Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1025: Voodoo

Zheng Yue showed great interest in Tang Feng's words, and hurriedly said to Tang Feng, "Sir, can you elaborate on it?"

Tang Feng pondered and said, "Do you know Nalai Island?"

Zheng Yue nodded, with a slightly confused look on his face.

Nalai Island is a small country located in California, Africa.

Hundreds of years ago, because of its underdevelopment, Africa was invaded by many powerful countries. Its territory was divided and resources were plundered for a long time. After its subsequent independence, its development was also extremely slow.

Whether it is economic, medical or military, this state is very backward. It is almost the continent with the lowest level of economic development on the entire planet.

Nalai Island is a small island country that has been under colonial rule for hundreds of years and established itself independently, but it has been more than two hundred years.

This country is extremely underdeveloped and the economy is dominated by agriculture. However, due to the small size of the country, agricultural products cannot even be self-sufficient, industry is very backward, and the unemployment rate is extremely high.

It can be said that this country can survive all the time thanks to the assistance of other countries' resources.

Zheng Yue didn't know why Tang Feng suddenly mentioned this small country to her, with a somewhat inexplicable look on her face.

Tang Feng continued: "Although Nalai Island is very backward and has a low international status, there have always been legends about voodoo in this island country. Have you heard of it?"

This time, Zheng Yue shook his head.

Although she was the heir to the ancient family, she was well-informed, but after all, these big families focused on martial arts training, and she didn't have the chance to come into contact with such things as magic and sorcery.

In addition, Zheng Yue has to practice martial arts on the one hand, and on the other hand is busy with the family business. Time is tight, so naturally there is no time to learn about this kind of things.

Tang Feng also expected that Zheng Yue didn't understand this.

Otherwise, she would not have heard of the corpse control technique, and she would appear very surprised.

So he continued: "There is a rumor on Nalai Island that the voodoo wizards here will use a kind of witchcraft to resurrect the corpse and do all kinds of heavy labor."

Zheng Yue couldn't help but uttered "Ah", and then said: "Isn't this the same situation as Grandpa encountered? In that large farm, there are also such zombies like people who are engaged in farm work."

Tang Feng nodded slightly and said, "In those rumors, the wizard will dig out the buried corpses and perform witchcraft to resurrect them, but the resurrected corpse does not have any thinking or the ability to act independently. , Can only work under the drive of a wizard."

Zheng Yue nodded repeatedly, like a chicken pecking at rice, and there was an expression of amazement in his eyes, and said: "Yes, that's it. Later, my grandfather and Xu Mingguang investigated this matter secretly. What is said is generally the same."

Faced with Zheng Yue's affirmation, Tang Feng just smiled indifferently, as if he had expected it to be normal.

Zheng Yue hurriedly continued to ask: "Is this witchcraft the legendary corpse control technique?"

This time, Tang Feng shook his head, smiled indifferently, and said, "Where is there so much witchcraft, this is just a kind of poison."

"Poison?" Zheng Yue's face showed a more surprised look, "Why is it poison? What kind of poison is it?"

Tang Feng took a sip of tea, and then said casually: "The problem lies in the corpse dug up by the wizard. In fact, this corpse is not a completely dead person, but is poisoned, with pulse and heartbeat. , And the breathing is extremely weak, it looks like he is dead on the surface, and the family members have died for this person, so they buried him."

Zheng Yue said with an unbelievable look: "Fake death? But even though it looks like it's already dead, if you can still find your vital signs through sophisticated instruments, how can you be buried so casually? "

The corners of Tang Feng's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a faint, slightly sarcasm smile, and said: "Miss Zheng's words are similar to'Why Not Eat Minced Meat'."

Zheng Yue could naturally hear the ridicule in Tang Feng's voice, but he still didn't know it, frowned slightly, and asked Tang Feng incomprehensibly, "Excuse me, Mr. Tang, did I say something wrong?"

Tang Feng was still smiling but not smiling, and said, "Ms. Zheng, where is Nalai Island? Is it Yanjing? Is it a sea market? Or Xiangjiang? This place is extremely backward, and medicine is particularly underdeveloped. In a big city, I am afraid. There are only one or two hospitals, and the facilities of these hospitals are extremely imperfect. Do you think that as some poor people, it is possible for them to seek medical treatment anytime, anywhere?"

Zheng Yue suddenly realized.

As a rich lady, she naturally never considered such issues.

Her cheeks blushed slightly, her mouth was pursed lightly, and she did not speak, apparently already aware of where she was wrong.

"In this situation, even if this person still has weak vital signs, he is still sentenced to death. And the families of these poor people naturally don't have much energy to bury the dead. It is just a funeral. It’s pretty good. The places where they are buried are relatively rudimentary. It is very convenient for the so-called wizards to dig up their bodies after they are buried."

Zheng Yue nodded lightly, with a thoughtful expression in his eyes.

Tang Feng continued: "When the potency of the poison subsides, the person's physical signs will return to normal."

"But," Zheng Yue frowned, showing a trace of puzzlement, "Grandpa said that the things he saw were indeed like zombies, and they were definitely not normal. If it subsides and the vital signs return to normal, wouldn't this whole person also return to normal?"

Facing Zheng Yue’s doubts, Tang Feng smiled calmly, and said, “Although these toxins that can make people look like death are removed, the wizard will also give him other drugs to control his mind and make this person It looks like a zombie, without its own thoughts, and can only be controlled by people."

Zheng Yue blinked, thinking carefully about Tang Feng's words, and recalling what Elder Zheng had told her. There was a surprisingly consistent connection between them.

After thinking for a while, Zheng Yue couldn't help but open his mouth to Tang Feng and said, "So, could it be that Grandpa was wrong from the beginning? Mr. Tang is really knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he knows all such tricky things."

While she was speaking, she looked at Tang Feng's gaze, adding a touch of worship. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1025 Voodoo) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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