Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1048: Vigilant Dabai

Faced with the apparently nervous expressions of Rong Guocheng and Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng did smile indifferently.

He waved his hand and said nonchalantly: "Perhaps Zhang Jinshuo can do this kind of thing, but Zhang Shengdong is not stupid enough yet. With his shrewdness, can he take the initiative to put the handle into my hands?"

Although Tang Feng did not have much contact with Zhang Shengdong, it can be seen that he belongs to the type of old fox, and no matter what he does, he does not leak.

Even if he really has something to do with Tang Feng in his heart, and he wants to do something, it must be done in secret. After doing it, he will never let people think that he did it. How could it be done? The thing about installing surveillance in this room.

Monitoring this kind of thing, even Rongguocheng can think of, can it be that Tang Summit can't think of it?

This house was given to Tang Feng by Zhang Jinshuo. After being owned by Tang Feng, Tang Feng can do whatever he wants inside. It is really easy to check the whole house inside and out. It's really monitored, and it's easy to find out.

The house Zhang Jinshuo gave to Tang Feng was equipped with a surveillance system, and he could figure out who installed it with his toes.

For Zhang Shengdong, this is not worth the gain.

He asked Zhang Jinshuo to give the house to Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, the intention was to please him, but if the other party found the monitoring facility here, he would really lose his wife and break the army.

So for Zhang Shengdong, he can insert eyeliner in other villas around him, he can also let them observe the villa 24 hours a day, and he can also replace the security property and other personnel around here with his own. Believe it, but it is impossible to do stupid things about installing surveillance in this villa.

After Tang Feng said this, Lin Mengjia also figured this out. She nodded gently, with a relaxed expression on her face, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of her mouth.

Rong Guocheng was still a little worried. He looked out the window and said, "Even if the room is safe, it is difficult to guarantee that there is no eyeliner around, let alone other, but the security facilities nearby are extremely complete. , I see that the cameras in this community are almost without blind spots, and you can see clearly when you enter and exit."

On the way here, not only Tang Feng paid attention to it, but Rong Guocheng also cared very much.

Tang Feng still had a smile on his face. He spread his hands and said indifferently: "What we do is legal. Are you afraid of being seen by others? The entrance and exit of the house are known by others. How can it be?"

When Tang Feng spoke, the expression on his face was extremely calm, with a full smile, as if he really didn't care about this matter at all.

"This--it can't be so much, it's just that all this whereabouts are exposed to the eyes of other people, and my heart is more or less awkward." Rong Guocheng had a slight helpless look on his face.

But obviously Tang Feng didn’t care about it, saying: “In fact, this house is only for two children, and they usually live in school most of the time. They only come back occasionally. Such a complete monitoring facility is very helpful. It is actually good for them."

Rong Guocheng thought about it, but it was indeed the case.

The two children are just two points and one line, and there is nothing to keep secret of their whereabouts.

If someone is really wrong about them, these monitoring and security measures can help.

Judging from the current situation, even if Zhang Shengdong wants to do anything, it is impossible to blatantly proceed under surveillance.

Hearing the conversations of several people, Dabai walked in from outside the door, walked slowly to the window, stood upright, put his two front paws on the window sill, and looked out like a person.

Rong Guocheng, who often saw Dabai like this, was so good to say, but Li Jianming was taken aback.

Although it was a trip to Kunlun, he had some contact with Da Bai, and he also knew that Da Bai was proficient in human nature, but he still couldn't easily accept it when he saw it behaving like a human.

Dabai turned his little black eyes to look outside, twitching his nose, as if sniffing some scent.

Feixue also followed in. It did not go to the window, but just squatted in the doorway, tilted its head and looked at Da Bai, as if there were some smiles on its face.

Seeing this, the little girl jumped off her seat, and she went to the side of Da Bai, and followed it to look outside.

This window sill is a little high. Depending on the little girl's current height, she needs to slightly lift her toes to see outside. She uses one hand to prop up her big white back and looks out on tiptoes.

The weight of this whole body rested on Da Bai, but Da Bai didn't care at all, and seeing that its figure did not waver at all, it was obvious that the weight of the little girl was nothing to her.

But after watching for a long while, the little girl didn't see anything outside.

She couldn't help turning her head back with a look of curiosity, looking at Da Bai with a puzzled face, and then at the adults standing behind her.

Tang Feng stepped forward, stretched out his hand and rubbed gently on the little girl's head, then squatted down, keeping his eyes level with the little girl, watching her with a smile on his face and said: "Dabai is helping you Look at the dangers outside. If someone really doesn't have any good intentions, it will not let them go first."

Rong Guocheng and Li Jianming, who have seen great abilities, have no doubt that Tang Feng's words are true.

However, there is still a slight worry in their hearts. After all, this is an urban area, not comparable to uninhabited deserted places like Kunlun, where one or two people will die. Maybe they will not be killed for decades or hundreds of years. Discovery, especially for people who cannot see the light.

But here is completely different.

In this densely populated place, if Dabai really made such a crazy move in the mountains, I am afraid it will soon arouse the attention of the entire society.

If it is made into a video and posted on the Internet, and then it is dubbed with a shocking title such as "Mad Dog Kills Human Life", then this matter is probably in trouble.

Although Rong Guocheng believed that something really happened, Tang Feng was able to settle it.

But if things get ridiculous, it really won't do any good.

As if seeing Rongguocheng's concern, Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and then continued: "It is natural to do things in vain. You just have to stay in school and don't worry about other things."

Although this was spoken to the little girl, it was also spoken to Rong Guocheng. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1048 Vigilant Dabai) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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