Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1053: The topic is too simple

Upon seeing this, Peng Yu, who was standing at the podium, smiled at the two children, and said in a soft voice: "Two students, are there any questions? If there are any, I can say it, and I can answer it for you. ."

Zhou Wan and the little girl did not answer, but looked down at the test paper in their hands.

Tian Yong coughed slightly, and said, "Is it a bit difficult to do? It doesn't matter, if this is difficult, we can change it and replace it with a grade one lower."

While he was talking, although his face was smiling, it was completely different from Peng Yu's. In his smile, there was a faint sense of watching a show, and there was a feeling of "I knew it would be like this".

Yang Ziyu and Zhao Yuan also agree.

When Zhou Xiaohai saw this, a very worried expression appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but say to Zhou Wan: "Wan'er, if you can't, don't write this test paper, Director Tian's, we change to a lower grade, we Don’t go to junior high school or elementary school, OK?

Zhou Wan raised her head, shook her head towards Zhou Xiaohai, and said: "Dad, I don't know how, it's just that--"

While speaking, Zhou Wan looked in the direction of Tang Feng.

With a smile on his face, Tang Feng slightly nodded towards Zhou Wan, and said, "If you have anything, you don't need to hide it."

Lin Mengjia's face also showed a little eager look.

Zhou Xiaohai was anxious because he didn't know what Zhou Wan was actually doing.

His impression of Zhou Wan remained when she was staying at home, when Zhou Wan's study was really flattering.

After Zhou Wan went to Tang Feng’s home, she could really see the recovery of her body, Zhou Xiaohai knew clearly, but what she learned was in Zhou Wan’s mind, and Zhou Xiaohai naturally didn’t know her. How is it now?

Lin Mengjia's eagerness was not so.

She is well aware of the conditions of these two children, and also understands that their IQs are far surpassed by children of the same age, and she expects these test papers to be difficult for them.

But they are like this. Could something unexpected happen?

With Tang Feng's approval, Zhou Wan just stood up and said, "Teachers, I'm just a little unsure. Is this really our test paper?"

Zhao Yuan smiled "hehe" and said, "Student Zhou Wan, if you think this test paper is not suitable for you, it can be changed, do you think it is too difficult?"

Zhou Wan slowly shook her head, her voice very calm and said: "No, this is too simple, I can't be sure, the content above is what we need to learn now."

"Ah? What?" Zhao Yuan didn't expect Zhou Wan to say this at all, and immediately showed a dazed expression on his face.

As soon as Zhou Wan said this, not only Zhao Yuan, but also the people from several other schools present, plus Zhou Xiaohai, were all stunned.

At the corner of Tang Feng's mouth, a faint smile appeared.

Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be such a situation.

Although she hadn't expected this to happen before, but thinking about it, it made sense.

Then, Lin Mengjia turned her gaze to the little girl again, expecting her condition to be the same.

As Lin Mengjia expected, the little girl also stood up.

The desks and chairs in this school are of uniform specifications. For her age, the desks are slightly taller.

The little girl supported the table with both hands, still with a somewhat immature voice, and said: "Sister Wan'er is right. The topic above is so simple, do you still need to learn?"

The little girl's voice was crisp and beautiful, but at this moment, listening to the ears of the people present, they had no time to care whether her voice was good.

Peng Yu folded his hands and placed it on the table, looking a little unnatural, but still smiling, and said: "Two students, what do you mean by the above topic, do you know how?"

Little girl and Zhou Wan nodded together.

Peng Yu smiled again and said: "It seems that although you have no previous learning experience in school, you have been able to keep up with the courses. If you have learned the previous knowledge based on the textbook, you will be able to understand the topics above. Not surprising, after all, this is what you should master at this stage."

Zhou Wan shook her head and said, "Principal, we don't mean that. It's not that we know the questions above, but that these questions are too simple and so simple. How can they be used for exams?"

The little girl also continued in a childish voice: "If it is such a question, there is no need to use it for the exam."

Peng Yu didn't expect the two children to say this, her face was slightly surprised.

This is the first time she has seen such a student in the education industry for decades.

She has also met many talented students who are more capable of learning than ordinary children, but even for that kind of students, they just start the corresponding questions and are more relaxed than the children of the same grade. There has never been anyone. Said that this question is too simple, and it is so simple that he disdains it.

Seeing Peng Yu's wording still, Tian Yong couldn't help it, with a slight sarcasm on his face, and said to the two children: "Tang Yaoyao and Zhou Wan, two classmates, you said this topic is simple, and you say nothing. Only by doing it out and looking at it can you prove your words."

Although Zhao Yuan and Yang Ziyu did not speak, they both nodded, and they obviously agreed with Tian Yong's words.

In their opinion, these two children are clearly bragging.

Holding the test paper in his hand, he couldn't do it at all, but he didn't admit it. On the contrary, he uttered wild words, saying that the question on the test paper was simple.

On their faces, there was almost a ridicule that could not conceal the bottom of their hearts. It was just because the parents were there, it was hard to tell them directly.

Tang Feng heard the slight provocation in Tian Yong's words.

A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he said to the little girl and Zhou Wan: "You read the answer above."

Tang Feng's words were more surprising than the words of the two children just now.

The test paper on the top is mathematics.

Not to mention the junior high school test paper in Zhou Wan's hand, but only the fourth grade. Even if the elementary school curriculum is slightly simpler, the calculation above requires a formula. Even adults must do a calculation to calculate the result. .

Tang Feng actually asked the two children to read the answer directly.

This is simply a fantasy.

After a brief consternation, Tian Yong and the others recovered calmness on their faces, but the corners of their mouths were filled with smiles that could not be concealed.

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