There is a concept called the world tree.

The tree, which supports the sky with branches and connects the underground with its roots, has been used as a schematic representation of the origin and structure of the universe in many religions and myths.

Typical examples are Yggdrasil in Norse mythology and the Sephiroth tree in Kabbalah, and it is a material that often appears as an overwhelmingly huge and magical tree in modern creations.

The same goes for “Super Massacre”.

The World Trees, which have taken root all over the world, are the lungs that circulate the Earth’s magical power through breathing and are among the most important strategic bases.

It is a treasure that contributes greatly to expanding the field of human activity as a pump that increases the distribution of magical power in the region, as well as a point that supports a strong barrier.

Among them, the World Tree, located on the Korean Peninsula, spread its roots throughout the Baekdudaegan Mountains, and the formed Yeongmaek became an important stepping stone for the Republic of Korea to become a powerful nation.········

This is the content setting of “Super Massacre”

Come to think of it, was the author Korean? I wonder if even a divine being could not escape nationalism.

Well, for me, I’m just passing on it. After all, that’s true in this world.

Anyway, the reason why Myung-Jin came to the northern part of the Korean Peninsula as soon as the entrance ceremony was over is related to this.

One day, in a corner of a tributary of Baekdudaegan, a small miracle was born.

A drop of the sap of the world tree that flowed from the wounds of the small roots awakened his feeble intellect. Commonly known as World Tree Slime.

In “Sachoemu”, the villain takes possession of this, and the main character takes it away, but「In “Super Massacre,” it shows the development of famous people who knew the setting before arriving and securing it in advance.

This slime is responsible for the battle ability of famous people from the beginning to the second half.

The concentrated sap gives the owner vast vitality and magical power, and the elastic, amorphous body can be freely transformed into all kinds of weapons or body armor.

It even has an ego, so it can block surprise attacks or control the body instead of its owner, and it has the advantage of being very cute in its green, tangy appearance.········

Experienced readers would have noticed at this point.

He appears in every episode and takes up a few lines with his nonsensical descriptions and cries.

Some of the characters started yelling at him saying he is cute, and then they make contact with the main character.

After the battle, they even take large quantities of loots such as magic stones or elixirs.

If the main character thinks it’s dangerous, he will suddenly pop out and evolve to wipe out the enemies.

Sometimes it transforms into a human form and clings to it.·······

Yes. It’s a boring pet.

Looking back again I think that the slime in “Super Massacre” was a corruption itself.

I’ll forgive you all now.

Ah. As I will tell you in advance, I am not specifically trying to steal celebrity stuff.

It’s because the balance of benefits and risks isn’t quite right compared to suggesting elements that would twist the original to him.

The most important thing was the fact that famous people came here today to find the world tree slime.

“huh········huh. . .”

It’s pathetic to see her fragile body panting.

Only the crackling sound of stepping on the shackle resounded intermittently in the quiet forest.

At some point, Myung-Jin changed direction and went off the trail, and I slowly followed behind, gasping and gasping.

In the case of Myung-Jin’s possessive body, the real body is reflected as it is. Of course, it is not possible to compete physically against aspiring hero Park Dan-hyuk, who has undergone thorough training.

The number of repetitions of taking a break while climbing a mountain is already double digits. Time passed quickly and the sun began to set in the west.

Then at some point.


The famous people exclaimed, and my vision was wide open afterward.

As I stepped out through the thick trees, a dazzling bright yellow color filled my vision.

It was a flower garden.

Shoot ah- the wind blows. A basin with ridges running around the panoramic view of the heart. In the middle of the shadows cast by the lush leaves fluttering like a curtain.

Bright yellow petals waved from under the clear blue sky to beyond, and the refreshing scent of flowers and the fishy smell of grass permeated. It was there as if it were a hidden flower garden.

“under. . .”

Myung-Jin, who stood on a tree, was silent for a moment. He catches his colorful breaths, swallows his saliva, and licks his dry lips.

He squatted for a while, panting to see if his legs had loosened up, then grimaced as if it was too hard, he just put his buttocks on the floor and slumped down.



“Heh heh heh.”

He let out a strange smirk.

“heh heh heh heh heh heh. . .”

The laughter continued for a long time. For quite some time.

right here

A scene from the original. It was as described in「Let’s start eating from Giyeon (2)」

I leaned against the tree right next to me and looked at the celebrity’s face.

A breath-taking expression. Sweat dripping profusely. Glittering. A wriggling neck. Sweat cools slowly, shaking with the cold.

But········Even the eyes are still gleaming.

Spring in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula is cold as if you are skinny, even more so in the tall mountains.

In the clear, cool air, if you took a deep breath in the sky, your lungs will feel like freezing, and white steam will ooze out of your breath.

Perhaps because of the rising body temperature, under the pouring sunlight, the haze twisting over her body was mysterious. There must have been one person there.

Okay. Person. I have entered the fictional world. But that doesn’t mean the world is fake.

At the point when it was proven that the self called me could be edited, that distinction was abandoned long ago.

It’s the same. The one in front of me right now is neither a doll nor a fake.

It is not an illusion confined to the simple and abstract frame of the protagonist.········In fact, it is a human being who can make eye contact with me and have a conversation.

I was completely convinced at this point. I did, seeing the evidence of the sparkling life that it expresses with all its might. 

Yes, so.

“[I swear].”

At this moment, I am not killing the characters of the novel. It’s not about killing NPCs in the game. Nor does it kill the puppets of the play.

I believe that where I am is reality, and I have a clear understanding of the situation.········

I have decided to kill people.

Tsar rumble-

The chains tremble. The first thing to take out is the starter. One of the processes for activating the 『Oath』.

A person’s thoughts are like clouds. Personally, I think it’s close to probability.

While being affected by trivial factors such as the face you saw on the way to work or the sunlight or humidity of the day, reproducing the same environment does not mean that you react exactly the same.

Therefore, my theory is that human will is determined not by internal thoughts that only one knows, but by externally expressed language and actions.

The act of speaking out is so important. There is a reason why all religions give meaning to the reciting of scriptures and aphorisms.

In short, these were powerful words like chant and incantations in magic, and they were also mantras with magical meanings.

I followed famous people only to aim for this time.

The opponent is an ordinary person with no power whatsoever. This place is remote from the world. There is no one around.

The disappearance of the academy cadets is a fairly large case, so the investigation will of course come to me as well since I have a record of using the portal, but I have a way to avoid it.

With the prologue just finished, Myung-Jin remains as a minor role that has not yet attracted attention.

No family, friends, supporters, or anyone else to relate to, so you don’t have to worry about taking over.

There is absolutely no risk in killing him now.

That is, therefore.

“[Myung-Jin. For the next three years, I will not kill you].”

Because I am in a situation where I have completely staked the life of a famous person – it is only when I give up on it that value becomes established.

“[Do not detain. Don’t threaten. Don’t tempt. Do not reveal your identity. Don’t tell the future. I will give you three years of freedom].”

Myung-Jin. You will be the hero of this world.

You will be able to exterminate the demons hiding in society, recommend the right path to a genius who has not found his aptitude, save the hero who should have died, and eventually kill the Demon King by joining forces with everyone.

The future of the world is in your hands.


Whatever you achieve in the future, know that it’s possible because I didn’t kill you here.

After that, your life and fate depend on my choice now. I can decide, it is my property. Forever in the future.

Your life could have turned upside down here without anyone knowing. So keep that in mind

Because all the power and glory that you will acquire from now on is something I can have with my permission.········

“[In return, I will receive your right to escape after 3 years].”

You can never deny this right.


[You, the one who waits at the end]

◈Pledge: Freely graze famous people

◈Duration: 3 years

▸Master: You can definitely kill famous people



A spiritual wave shook my whole body.

“woo woo woo. . .”

It feels like something hot is gushing out from deep inside your stomach.

I feel a sense of intimidation as if a huge chain pierced the heavens and the earth like a pillar and tied them up. 

Giving up the chance to kill the character now secures a chance to kill the character later.

This········This is my attitude towards the original.

I’m not in the mood for fierce competition. Because I think the best way to start is to finish.

For the next three years, I won’t touch a single hair of his character.

Now that he is aware of the original story of killing the protagonist and taking his place, the future with stable success has been completely discarded.

In other words, I gave up the right to be the main character myself.

From the moment this precept is revealed, the hostile relationship is confirmed.

Even if he attacks, a counterattack is impossible. If I am lucky, I will die instantly after taking even a single scratch, I will have no choice but to run away without resistance.

Simply put, it was impossible for me to even stand in front of the protagonist for the next three years as the original work progressed.

As the competition itself becomes impossible, all the coincidences and ties that appear in the original work are the same as those of the main character.

I give time to grow, a one-sided advantage, and the right to kill me, to someone who has an equal footing with me.

Giving up the usurpation of the role.

Giving up the friendship of the protagonist.

Giving up on the original performance.

Giving up the radius of action.

prepared the threat of death.

But- I gave up the process, so I can decide the outcome.

It’s the start of the catch-up.

A curse that takes three years to kill a defenseless human.

In the meantime, if he finds and kills me, who is in a state of scarecrow, the victory is his. If not, he loses. It’s as simple as that.

Match! Stand up with both hands on your knees. Now there is nothing to see

The sun hanging over the ridge is getting closer to the horizon. By the time I went down the mountain, it would be dark.

It’s time to go back slowly.

If you glance at his character, the other side is also getting ready to rise. A more determined expression.

If everything goes according to the original story, you will find the world tree slime safely on the 3rd day. If you can’t, this is where you get in trouble. Good luck, really.

I turn my body while cheering on the inside.

And as I moved away, I heard a clear voice from behind. This is the same as the original.

“Yes, shit I wrote it, but a happy ending is nothing special.”


Ah, his self-talk. For some reason, I even have a pleasant feeling.

On that day, walking down alone the mountain road in the sunset was really long.

I’m not really a pleasure killer. I just have a goal I want to achieve.

Regardless of this or that I really enjoyed reading the work “Super Massacre”. So, there is no lie in my heart when cheering for his character.

Even if I’m not a good person, I like to watch good people.

All I have now is insurance. If you have nothing to write about, that would be the best.

But, if there comes a moment when a famous person gets in my way, then······.

Stay strong, hero. Do your best and run.

Change the story. Help the protagonist. Defeat the villain. Be the hero who saved the world and love and be loved.


In the end, die by my hands.

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