Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1028: To the farm

Listening to Zheng Yue's account, Tang Feng frowned unnoticeably.

It seems that this young master of the Xu family is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. He was able to find the secret passage under the ancient castle when he deliberately caused his body to be affected by the cold.

Thinking about it again, Ruan Kangde is really unlucky enough. He kindly invited people to come from home as a guest, but he did not expect this guest to have ulterior motives.

Zheng Yue saw Tang Feng’s expression, with a slight embarrassment on his face, he smiled, and said, “I don’t know where Xu Mingguang got the news in the first place. If it’s as Mr. Tang said, this is the book. Relying on some drugs to control it, the whole thing becomes easier, as long as you find a way to study these poisons, Xu Mingguang lost his life in vain."

Hearing what she said, Tang Feng showed a faint doubt on his face, and said, "So, Xu Mingguang didn't figure out what was going on until he died?"

Zheng Yue showed a look of sympathy and nodded.

"Then the secret hidden under the secret passage of this castle is not related to this matter?"

Tang Feng frowned slightly again. At this moment, he had already thought about Zheng Songru's illness. Without Zheng Yue, he replied, "Is there a place of extreme gloom?"

Zheng Yue nodded, sighed slightly, and then continued: "When Grandpa told me about this yesterday, he looked extremely regretful. He said that he should never do this kind of thing for a little bit of lust. So that in the next few decades, I got this kind of sickness, lying in bed for many years, if it weren't for the luck to meet your husband, I'm afraid this sickness will never get better until he leaves the world."

Listening to Zheng Yue's obvious compliment, Tang Feng just smiled casually.

Zheng Yue's words were correct. When he saw Zheng Songru's condition, he was already certain in his heart. He had been infiltrated with insidious poison. If he hadn't met him, he would really have to wait to die.

Therefore, Zheng Yue's remarks are not flattering, but merely telling a fact.

However, Zheng Songru was able to live for more than 40 years after being caught by the yin and cold. Until he met Tang Feng, it was because he had taken a yang medicine that could resist this yin, otherwise he would have died. Up.

Tang Feng didn't feel any curiosity about what Zheng Songru had taken. After all, the Zheng family had a lot of work, and it wasn't too difficult to get something to treat the disease.

"Where is the secret road leading to?" Tang Feng asked lightly.

Zheng Yue hurriedly said: "When Grandpa heard him say this, his heart was full of doubts and curiosity. Even if he agreed to go to the secret path with him."

When Zheng Yue said this, there was still a slight sigh on his face. Obviously, when Zheng Songru talked about the past, he was also extremely regretful, so that these emotions have made Zheng Yue linger until now. go with.

Xu Mingguang can be regarded as a man who is thoughtful and courageous. He stays in this old castle in the name of recuperating. Naturally, he will not stay in the room. Instead, he has to find out what he wants to investigate. thing.

Therefore, he said to the steward in the castle, because he was a little bored in the castle, he wanted to go around and relax.

His real purpose is to look at that farm again.

The butler had previously received instructions from the earl to take care of this distinguished guest, so naturally he fully complied with his request.

The housekeeper sent the car to let the driver drive, followed by a servant who was proficient in Chinese language, and took him for a drive nearby.

The valley where the castle is located is really charming.

When that day came, because it was midnight, I couldn't take a closer look at the surrounding environment. When it was daytime, Xu Mingguang observed it carefully.

There are dense forests around the valley, and the air quality is very good. Within the woods, birds and flowers are fragrant, and there are many wild animals, such as rabbits and deer, who rush to the road from time to time. It seems that they are not afraid of people. Will bounce and leave.

In a place not too far away from the castle, there is also a vast lake. The water is green and sparkling under the sunlight, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, and there are several small boats floating on the lake, which makes people feel refreshed and refreshed.

The servant introduced to Xu Mingguang that if he likes it, he can come here to fish.

Although the scenery here is quite good, Xu Mingguang's mind is not on it at all, just nodding his head perfunctorily.

Then he pretended to be nonchalant and said to the servant: "I saw a farm on the way to the castle. I don't know what is planted there?"

The servant smiled and said: "They are all common agricultural products nearby, and the food supply for the entire castle comes from that farm."

Xu Mingguang looked very interested, and then said: "I grew up in the city since I was a child. I have never seen such a large estate. I am very curious. Can you take me over to see it?"

The servant nodded without hesitation, just to let the driver drive them over.

After the request was granted, Xu Mingguang's heart was agitated, but there was nothing strange on his face.

In a short while, the car came to the vicinity of the farm.

It was in the afternoon when they arrived, the sun was a bit hot, and the whole farm was quiet, and there were no people working in sight.

The servant smiled and explained to him: "Mr. Xu, it is too hot now, everyone is resting in Zhuangzi, shall we just drive in?"

There was a hint of soliciting Xu Mingguang's opinion in his tone, and Xu Mingguang nodded.

The servant told the driver the truth in the local language, and the driver drove the car and turned off at a fork in the road.

When it came that day, it was too dark, and Xu Mingguang didn't notice that there was a fork in the road.

Not long after, Xu Mingguang saw a house in front of him. Compared to the castle, this house appeared to be very low. They were all bungalows with wooden structures. They looked very simple. There were some clothes hanging in front of the house. There is no difference in an ordinary residence.

In these houses, there were people coming in and out occasionally. Xu Mingguang looked at them as if there was nothing unusual, but he always felt something was wrong in his heart. After observing for a long time, he found that these people did not talk to each other, and they looked extremely Be quiet, the two met, just made some gestures and did not speak.

These strange behaviors immediately attracted Xu Mingguang's attention.

But at the same time, he was guilty of whispering in his heart, could this zombie dare to come out in broad daylight? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1028 and then to the farm), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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