Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1060: Tang Feng's debt

Not only did the two children feel fresh when they arrived here, but Lin Mengjia was well-informed. The decoration style of Zhou's Hotel, especially the open-air dining, was also rare for her.

But this environment really made Lin Mengjia really like it, and couldn't help but praise it.

After Tang Feng had practiced, he had no special requirements for this desire to speak. He was only interested in eating and drinking, so he was completely uninterested in eating such big fish and meat.

When he is usually at home, the old housekeeper knows his preference, and the food prepared for him is mainly light. Now the table dishes prepared by the Zhou family are just right for Tang Feng’s appetite, which makes him very happy. satisfaction.

So in this banquet, it can be regarded as the host and the host.

Because Tang Feng didn't drink, Zhou Xiaohai prepared excellent tea for him.

When Zhou Xiaohai heard about Tangfeng Hey Tea, he made people go to Jiangnan Tea Village and spent a lot of money to choose a good tea.

However, Zhou Xiaohai felt strange. No matter how expensive he bought, how good the tea, how he brewed, it was not as good as the taste he had in Tang Feng's home. This was even more surprising to him, and he really couldn't guess what was in Tang Feng's home. What a good tea is tea.

Maybe he wanted to break his head and would not think that he could make the best tea in Tang Feng's home. The important thing was not the tea, but the water.

Although the tea at the banquet did not taste as good as at home, Tang Feng was not overly picky. He also knew in his heart that he couldn't drink the good tea at home outside.

Zhou Xiaohai picked up the tea cup with a smile on his face, and said respectfully to Tang Feng: "Mr. Tang, someone from Zhou has always respected and thanked you, but there was no chance to get acquainted with her husband before. Tea instead of wine, thank you Mr. Tang for curing Wan'er's disease and saving her life, and also thanks to Mr. Tang and Mrs. Tang for taking care of Wan'er for many days."

Tang Feng smiled slightly, raised his teacup and gestured to Zhou Xiaohai, and said, "It's easy to say."

Zhou Xiaohai raised his glass to Lin Mengjia again.

Lin Mengjia also picked up the tea cup and smiled at Zhou Xiaohai: "Mr. Zhou is polite, since Tang Feng has accepted Wan'er as an apprentice, then for us, she is just like our daughter. What can we take care of? , This is what we do."

Although Zhou Xiaohai knew that Zhou Wan had already worshipped Tang Feng as her master and had also held a formal apprenticeship ceremony, this master was really like her father, but Lin Mengjia said this out of politeness, but he himself could not take it seriously. Think so.

Zhou Xianghai still smiled and said to Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia: "Mr. Tang, Mrs. Tang, Yaoyao and Wan'er will go to school in Jinyuan in the future. They are close to me, and I will take care of them. If there is anything, you Don't worry about coming over, just call me."

Lin Mengjia nodded, which was good news for her.

Although she intends to move the Mengtang Group to Jinyuan City, the relocation of such a large company cannot be done casually, nor can it be moved in a short period of time.

Even if she opened a branch of Mengtang Group in Jinyuan, it was not convenient for her to stay here for a long time. Lin Mengjia had long thought of arranging a reliable person here who could take care of the little girl and Wan'er wholeheartedly.

Isn't Xiaohai the most suitable candidate this week?

He was looking forward to staying in Jinyuan for a long time, and he was still Wan'er's father. Naturally, no one cared more about Wan'er than him. Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia took care of Wan'er as their own daughter, and he treated her little girl. Naturally it will not be bad.

Listening to the speeches of the adults, the little girl and Wan'er had always been smiling. They looked at each other with undisguised happiness on their faces.

Regarding the matter of going to school, the hearts of the two of them were still full of little excitement.

Seeing the two little girls, Tang Feng felt a little dumbfounded.

When the children from other families heard about going to school, they were full of reluctance, but the two children of their own family were so excited that it really made Tang Feng amused.

Just don’t talk about other people’s children. Even when Tang Feng was in school, even if he was a school bully, he would sometimes feel a little disgusted with going to school. Think about myself at that time, if there were little girls and Wan'er like this Under the circumstances, I might think that it would be extremely happy in school.

Thinking of what happened when he was going to school, Tang Feng's eyes felt sad for an instant, and he thought of someone.

This person is considered to be the most beautiful touch of color in his high school.

This person is naturally An Xin.

An Xin went back to Yanjing that day, but at the station a goodbye, but never saw each other again.

But after An Xin arrived in Yanjing, the two of them had made some phone calls, but they never contacted again.

During this period of time, Tang Feng had a lot of things, but there was no time to be distracted to take care of An Xin, and there was no time to ask about her current situation there.

Recently, because of the frequent involvement of the campus, Tang Feng remembered about An Xin again. For this woman, Tang Feng always felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

Although the two did not have any pledges or promises, An Xin has been waiting for him until now.

Now that he has Lin Mengjia and a little girl, life is naturally happy, but An Xin, because he has always been in his heart, has been unable to give up the emotions of the day and cannot accept new feelings.

Just when Tang Feng thought of this and felt quite uncomfortable in her heart, Lin Mengjia was discussing with Zhou Xiaohai about the school, and did not notice the fleeting sadness on Tang Feng’s face. She was still dancing with brows, and said with joy. Talking.

While speaking, Lin Mengjia glanced at Tang Feng from time to time, and smiled at him. The smile and the expression in his eyes were filled with infinite love and happiness.

Tang Feng also smiled at Lin Mengjia.

Although he thinks of An Xin now, he understands in his heart that at this moment his feelings for An Xin are not like the vague feeling of first love in high school, but just a sense of guilt.

He felt a little sorry for this woman.

If possible, he will do his best to let An Xin get the happiness he deserves.

But this happiness will never be him, nor should he give it to An Xin.

Between the two of them, there is always no possibility.

In the future, Tang Feng will bring Lin Mengjia and the little girl back to the vast star universe and become the king again.

And An Xin was just an ordinary human on this earth, and could no longer enter Tang Feng's world. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1060 Tang Feng’s Debt) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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