Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1064: set off

In the early morning of the next day, before leaving, Tang Feng handed a drawing to He Jun.

The drawing on the drawing was Tang Feng's requirements for the layout of the garden. He asked He Jun to find someone to repair the garden according to his drawings. He didn't care how much money was spent, but it had to be in full compliance with the requirements.

If Tang Feng wants to plant elixir in this garden, he naturally needs to level the ground and build a flower bed nursery.

If you just plant elixir, there are not so many rules.

It's just that the feng shui where this villa is located is not very good. If you want to gather aura here, you need to lay down a formation. This elixir will become a part of the formation, which is vital.

So what kind of medicine needs to be planted where, what direction it faces, and the shape of the planting position are all said.

To decorate this garden, it is natural to find a talented person who can do things safely. Tang Feng delegated this task to He Jun.

He Jun looked at the blueprint and accepted it with all his mouth, and said: "Sir, there is no need to find someone to do this. I can do it myself. When I was in the army, I did all of these things. It's not a problem at all. ."

Tang Feng smiled and looked at He Jun. In his eyes, there was a glimpse of admiration, nodded, took out a bank card, handed it to He Jun, and said: "There is one hundred thousand yuan in it. What materials need to be bought during the whole process, you must buy the best, if the money is not enough, I will call you again."

He Jun took it in his hand and said respectfully: "Yes, sir, I know, but this is the best, and it may not necessarily be the most expensive. Only if you choose the most suitable place, it is the best. Please rest assured, sir. I will satisfy you."

Tang Feng nodded in satisfaction, then looked at the Dabai looking forward to looking at him, and said with a smile: "These days, you will stay here honestly and stay with Yaoyao and Wan'er. Next time I have a chance to go out, I will definitely take you with me."

In Da Bai's heart, although he was still a bit unwilling, Tang Feng had already said so, and it was naturally not easy to refute. It could only be humming and responding reluctantly, with a look of drooping eyebrows. Tang Feng could feel its reluctance.

Compared to Da Bai's dissatisfaction, Feixue had a pleasant expression on her face.

Now that it recognizes the little girl as the main one, it means to accompany the little girl at all times. It has no thoughts about not being able to follow Tang Feng to Yucheng Mountain. As long as it can be by the little girl's side, it will be satisfied.

Moreover, before being caught by Tang Feng, Feixue had been living a life wandering in the mountains and forests. He was already tired and crooked. Now that this kind of life can stay in peace and stability, it is still secretly thinking about it. Rejoice.

After arranging the things in the villa, Tang Feng took Lin Mengjia into the car. Rong Guocheng and Li Jianming drove a car and followed their car. The other car was left for He Jun to make it easier for him to get out. Just buy something.

According to the agreement between Tang Feng and Ji Ning, Ji Ning drove Shangguan with him and set off from Pingyang, meeting with Tang Feng and the others at the highway intersection, and then heading towards Sichuan Province together.

Shangguan was originally in charge of protecting Kong Qinghua from Pingyang, but when she left Pingyang this time, Rong Guocheng arranged for someone to go over and take over her task.

At the same time, Lin Mengjia contacted Zhang Qingyu again and asked him to help, to ensure Kong Qinghua's safety.

For Lin Mengjia's request, Zhang Qingyu is of course duty-bound.

This is not only because of Lin Mengjia's face, but also because of Kong Liangji.

Even if Lin Mengjia didn't say this, just relying on Zhang Qingyu's relationship with Kong Liangji, it was impossible for the daughter of the Kong family to have any problems on the boundary of Pingyang.

Zhang Qingyu knew Lin Mengjia's concerns.

According to Kong Qinghua's identity, the threat she can encounter is just like other rich children, it may be kidnapping and extortion.

But for this kind of threat, Zhang Qingyu believed that with the current strength of the Mengtang Group, it could be completely dealt with, and there was no need to ask him for help.

Since Lin Mengjia opened this to him, it meant that Kong Qinghua might be facing some difficult problems that Lin Mengjia felt.

As for what this issue is, even Lin Mengjia is very cryptic and didn't say it directly, but Zhang Qingyu, who is used to fighting in the big family, understands that the dispute between the sons of Kong Liangji's three wives is not a secret. .

But now Zhang Qingyu can only think of Wu Qiu and Kong Qingrong, the mother and daughter, who may pose a threat to Kong Qinghua, and will not doubt Kong Qinghua's biological father.

Zhang Qingyu thought this way in his heart, he did not relax, and sent a bodyguard by his side to secretly protect Kong Qinghua.

In this way, whether in the light or in the dark, Kong Qinghua has a guarantee around him, and the people sent by Zhang Qingyu are all martial artists with a very high realm.

Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief when Kong Qinghua's affairs were arranged.

While driving the car, Tang Feng listened to Lin Mengjia's call, his face kept smiling.

He admired the friendship between Lin Mengjia and Kong Qinghua in his heart.

Although Tang Feng didn't like Kong Qinghua, because of Lin Mengjia, after she came back, she was more concerned about some of her affairs, especially the internal grievances she fell into, and she helped.

After seeing Lin Mengjia hung up, Tang Feng smiled and said, "You don't have to be so nervous. During this period of time, Kong Qinghua is relatively safe."

Lin Mengjia turned her head to Tang Feng's direction, with a look of surprise in her eyes, and asked him, "Why do you say that?"

"Kong Qinghua's main threat comes from the Kong family. To be more precise, it comes from Wu Qiu and Kong Qingrong's mother and daughter." Tang Feng said calmly while driving the car.

Lin Mengjia raised her eyebrows lightly and said, "If it were only them, Qinghua himself would be careful, but--"

When she said this, there was an intriguing look on her face.

Tang Feng naturally understood what she was thinking, smiled slightly, and said, "In the short term, Kong Shuchou may not pose any threat to Kong Qinghua. Although the father has no feelings for his daughter, once something happens, it will She was pushed out first, but everything is now stable. When there is nothing to do, Kong Shuchou has no need to take the initiative to harm Kong Qinghua."

When Lin Mengjia heard Tang Feng's words, she frowned slightly, stretched out her brows, and nodded involuntarily. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (starting from Chapter 1064), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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