Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1034: Stingy Mrs. Tang

Tang Feng nodded and said, "After you go back, tell Lao Zheng about my problem, let him think about it carefully, and then call me." Tang Feng said that Zheng Yue certainly believed in this. .

After all, Tang Feng is the most authoritative in this regard.

Zheng Songru's illness has been dragging on, even if he takes the medicine on the prescription prescribed by the merchant's father, it is only for maintenance and cannot be cured.

The person who finally made the disease completely healed was Tang Feng.

Any word he said in his mouth was like a golden mouth.

Regarding Zheng Songru’s sickness and suffering over the years, she was very embarrassed in her eyes, and she couldn’t help but said helplessly: "At that time, Grandpa was still young and thought of many things very simply, even If I am now, I will probably behave in the same way as Grandpa."

Naturally, Tang Feng didn't care about this, but said indifferently: "If it is the recipe given by the merchant, old Zheng Shang will keep it, and let him show it to me when he comes next time."

Zheng Yue nodded and said: "I have never heard Grandpa talk about this before. I will tell him when I return."

Speaking of this matter, it was about to be finished. Lin Mengjia walked down the stairs and saw that the two people were still talking, she smiled and said, "I didn't disturb you, right?"

"What is Mrs. Tang talking about? This is Mrs.'s home. No matter what it is, as long as the ladies are interested, they will talk together. Why bother?"

Zheng Yue looked at Lin Mengjia with a smile on her face and said politely.

Lin Mengjia smiled when she heard the words.

When Shi Cai was with Kong Qinghua, she reminded Lin Mengjia to be careful of Zheng Yue.

Lin Mengjia just laughed at this.

In Tang Feng's side, there were indeed many women who appeared, and there were also people who showed good feelings to Tang Feng plainly. Among these people, Zheng Yue seemed to be a very inconspicuous one.

It's not that Zheng Yue is not pretty.

Quite the opposite.

Lin Mengjia feels that Zheng Yue is not only beautiful, but also has extraordinary tolerance. There is a kind of graceful demeanor between every gesture and action, and there is also a kind of heroism of martial arts since childhood, especially Zheng Yue is also the CEO of the entire Zheng family , In the business arena, he is quite bold and decisive.

Even if Lin Mengjia saw this kind of woman, she would feel that she liked and admired her from the bottom of her heart.

But facing Zheng Yue, Lin Mengjia did not feel any sense of crisis at all.

Because she felt that as a woman like Zheng Yue, she absolutely disdain to do things like stealing men from other people.

However, even if Lin Mengjia thought this way, women were more or less imaginative, even if they knew they wouldn't be like this, but after hearing about it, they were still somewhat suspicious.

Therefore, Lin Mengjia asked such a sentence when she saw Zheng Yue was still there.

After Tang Feng heard it, a smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

My little woman seems to be jealous.

It is not clear when it started, Lin Mengjia seemed to have become more and more "stingy", and began to be alert to the various women who appeared around Tang Feng.

However, her stingy performance made Tang Feng feel secretly refreshed.

But Zheng Yue didn't seem to be aware of Lin Mengjia's thoughts at all. Her answer was generous and without any muddle, which directly affirmed Lin Mengjia's status in the family.

This made Lin Mengjia feel very happy, and the smile on her face became a lot more relieved.

Although her Madam Tang's position is extremely stable, no one can shake it, but hearing the compliments from others like this, she still feels a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

"Ms. Zheng told me a very interesting story just now, which happened to Old Zheng."

Tang Feng looked at Lin Mengjia, still smiling.

Although he always felt a bit exaggerated about Zheng Songru's experience back then, he should be very interested in Lin Mengjia when he wanted to come.

The reason why Tang Feng felt that Zheng Songru was a bit exaggerated was because he had long been certain that although the cold air on his body was very fierce, it definitely did not come from the Nine Nether Palace.

If that were the case, Zheng Songru would have no life to live till now, he would have died like Xu Mingguang.

There are also those people in the castle, I am afraid that even one will not survive.

But when I saw Ruan Kangde two days ago, he was not only alive, he was alive and well, and his body was extremely healthy. Although he looked old, he did not suffer from any illness. Compared with the elderly of the same age, he was considered quite good.

If the cold air that invaded the entire castle back then came from the realm of the Nine Netherworlds, this is definitely not the situation now.

More importantly, the entrance of these Nine Nether Palaces is under the castle. It seems like a joke. It is really the cold realm, not to mention the castle. I am afraid that there is not even a living person. There is no grass, and it's barren.

The location of this castle is not only inhabited, but the environment is also quite beautiful, obviously not incompatible with this underworld.

Tang Feng felt that what Zheng Songru had entered should be a very gloomy place, and this place did interest him a bit, but he would definitely not be as scared as he described.

Zheng Songru would have such thoughts, firstly because of the environment that night, and secondly because Xu Mingguang's death also caused a lot of psychological pressure on him, and most importantly, he himself suffered a serious illness as a result.

In these many years, he should have recalled the situation at that time countless times, and also invisible, more or less accidentally exaggerated the atmosphere of horror.

However, Zheng Yue didn't believe in Tang Feng's thoughts, and he also felt that Tang Feng didn't believe in his grandfather.

Tang Feng didn't intend to talk with her too much on this issue.

After all, the person involved was Zheng Songru, and Zheng Yue was just a message in the middle.

Regarding Chang Feng's words, Lin Mengjia immediately showed great interest, and immediately asked, "What is it?"

Tang Feng smiled and said, "I will tell you later, I still have some questions I want to ask Miss Zheng."

Zheng Yue immediately made a gesture of listening.

Tang Feng muttered: "When Old Zheng went to the Ruan family's castle, did he ever notice that there are any special people in the Ruan family?"

Zheng Yue shook his head with a bewildered look, and said, "I haven't heard Grandpa mention it. What he said is only about this matter and the people related to this matter. As for the other things, if he didn't see it. , Because it has little to do with this matter, so I didn’t mention it."Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy, the latest chapter address :Https:// return to be a dad full text reading address: return as a dad txt download address: https: // returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: https:// the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\ "Record this (chapter 1034 stingy Mrs. Tang) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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