Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1062: Deep affection

After the little girl settled down, Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia returned to their bedroom

Lin Mengjia's heart still felt a little bit stunned. When she sat on the bed, her nerves were also a little weak, she couldn't help but sighed slightly, and said, "Although I know this is for Yaoyao's good, but I still feel a little reluctant, after all, she It's too small."

Tang Feng sat next to her, stretched out his hand to embrace her shoulders, and said to her with a smile: "Although Yaoyao looks really young now, in fact, his current psychological age has far surpassed her peers, and even wins. Children who have passed their teens, it seems that they are not young anymore."

"I understand all of these principles, but thinking about how Yaoyao asked me just now if we are going to leave, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

Lin Mengjia shook her head slightly, still looking very depressed.

Tang Feng's hand pressed gently on her shoulder, with comfort, still smiling and saying: "What I just said to Yaoyao is not only for her, but also for you. "

"I know," Lin Mengjia raised her head and smiled at Tang Feng, "but even so, I still feel reluctant. At the beginning, I took Yaoyao by myself. Although I felt very hard, I returned home every day. As soon as I saw her, all the fatigue and exhaustion in my body disappeared. Now I think about it. If she goes to school here, I will not see her at home. It will take many days to see her. I feel that It's empty."

Tang Feng nodded and said, "I know your mood. When I just came back, when I first met Yaoyao, when I realized that she was my daughter, the feeling in my heart was really in words. I can’t describe it. The misunderstanding between you and me during that period of time has not been resolved. The happiest thing every day is seeing Yaoyao’s smiling face."

Speaking of the original things, Tang Feng's eyes became more gentle, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

Lin Mengjia also couldn't help showing a smile. She cast an agitated look at Tang Feng and said, "Since you know it's a misunderstanding, why didn't you say it at the time? It made me speculate and blame you for so long."

Tang Feng shook his head gently, still smiling, but did not answer Lin Mengjia's question.

In fact, Lin Mengjia did not expect Tang Feng to answer.

Because the answer is clear in her heart.

What is the source of this misunderstanding between her and Tang Feng? Is her father.

According to Tang Feng's character, it is natural to think of Lin Mengjia everywhere. How could it be possible to say that her father's is not in front of her?

He would rather bear the grievance himself, would rather wait for Lin Mengjia to discover the truth on his own, and would not want this cruel fact to come out of his mouth, making Lin Mengjia feel sad.

This night, the two of them cuddled together like this and sat on the side of the bed all night.

Later, they did not speak, but in this calm night, listening to each other's heartbeat and feeling each other's breath.

Although they didn't say anything, there was infinite warmth in the hearts of both people.

Their hands were gently clasped together, as if they would never be apart for the rest of their lives.

Until the next morning, Lin Mengjia personally cooked breakfast for the little girl, and then sent her to school.

Tang Feng stayed in the villa, waiting for Rong Guocheng to bring his recommended security guard over.

Not long after Lin Mengjia and the little girl left, Rong Guocheng took a man to the villa.

This man is strong and of medium build. His face is slightly darkened, and he does not look surprisingly ordinary, but his eyes are shining, and he looks like a practising man.

Rong Guocheng introduced to Tang Feng: "Sir, this is the person I told you. He is called He Jun. We usually call him Dajun. He is extremely careful and has good skills. At the beginning, Chuanzi and the others He has played against each other, and he has won several times."

Tang Feng nodded, and said to Na He Jun: "Are you willing to stay here?"

He Jun clasped his fists towards Tang Feng, and said in a loud voice: "Mr. Tang, I do things for the Rong boss. What he asks me to do is what I do. He asks me to protect the two young ladies here. I am naturally very willing. of."

Tang Feng smiled slightly, nodded again, and said, "Usually Yaoyao and Wan'er are in school, but there is nothing to do, but when they come back to live occasionally, you can take care of them. There is one more thing that needs you to come. do."

While speaking, Tang Feng pointed his hand toward the courtyard. In the direction of his finger, Da Bai was lying lazily on the ground basking in the sun.

This is no better than the villa of Dongcheng Haoge. There is green grass in the yard. It can lie on the lawn. The garden here is bare. I don’t want to lie on the ground, but simply lie on the road, looking very comfortable. .

Under the porch, Feixue was lying on her stomach, and she also looked a bit tired, but this posture was much stronger than Da Bai, and it seemed very elegant there.

Tang Feng continued: "In normal times, Dabai and Feixue will live here. You are responsible for their food."

He Jun nodded and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, these bosses have already told me that when I was in the army, I had tamed military dogs, and they are all very experienced."

"It's so good, but you remember, whether it's Dabai or Feixue, you can't treat them as ordinary animals. Whether you usually prepare food for them or get along with them, you treat them as if you treat people. There must be no negligence."

He Jun nodded again.

Before coming, Rong Guocheng had already explained all these things to him, especially the horrible things he said, so he must remember that he should not offend this terrifying guy.

Even if Rong Guocheng didn't remind him, when He Jun saw Dabai and Feixue, he could feel that they were not as simple as ordinary animals.

Their body shapes alone are much larger than ordinary foxes and dogs. Coupled with their behavior and expressions in their eyes, He Jun can perceive their extraordinaryness. Place.

He Jun has been in society for many years and has experienced many things. He has also heard of Tang Feng's reputation.

The folks in Pingyang have long passed on Tang Feng as a god.

Tang Feng is unusual, and the dogs and foxes he raises are of course also unusual.

Even if He Jun hadn't seen how Dabai hurt people, nor had he seen Feixue's ability, in his heart he knew that these two guys must not provoke them casually. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1062 Love) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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