Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1067: See the old friend again

Just as everyone was laughing, Shangguan still muttered in a low voice, and added a sentence at the end, saying: "It turns out that eating fruits can't lose weight."

Her words made everyone whose laughter had gradually lowered and couldn't help but laugh again.

Don't look at Shangguan who doesn't like to talk, but once the knife is repaired, it is really firm and ruthless.

Being teased so many times by everyone, Xiao Hui looked very shameless. It grabbed his head with its paws, struggling to jump from Tang Feng's hand, fell on the ground, and bounced on the spot again, two small fronts. The claws swiftly gestured, and the mouth kept squeaking, expressing his own protest.

Tang Feng looked speechless and said, "You want face? Let's not make fun of you? Now that you are so fat, you know you want face, why don't you think about it when you eat?"

Just when everyone couldn't help but laugh, and even the beautiful female receptionist who brought them in was uncontrollable, there was a slightly smiling woman at the only table in the banquet hall. sound.

The voice is very young, clear and beautiful, it seems a bit dissatisfied, and a bit playful.

"You guys, it’s a bit too much to bully Xiao Hui as soon as we meet? And so many of us are here waiting for you to eat. After waiting for so long, you don’t even look at it. In your eyes, are we still Can't compare to a little monkey?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked into the banquet hall at the same time.

Upon seeing it, they realized that it was not only Zi Xuan herself who was waiting here, but four people, besides Zi Xuan, there were two other men and one woman.

And these two men and one woman were also familiar faces.

These two men, one of them is grandiose, well-mannered, and looks like a scholar, the other has red lips and white teeth, young and handsome, and a little fresh meat.

The woman is brave and brave, with bright eyes and good eyes. She was originally a pair of Gao Lengyu sister fan, but at this time there was a full smile on her face.

These two men are naturally Xie Huo, an old friend of Rong Guocheng, and the beautiful young man named Xue Rui who is a sideline of the Xue family.

The remaining Miaoman woman is obviously the future heir of the Xue family, Xue Panpan, undoubtedly.

When Tang Feng and others walked in, the four people beside the dining table, including Zi Xuan, had already stood up.

When they saw other people present, their faces were slightly surprised, but they suddenly realized that at the same time, when they got on the elevator, the question in their hearts was already solved.

No wonder Zi Xuan was so generous, preparing a banquet here, waiting for them to arrive, no wonder he would treat guests here, because he had already found a person to pay the bill.

However, Lin Mengjia was slightly disappointed.

She originally thought that the person who was going to pay tonight must be Ji Ning, but she didn't expect that she had guessed wrong.

Lin Mengjia did not expect that Zi Xuan would bring these people.

Although she did not have any contact with Zi Xuan before, Ji Ning called her several times and agreed with her on the time and place to meet. If Zi Xuan mentioned this on the phone, Ji Ning would definitely tell Tang Feng's.

But Ji Ning didn't mention it. Obviously, Zi Xuan didn't tell Ji Ning the matter.

Shangguan also had a slight astonishment on his face, lowered his voice, and said to Ji Ning who was beside him: "Why didn't I hear you mention this?"

Ji Ning shook his head slightly, and replied briefly: "I don't know either."

After saying this, immediately, Ji Ning showed a remorseful expression again, patted his forehead lightly with his hand, and said in a low voice, "I should have thought of it, it was my carelessness."

Seeing him like this, Shangguan was a little puzzled, and did not speak, but looked at him with doubts.

With a bitter smile, Ji Ning still said softly: "Zixuan can't drive by herself, and she doesn't have an ID card. How can she come from Xijing on her own?"

Shangguan immediately remembered that when Zi Xuan came to Xijing from Kunlun to find them, she had chartered a car. When the car arrived in Xijing, she even called and asked Ji Ning to pay the fare.

Now that Zi Xuan arrived in Yucheng smoothly, instead of looking for someone to pay her the fare, she stayed in this hotel, apparently she had found someone to pay her.

If you think about it again, you will be able to guess that Zi Xuan must not have come alone, at least there will be another person around her who will pay for her behavior.

Seeing Tang Feng's gaze swept over, Xie Huo hurriedly stepped forward and walked a few steps. When he reached Tang Feng's approach, he respectfully saluted him: "Xie has seen Mr. Tang but failed to go downstairs. Congratulations on Mr.'s arrival, and hope Mr.'s atonement

It hasn't been seen for a while, Tang Feng can see that at this moment Xie Huo's cultivation base has made a breakthrough, reaching the acquired triple realm.

With such a big breakthrough in such a short period of time, even those martial arts who practiced since childhood may not be able to do it, let alone Xie Huo, a half-way monk like that?

He was able to achieve such a significant effect, obviously because of the formula Tang Feng gave him.

It is precisely because of this that Xie Huo is more respectful and respectful to Tang Feng at this moment.

Tang Feng made a gesture of exemption, and then glanced at Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan stuck out her tongue at him, showing a mischievous smile.

Tang Feng knew clearly in his heart that according to Xie Huo's etiquette, he would be greeted at the door when he learned that he was coming. The reason why he stayed here without going out must be Zi Xuan's idea.

When Ji Ning and Zi Xuan were in contact before, Zi Xuan never mentioned that these three people would come from her together, presumably she also wanted to give everyone an unexpected surprise.

Although this trip to Yucheng Mountain was not a big deal, and it did not require too much manpower, Tang Feng did not even let Rong Guocheng bring too many people. Among the six people who went to Kunlun before, Li Jianming was the only one. Follow, but since Xie Huo and others are here, it is not a bad thing to be able to reach out when necessary.

Tang Feng can also think of it. It must have been Xie Huo and others who heard Zixuan say that he wanted to go to Yucheng Mountain with him. He invited Ying to come. After all, for everyone, they have the opportunity to follow Tang Feng. These things, it is a good opportunity given by God.

Obviously, thanks to the tiger, in order to get this good opportunity, they will definitely not give Zi Xuan less benefit.

This can be seen from Zi Xuan's grinning look and the brilliance in her eyes. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (see the old friend in Chapter 1067), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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