Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1042: setup well

It's not only that Mother Lin is kind to the little girl, but the others are the same.

Lin Mengjia's aunt, no matter what is delicious and fun, she changed her tricks and talked with her every day, watching her play, watching, and she felt sad.

Shangguan, Ji Ning, the old housekeeper, his mother's family, and Kong Qinghua are all the same.

No matter what the little girl said, they all catered to it, and they tried their best to satisfy the little girl's requirements, and they really made her a little princess.

However, the little girl has a simple temperament, and will not spoil her with spoils, even though everyone spoils him, she did not make any excessive demands.

It's not just for the little girl, everyone treats Zhou Wan equally.

These two little princesses, the days spent at home during this period, are considered extremely comfortable.

But even so, Tang Feng did not relax their Taoist course, and told them that even if they went to school, they would review this course by themselves every day.

Both children responded seriously.

Although everyone felt unwilling to give up to these two little girls, time flies quickly.

Soon, it was the beginning of school for the little girl and Zhou Wan.

Although Lin Mengjia decided to send the little girl and Zhou Wan to the boarding school, but when this day comes, her heart is full of reluctance.

But Lin Mengjia didn't show much.

After all, as the decision maker of this matter, she herself could not retreat, otherwise it would be very wrong in the eyes of other people.

Faced with the reluctance of everyone in the family, the little girl behaved generously.

She did not show the slightest resistance to going to school, but was full of curiosity in her heart.

The little girl once didn't like getting along with others.

At that time she was cowardly, small-grown, spoke quietly, and would cry at every turn.

But after Tang Feng arrived, everything changed.

The little girl has long gone from being a timid, fearful and promised yellow-haired girl to what she is now. She is as strong as a little calf, one head taller than a child of the same age. When she was in kindergarten, she could be the same as other children. The children happily play together.

But for the little girl now, the minds of the children in the kindergarten have long been incomparable to her. In her eyes, the children are really naive and there is no way to communicate.

In her heart, she was expecting faintly, hoping to have a child like Zhou Wan who could talk to herself in the same place, and get along with her.

Although the little girl is very smart now, she is still a child in her heart. She has never been to school, but simply believes that there should be children who are similar in mind to her, and it must be very happy to be friends with them.

Therefore, for the little girl, she is full of expectations for this unknown school.

All the people in the family hope to send the little girl to school, especially Mother Lin, and even think about going to Jinyuan to accompany the little girl.

This proposal was naturally rejected by Lin Mengjia.

Mother Lin's health is not good, not suitable for traveling, and she is still in the conditioning stage and needs someone to take care of her. Where else can she take care of the little girl?

Besides, this little girl is just going to school. Although she is boarding, she will go home every weekend. There is no need to make a battle like life and death, and there is no need to let Mother Lin follow the chariot.

On the other hand, because Kong Qinghua has to deal with the matters of the Mengtang Group, especially the bankrupt beauty Rongzhuang, she has to stay in Binh Duong during this time.

Lin Mengjia is not assured that Kong Qinghua will stay here alone, thinking about it and letting Shangguan stay to protect her.

Even if Shangguan stayed behind, Lin Mengjia still felt a little uncomfortable inside, and she asked Tang Feng to ask if Ji Ning stayed too.

It is not a big deal to send the child to school, and there is Tang Feng around the mother and daughter, so don't worry.

So Tang Feng readily agreed.

Most of the night during this family meeting, it was finally decided that Lin Mengjia and Tang Feng would send Xiaoyatou and Zhou Wan to them.

In addition, Rong Guocheng took one of his subordinates into two cars, pulled their luggage, and brought Feixue and Dabai.

All these matters are arranged.

Tang Feng called in his family again and asked them: "Do you have someone you know and reliable can recommend. If you are willing to work in Jinyuan City, your daily job is to take care of your two children."

Zhang Jinshuo gave them a house in Moxiang Washington, near the school. In order to take care of the little girl and Zhou Wan, Tang Feng decided to hire two more nanny with good hands and excellent cooking skills to take care of them there for safety. For this reason, there is still a need for a strong man.

The ordinary work of these people is also very simple, just cleaning the room, so that Zhou Wan and the little girl can go there at any time, or play a tooth sacrifice, or stay for one night.

Another important task is to prepare all kinds of food for Feixue.

The little girl wants to live at school, and a fox as big as Feixue naturally can't live with her.

I usually wander around the school to see the little girl is not a problem, but at night, I still need a place to stay.

This house in Moxiang Huafu was not so much for Tang Feng as it was for Feixue, because from the current situation, it should be the longest living here.

Hearing Tang Feng’s question, Liu’s mother said: “My family has two distant relatives who are cousins. They meet the requirements of the husband. They used to take care of the children for a large family. Now the children go to university abroad. The host did not dismiss them, but they felt that they were idle, a little boring, and wanted to find other things to do. The two sisters are very reliable and have no problems in doing things, and their cooking skills are also first-class."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Very good, you can contact them and ask them if they are willing to come over. Is the salary twice what they were before."

Liu Ma has been here with him for so long, he is quite sure of her character, and the person Liu Ma packed up to introduce must be no problem.

As for the man, Tang Feng intends to let Rong Guocheng send him one.

Everything was in order, Tang Feng repaired the formation in the villa again, and he was relieved that there was no problem at all.

When everyone set off, Mother Lin couldn't help wiping tears as she watched the little girl get in the car.

Shangguan's face was also full of reluctance.

However, the faces of the little girl and Zhou Wan were smiling, full of expectations and yearning for campus life. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1042 properly arranged), and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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