a while, he said, “If you can broadcast live on the day of the college entrance examination, I will show it to you.” ”

Looking forward to it.”

“Wait seven days later.”

“I believe that I can see the third prince make a move.”

“…” The

water friends spoke one after another, especially the female water friends, and they were looking forward to it.

“Guys, I won’t make small talk anymore.”

“It’s time for me to rest.”

“But I will always keep the live broadcast on, and everyone can leave if they want to leave.”

Jiang Feng yawned and said.

Now that you’re full, it’s time to sleep.

Beauty and Beauty….


He got under the covers.

Seeing this, the water friends had no idea of withdrawing at all.

Although Jiang Feng is sleeping, it can’t stop them from watching it….

“Seeing the third prince fall asleep so quickly, I shed tears of envy.”

“Aren’t you going to be hungry? (dog head

)” “Nonsense, I just envy the quality of Sangongzi’s sleep (funny)” ”

Seeing Sangongzi sleeping so soundly, I’m also a little sleepy, so I want to go under his covers and sleep with him.”

“Don’t dream upstairs, remember, you are awake now.”

“That’s it, unlike me, I just want Sangongzi to cure my insomnia and let me go to his bed for treatment.”

“I’ve heard your calculations a thousand miles away.”



Su Mu’er had already taken out her mobile phone and turned on Douyin, at this time… He was watching Jiang Feng’s sleeping broadcast with relish.

“It’s a fire, so many people watch.”

Su Mu’er looked at the barrage full of screens, and felt incredible.

Millions of people watch the river breeze sleep….

What a rare event on the Internet….

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