Love. What is love? If anyone ever asked, the girl could confidently assert: Love is a curve… 

In other words, it was a bending force. The memory engraved at the origin of Baek Hwa-yeon was the scene where her grandfather bowed and made eye contact with himself. Such was the moment when an old-fashioned voice whispered “I love you,” thus setting the scenery all at once. 

The child who was deeply loved by grandchildren thought, ‘I see. Love is what makes you bend down.’ 

As time passed, the notion only hardened more and more. Even a child who was stiffly preoccupied with training seemed to push him away when he got close to him and then fell over. The matter didn’t discriminate between men and women, and not only the same age but also adults. If a girl were to smile and open her mouth to a person of any position and attitude, then everything would definitely go her way. Females have never once doubted this proposition. And this belief stemmed from all over the world. 

Perhaps it came from a God who lived beyond the world. Why was the heart pattern made up of a pair of curved lines? It was because, above all else, it was love because it bent life. Even if it stung, biting, and scratching, it also felt warm, fluffy, and soft, like a lovely cat when you hold it in your arms. After all, knowing that she would eventually fall in love with her was ‘fine’. 

However, the male denied it. “No, isn’t that strange? We like what we like and we just go our separate ways. I like you, but that doesn’t mean I have to do something to you, right?”

Such was a boy whose love was a parallel straight line. A straight line had then been drawn in a world where curves tended to abound. 

“-Aha.” It was a moment when the world of Baek Hwa-yeon had been scratched. 

“There’s a saying called the waiter’s law.” Park Dan-hyeok slowly continued the story. “For example, let’s say you went to a restaurant with someone. This person is very kind to you. He is kind, caring, and good at communicating. Even if I make a small mistake, he would react to it with a smile.” 

However, then, when the waiter who was serving accidentally spilled wine and stained his shirt, this person would change his complexion and would become angry like a zen. What if he was to yell at the waiter to call out the manager and fire him right away?

 What would one think? “There are a lot of people who think it’s enough to care for those found on the inside of their fence. But I mean…” 

This was dubbed the Waiter’s Law. If someone was nice to you but rude to the waiter, they were definitely not a nice person. “It’s common to be cold to enemies but kind to allies… isn’t it disgusting when you think about it? When you say that your attitude changes depending on your relationship, doesn’t that mean that, in a nutshell, you’re a guy who doesn’t have any will or beliefs. Am I right?” 

A man without any ideas or philosophy was basically useless. A really cold person should be cold to both enemies and allies, and a really kind person should be kind to both enemies and allies. As he said that, Park Dan-hyeok smiled. 

There were many people who said they would not be swayed by emotions. However, the boy’s confession of love was quite confusing. Even if there were children who took a long time to bend in love… Hwa-yeon couldn’t help but ask.

“Then what is your philosophy?” 

“What, you don’t even know?” Asked the boy, raising the corners of his lips. “It’s a philosophy that won’t push through if the girl you like can order her to mimic a puppy.” 

It was a huge shock… The girl who resembled a lotus flower covered her mouth for a moment and thought deeply. 

Inside the chapel, it was pitch dark. The left side of the crowd sank quietly and focused their eyes and ears forward. It was as if the two of them lived in each other’s world, even though the priest had already started preaching on the bright podium beyond. 

Eventually, Baek Hwa-yeon shattered the stillness in the transparent waving curtain like ice. “You are not a lover.” There came a low-pitched voice. 

“But… what…?” The words that soon followed were filled with stubbornness, and there was a twinkle in the eyes that flowed from thereon.

The girl has made eye contact with her, revealing her bare legs and hugging her knees. The face, harbouring a silent smile, was confident and beautiful, depicting that of a hunter. 

“It destroys even the most logical of philosophies, so wouldn’t love be called love?” 

There was nothing more lovely than a declaration to make a person fall in love. The boy chuckled. Under the light of the shattered stained glass, the two were facing each other in that manner. 


[Acquired 100 CP] [Increased CP gain by 1 per day] 

Communication and exchange between humans was a multifaceted and complex system that tended to operate several times more than one might think. It was not only facial expressions and hand gestures that mattered but also posture, body odor, tone, clothing, decorations, surroundings, etc. Symbolic transmission and reception through various media were extremely precise, and people were always subconsciously interpreting something more than the information that they thought they understood. 

Baek Hwa-yeon, who was able to control the whole process, was a monster comparable to Shin Haram when she held a sword, all in the realm of sociability. Read the most updated version of this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at Novel Multiverse – “NovelMultiverse dot com”

Just as the girl of the longan was born with a natural talent for swords, the girl of the lotus was excellent at dealing with humans. She was able to see through things, but that is why he was different from Shin Haram, who tended to be insensitive to emotions. 

As she freely roamed the waters of her heart, her insight into her human relationships surpassed even 『Longan (A)』. 

Such was a person who fully affirmed his or her outstanding strengths and harbored strong interest and pride. She was clearly aware of the fact that she was attractive, and she was also a girl who knew how to make herself useful, just as she was good at using others. 

Was there any other person who was bothering her as much as this? She didn’t have any particular malice, nor did she plot her wiles, but she would devour her strangers just by encountering them, and then proceed to deceive the swelling forces with conversation. She was just as foolish as her idea, which centered on hitting Shin Haram with her sword from the front. 

In Park Dan-hyeok’s setting, it was ‘strange’ for him not to be fascinated. However, even if one was enchanted – ‘It doesn’t matter.’ In the first place, the created personality had a great affinity for Baek Hwa-yeon. In her original work, she was deceived by her multiple personalities and was almost at a loss for her, but was rescued by famous people.

Everyone knew Shin Haram and Baek Hwa-yeon would grow even more in the future. Paradoxically, every time he poked through a gap with his strenuous struggle, he also soon realized the height of the waves that would come in the future. 

However, right now, he was just enjoying the thrill and suspense… 

『Indaraman of Four Ranging Nansim (A)』. 


Separated from Park Dan-hyeok’s personality, I was looking into the spider’s web through the girl’s head. This was the network of relationships that Baek Hwa-yeon had built up throughout her life. At the same time, the reason why I even dared to approach Baek Hwa-yeon was…

Characteristics created by slashing 『Distortion of Perception (A)』 into an oath, 『Indaraman (A) of Four Ranging Nansim Sims』. There were various restrictions and pledges that had already been set, but the core of them was summarized as follows. In other words- ‘Oath part 1. The capable person did not intervene in the subject’s mind’. 

『Perception Distortion (A)』 was a process for twisting the original cognition, and it was a characteristic that could sense cognition. The pledge was to turn this into a true evangelism, seal the side of illusion and transform it into pure mind-reading. The power of spreading out the impression that others had on others, the weight and content of the inner awareness in the form of a net! 

By embodying the human relationship itself, one could fully absorb the data collected by the largest faction in the first year from the top of the pyramid! Although it took time to pick out the thread of the relationship because of the importance of confidentiality… 

Fortunately, this problem had been solved thanks to Baek Hwa-yeon’s direct approach. Because Nara could arouse interest in the character through conversation, and in the same way, Baek Hwa-yeon could bubble out information about people she found interesting… 

The association effect, or the Brazilian peanut effect? It was similar to the phenomenon that only coarse beans rose to the top when were to shake a barrel of all kinds of grains. Would you like to stay nearby and take a leisurely look around for tens of minutes? Do you want to dig it out at once with a short and impressive conversation? 

It didn’t matter which way I rolled, she was still the one I chose. And at this moment, it was after all the necessary materials had been retrieved. Did you enjoy playing with dolls?

Saying goodbye to myself, I began to ‘talk’. 《Rayray, now.》


Woo woo woog- woo woo woog- 



From there, a sudden vibrating sound broke the strange air current, all in a space isolated with a transparent glare. Park Dan-hyeok tapped the device around his wrist with his index finger and raised his eyebrows. “I got a phone call. I’m sorry, I’m leaving.” 

With that, the boy got up and left before he could say anything. 

All. Although there was a spiritual blocking power in 『Hurray for the Light (B)』, there was no physical human power, and it pierced through as if it were a wet paper. Baek Hwa-yeon looked behind her whilst blinking through her long eyelashes. 


Hopefully, there had really been no hesitation at all. This situation also proved to be different from the model student type who valued ​​duty. There were a lot of opponents who practiced the so-called bounce-back behavior to attract attention, but he had never come across this type of person.

I had touched Shin Haram because I wanted to play around a little bit, but when I unwrapped the ribbon, the winning prize came out beyond my imagination. She was confident in the sense that no matter how strong a person could be when she took possession of her, her important criterion was not the strength of her strength, but the structure of her mind, and since she entered her academy, her most intriguing subject had mattered.

‘No… Was there another one?’ 

Baek Hwa-yeon. Such was a person that looked better with a microphone than a whip. Recalling a certain voice, the girl grinned bitterly. It was a smile with a slightly ferocious look and a slightly different meaning from before. 

Well, it didn’t matter either way. It was a decision I had made while waiting for Park Dan-hyeok. And… as more time passed… the worship service was eventually over. 


Park Dan-hyeok did not return until the time when people were leaving like the low tide. Hmmm, was he the type to hold on to the phone for a long time? 

He didn’t see it that way, but it was perhaps because the chatter that ensued was quite unexpected. This was a deduction point. Men who talk a lot were not good. 

As more time passed… the arrangement was soon over. 


“There, miss. We have to close the door slowly.” 

“Ah, ah, yes. sorry. I’ll leave right away…” 

Rumble! With her back to the locked chapel, Baek Hwa-yeon made a gesture with her palms. On a weekend afternoon, well past noon, the sky was insanely blue and clear. 

It seemed funny, absurd, disappointing…. W


The murmuring voices eventually mixed in the clear wind.

“Wow, is it me?” 

It was only moments after that I remembered that neither phone numbers nor e-mail addresses had been exchanged. 

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