Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1019: business partner

As the Zheng family eldest lady, it is really rare to be treated so unceremoniously. If you are seen by others, I am afraid you will be extremely surprised.

Since she was a child, she has never said that she is one and the same, and she has always been aloof, no one dares to offend.

After all, this is the eldest lady of the Zheng family in Shandong province. Almost everyone talks to her in a low voice. Even the grandfather of the Zheng family takes care of this precious granddaughter, and rarely speaks harshly. No one dares to be a little scornful.

He was probably the first person to speak coldly like Tang Feng.

At the beginning, the Zheng family master had also reprimanded her because of Zheng Yue's offense against Tang Feng, which made her extremely wronged at the time.

However, at this moment, the face of Miss Zheng did not show any aggrieved expressions, nor the slightest displeasure. Instead, she smiled slightly towards Tang Feng and said: "Grandpa said, he knows something about Regarding Ruan Kangde, let me tell your husband and let him be on your guard."

Hearing Zheng Yue mentioning that this incident was related to Ruan Kangde, I have to say that Tang Feng was a little surprised, but also a little disappointed.

Since he met with You, Tang Feng has delegated these inquiries to Zhang Qingyu and Chen Jianfei, but he has not deliberately asked other people about the situation.

He felt that with Zhang Family's power and Chen Jianfei's military background, if they couldn't find out the news, the others would probably have no results.

Therefore, the news that Zheng Yue brought was somewhat unexpected.

However, neither Xuanmen nor Ruan Kangde paid attention to Tang Feng. Therefore, he didn't care about their situation, especially when he needed to be more careful.

When he first saw Tang Feng, his face was surprised, and then he smiled disapprovingly. Zheng Yue smiled slightly, and then said: "Grandpa said that in his early years, he had done some foreign-related business and had some contacts with Ruan Kangde. ."

Tang Feng was not surprised at this answer.

Zheng Songru was originally a businessman, and he did business with everyone. It is common for such a large family to have foreign-related business, and Ruan Kangde is also a well-known international businessman. It is normal for the two to have business contacts.

And, if you want to come to the relationship between the two of them, that's it.

While drinking tea, Tang Feng said disapprovingly: "I haven't heard Lao Zheng mention this before."

"After all, my grandfather’s business with that side has been broken for many years. He never thought that Ruan Kangde would have anything to do with his husband here. However, due to the dinner and some things that happened in the past two days, he came again. When my husband came to visit, my grandfather felt that there were some things that needed to be told to my husband, so he asked me to come and tell him what happened before."

Zheng Yue stared at Tang Feng and spoke without rush, with an extremely calm expression on his face.

Tang Feng uttered an "um", but the expression on his face was still somewhat disapproving.

Even if Zheng Songru specifically ordered Zheng Yue to come and tell him these things, there must be something special, but he still didn't care about it.

Zheng Yue didn't care about Tang Feng's slightly perfunctory response, and continued: "Grandpa and Ruan Kangde had contact with each other more than 40 years ago."

The time when this happened was too far away. At that time, Zheng Yue had not been born, and he had never heard her grandfather talk about it before.

When she heard about those things yesterday, a great wave was set off in her heart, which really made her unheard of.

Now that she saw Tang Feng's expression a little careless, she didn't express much, but the expression on her face became very serious.

Seeing Zheng Yue doing this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of Tang Feng's mouth.

He didn't know what happened to the old Patriarch of the Zheng family. He was so mysterious that he couldn't make a phone call to say that he had to send his granddaughter to come personally.

It's not that Tang Feng doesn't like Zheng Yue's visit, but that he doesn't like troublesome things.

Obviously Zheng Songru's behavior now makes him feel a little troublesome.

Zheng Yue went on to say: "In the beginning, Grandpa and Ruan Kangde had some business dealings. As a business partner, he had to have some entertainment at the scene. In the winter of that year, Ruan Kangde invited his grandpa to the country where he lives. Vacation."

Tang Feng knew that Ruan Kangde had a knighthood in a small western country.

That small country is located in a subtropical region, with a pleasant climate all year round, and he also owns an island, which is really suitable for taking a vacation there during the winter in China.

For more than forty years, Ruan Kangde was quite young. At that time, his father was still alive, and he must have not inherited the title.

However, as a Viscount, he still has the ability to invite his business partners to be a guest.

Seeing Tang Feng nodding slightly to express his understanding of Ruan Kangde’s country, Zheng Yue continued: “Of course, it’s not just Grandpa who went there by himself. There were also some other businessmen in China who went with them, all of whom were prestigious. Not to mention that it is ranked first in the country, but also the provinces can get the first place in the economy. According to his grandfather, the friendship between him and Ruan Kangde is not very good, so it is impossible for the other party to invite him to participate in this alone. Private holiday activities."

At the dinner that day, Ruan Kangde and Zheng Songru did not communicate too much. They just said hello, and Tang Feng did not realize that they had too deep friendship.

He raised his eyebrows lightly, with a slight incomprehension in his tone, and asked Zheng Yue: "With Lao Zheng's status, even if he wants to go abroad on vacation for more than 40 years, it must be There are so many choices, why would you accept an invitation from someone who is not close?"

Zheng Yue smiled slightly, with a little helplessness in his smile, and said: "Mr. Tang now knows something. In the business field, he can do things not just by thinking or not wanting. Some things may be obvious. It was against your will, but you had to do it. Just like yesterday's dinner, it was clear that many people had no plans to attend, and there might be other things to do, but because of the invitation of Mr. Kong, he had to go there happily. "

Hearing this, Tang Feng couldn't help but laughed softly.

He has forgotten this section.

In this world, no matter how high a person is, they are more or less restricted by some other factors. It is impossible to do what they want, and it is impossible to ignore the opinions of everyone around them.

Even the Patriarch whose status is as high as that of the Zheng family has to participate in some last resort entertainment, which in Tang Feng's view is quite ridiculous. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1019 Business Partners) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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