Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1056: Infatuated

Under everyone's attention, Tang Feng just smiled indifferently.

He looked at Lin Mengjia and was helpless when the little woman threw this question to himself.

However, Lin Mengjia stuck out her tongue at him, showing a very mischievous look, which made him smile.

Tang Feng turned his head to Peng Yu and said indifferently to her: "Principal Peng, the reason these two children have mastered this is that they are talented and have a relatively strong understanding of knowledge. I have not. do what."

Peng Yu could also see his attitude, which made it clear that others didn't want to talk about it.

Being able to be the principal of such a school, Peng Yu naturally also has a very high ability to observe words and colors. Faced with this almost straightforward rejection, it is obvious that she shouldn't ask any more questions.

But Peng Yu is fascinated by education and has spent almost all his life on it. In her opinion, the most noble thing in the world is teaching and educating people.

She thought so, and she did so.

For all advanced education methods, she tried her best to understand and figure out. Now these two child prodigies appeared in front of her, and she knew clearly that this was educated by the man in front of her, Yan Neng Not to figure out the reason?

Therefore, even in the face of Tang Feng’s apparently extremely cold expression, Peng Yu still had a pleading look, and said to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, these two children have performed extremely well in all aspects. They had just entered the door. At the time, the politeness and generosity shown by children of the same age were said to be incomparable, especially Tang Yaoyao. I always thought that children of her age should be in kindergarten. I admit that I just met her At the time, I still had doubts in my mind that she was not suitable for school life, but now, I don’t think so."

Tang Feng looked at Peng Yu calmly, and did not speak.

Seeing him like this, Peng Yu sighed softly, and then said, "The knowledge that Tang Yaoyao or Zhou Wan has now is completely incompatible with their age. It can even be said that they are more Teachers are even stronger. According to my observations, their abilities should be more than that, and there are some things that we don’t know, Mr. Tang, can you tell me how you did this? In what way did you do this? Educated them? How did they make them have such a strong ability to accept?"

After all, Peng Yu can be regarded as a well-known educator, with extremely strong observing ability. Only through this short contact, she can see the difference between Xiaoyao and Wan'er.

In the face of Tang Feng who can make them so outstanding, Peng Yu's tone is also quite respectful, his expression and posture are very low, and he looks like he is asking for advice.

But Tang Feng still didn't care.

The little girl and Zhou Wan have such abilities, naturally because of the learning of Taoism, but for this reason, he obviously cannot tell Peng Yu, even if he tells her, she can't understand it at all, and there is no need to do anything more. Add trouble.

Therefore, Tang Feng still used his usual calm tone and said: "With such a talent, why a unique way of education? It is jasper that naturally gathers the spirit of the world, it is rotten wood, no matter how it is used. , Can't turn decay into magic."

No matter how Peng Yu asks, Tang Feng keeps saying that the two children, Little Girl and Wan'er, are smart, they are born like this. As for him, he has done nothing.

A look of disappointment appeared on Peng Yu's face.

At this moment, even if she knew that Tang Feng was telling lies, she was helpless.

She shook her head slightly, and said: "Mr. Tang, you may not know how important this kind of education method you have mastered is, and what it will mean once it is used in the education industry."

Tang Feng looked at Peng Yu with a smile, and said, "I would like to hear the details."

In fact, he understood what Peng Yu meant.

He also understands that as an educator, Peng Yu hopes to obtain advanced education methods that can be used in teaching, so that there will be many "child prodigies" like Xiaoyao and Wan'er.

As expected by Tang Feng, Peng Yu showed a slightly excited expression on his face, and raised his voice slightly, saying, "I believe you have developed their brains in some way so that they can recognize and accept them. Far larger than ordinary people. Once this method has been scientifically researched and a feasible educational program is developed, more and more children can be given the same openness. Then in the next ten or twenty years , Our entire country will face earth-shaking changes."

Seeing Peng Yu's exciting imagination, even his voice was full of passion, but Tang Feng just smiled faintly.

If it weren't for Peng Yu's identity, he would really like to ask her, what does everything she said has to do with him?

However, in Peng Yu's body, Tang Feng felt that he saw the shadow of another person.

That person is Chang Sun Ying.

The two of them have the same feeling, that is idiot.

Chang Sun Ying is a drug idiot.

Regarding the medical skills of treating illnesses and saving people, Chang Sun Ying wanted to make it clear at all costs. When she was in Ji's house, even if Tang Feng was so indifferent to her, she would chase Tang Feng and keep asking questions. .

And this Peng Yu is obviously the same.

This is another crazy person.

It's just that her obsession is in education.

For such a good teacher who has worked hard, in Tang Feng's heart, there is some respect for her, and it is for this reason that he did not say cold words to her.

But even so, Tang Feng was helpless for her idiot, he couldn't teach her Taoism too.

Even if Tang Feng really knows how to teach, depending on Peng Yu's current age, he must have more than enough energy.

Therefore, Tang Feng could only smile and looked at Peng Yulue with a somewhat sorry expression, and said: "Principal Peng, I understand what you said, if I can help, I also hope I can help you. It’s just that I’ve already said everything I know. They can do this, it’s really just a clever mind. I didn’t do anything.”

Hearing Tang Feng still insisting on saying this, Peng Yu was a little helpless, and slowly shook his head, with a somewhat distressed expression on his face.

When Peng Yu showed a slight heartache, Zhou Xiaohai's face showed a completely different expression.

The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, which is obviously an overwhelming feeling. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1056 Infatuated Person) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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