Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1016: Bold Zheng Yue

Suddenly, the sudden silence in this living room made Kong Qinghua feel like sitting on pins and needles.

Seeing this scene, Lin Mengjia felt uncomfortable for Kong Qinghua

If she didn't know Kong Shuchou's true face before the change, perhaps she would help make the rounds and connect the relationship between their father and daughter.

But now, Lin Mengjia already knows Kong Shuchou’s heart of the tiger and wolf, and also knows that he will do whatever he can to achieve his goal, and may even sacrifice Kong Qinghua. In his heart, he has a bit of injustice against his girlfriends, even if he does not expect the two of them to recover. Female affection.

I just hope that this good sister will never unilaterally have any illusions about her father.

Thinking like this in her heart, Lin Mengjia smiled and said to Tang Feng: "Did you not say before that you want to give Elder Kong a healthy prescription? Now that his old man has returned to Yanjing, you might as well write this directly to Kong. Sir, let him go back and pass it on."

Tang Feng naturally had no promises to Kong Liangji, nor did he say any prescriptions for him, but he immediately understood what Lin Mengjia said.

Lin Mengjia wanted to separate Kong Shuchou and Kong Qinghua.

She couldn't bear to see Kong Qinghua feel so uncomfortable, and she didn't want her to suffer even more harm in the future because of the affection between her father and daughter in her heart for Kong Shuchou.

So, he nodded towards Kong Shuchou, and said: "Yes, there is such a thing, you just follow me."

There are tens of thousands of prescriptions in Tang Feng's mind. Naturally, this physical fitness is easy to come by, and he can write several at will.

No matter what he wrote, Kong Liangji, who has now obeyed his words, would treat it as a treasure, and strictly follow the instructions written above.

Before speaking, Tang Feng got up and walked upstairs.

Kong Shuchou naturally didn't know that this was the little trick Lin Mengjia pointed out. Tang Feng spoke and he quickly got up to follow.

Tang Feng took Kong Shuchou to the lounge.

He only needs to take him away in just a few minutes, and Lin Mengjia can take the opportunity to let Kong Qinghua leave.

Lin Mengjia thought this way too. When the two of them had just left, the old butler appeared at the door when she was about to speak.

Just now, he went to see the Zhang family father and son. He just turned back, with a smile on his face, and said to Lin Mengjia: "Miss, Madam is calling you over."

Lin Mengjia was thinking of comforting Kong Qinghua with a few words, but she didn't expect that Mother Lin would call her suddenly, so she reluctantly said to Kong Qinghua: "Qinghua, you go back to the room first, I'll look for you in a while."

Then, Lin Mengjia looked at Zheng Yue who was sitting on the sofa with a smile and drinking tea, showing an apologetic expression, and said: "Ms. Zheng, I'm really sorry, I need to stay with me for a while."

Zheng Yue nodded slowly, smiled and said, "Mrs. Tang, please."

There was a sharp smile on her face, which made people feel very comfortable.

When Lin Mengjia followed the old housekeeper to the garden, in the huge living room, only Kong Qinghua and Zheng Yue were left.

Lin Mengjia asked Kong Qinghua to go back to the room, but Kong Qinghua did not move, but looked at Zheng Yue.

Zheng Yue also held the tea cup, drank the tea, and looked at her with a smile.

This is not the first time that the two are alone.

Under such circumstances last time, Kong Qinghua once asked Zheng Yue directly if she had any intentions against Tang Feng.

At that time, Zheng Yue admitted without hesitation, which surprised Kong Qinghua.

At the same time, she realized that Tang Feng had many advantages in Zheng Yue's description.

Later, Kong Qinghua left Pingyang and never had the opportunity to ask Zheng Yue whether her thoughts about Tang Feng had been put into practice.

Now the two are sitting face to face, there is no other person beside them, and the eyes are facing each other.

After a long while, Kong Qinghua coughed softly, and said to Zheng Yue: "I don't know if I forgot what Miss Zheng told me."

The corners of Zheng Yue's lips were slightly raised, revealing an extremely moving smile, and said: "It's just those gentlemen and beautiful ladies admiring each other. If Miss Kong has anything to say, why bother?"

Kong Qinghua knew that Zheng Yue had a straightforward temperament, and she was also very direct when speaking. She wanted to be a little more euphemistic, but she didn't expect her to be so straightforward.

Kong Qinghua was a little sad because of Kong Shuchou's affairs, and her expression was a little bit disappointed. Her mood was not very good. Her personality was also relatively hot. Hearing Zheng Yue talking like this, she was a little melancholy just because of Kong Shuchou's words. , Immediately disappeared without a trace.

She frowned slightly, and then said directly: "I know you have thoughts about Tang Feng, but at that time, Jiajia and Tang Feng were not together. You must be a lady, and you have nothing to do with me, but Now that the two of them have become husband and wife, you must not think of Tang Feng's idea again, otherwise I will never let you go!"

Hearing what Kong Qinghua said, the smile on the corner of Zheng Yue's mouth became more obvious. He gave a soft smile and said, "You won't let me go? I don't know what Ms. Kong will do?"

Kong Qinghua’s expression became more gloomy, and he raised his voice slightly, and said, “If you dare to make a moth between Jiajia and Tang Feng, it’s not just a matter between you and me, but it will also involve The Confucian family and the Zheng family will have a big trouble, Miss Zheng, don't regret it."

When Kong Qinghua said this, he almost gave a bit of gritted teeth, and his heart was secretly ruthless.

Although the Zheng family is at the top of the Shandong province and can be ranked in the entire China, it is really nothing in front of the Kong family. It is really a matter of minutes for the Kong family to kill the Zheng family.

Kong Qinghua knew that Zheng Yue was better than her, and wanted to be one-on-one. She was definitely not Zheng Yue's opponent, or directly used the Kong family to suppress her.

Zheng Yue looked at Kong Qinghua with a smile but did not answer, but there was a somewhat complicated weirdness in that smile.

Kong Qinghua said with a cold face, the other party did not speak, and she did not speak again.

The two looked at each other like this, the air was already smelling of gunpowder.

After a while, Zheng Yue put the tea cup in his hand on the coffee table, still smiling, looking at Kong Qinghua, and slowly said to her: "Miss Kong, my own affairs, I have a sense of measure in my heart. There are tens of millions of men in this world. No matter how good Tang Feng is, he is now a famous flower, and the two have a deep affection. I am a madam from the Zheng family, and I can’t find a man to want, so why bother? Do that kind of thankless things?"Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: https://www the full text of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: https://www. Return, Become a Dad txt download address: https://www.readwn. com/down/103189.htmlLongevity returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: read/103189/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (the first Chapter 1016 Bold Zheng Yue) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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