Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1073: Gu Family Patriarch

Zi Xuan's face also showed a look of gossip, and she leaned in the direction of Lin Mengjia slightly, and said with a little excitement: "Very surprised, right? Surprised? Didn't expect it? When I knew this It’s the same with you when it comes to things!"

Lin Mengjia nodded hurriedly, and asked eagerly: "What is going on, you can talk about it quickly."

Tang Feng looked at these two gossiping women a little speechlessly.

Who does Xue Panpan marry? What matters to them!

What I knew was the gossip of the two of them, but what I didn't know was that they were going to get married by themselves!

He really didn't have any interest in the messy marriage relationship within the three families. What he wanted to know at the moment was the three things he had said before.

But seeing Lin Mengjia's gossip about this matter, she was very excited. He couldn't stop Zi Xuan, so he could only listen to them.

Not only Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan were like this, at this moment, even Shangguan's eyes revealed a somewhat curious look.

Looking at Tang Feng, he became more and more speechless.

Was this still the super indifferent Shang Guan who was not interested in anything when he first came back?

"This matter must start with the Gu family. The head of the Gu family is called Gu Qiuying. She is over eighty years old this year. She is a very capable woman. She has been in charge of the entire Gu family for more than 40 years. Many people tried to seize the power of Gu's family, but they were suppressed by her. By now, no one can shake her position."

Zi Xuan's eyes flashed with an inexplicable expression of excitement, and she looked very energetic when she talked about these things.

Lin Mengjia nodded slightly.

As a woman, it is really not easy to be able to do this.

If the power overwhelming between this big family were not for some means and very tough, it would be difficult for men and women to maintain the stability of this right over such a long period of time.

What Shangguan thought of was another question. She asked Zi Xuan, "What realm is Gu Qiuying?"

Zi Xuan picked up the tea cup from the coffee table, took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, and then replied, "The Nine Chong the day after tomorrow."

After hearing her words, Ji Ning and Shangguan couldn't help but uttered "Ah" together.

Kunou the day after tomorrow, that is about to break through the congenital realm.

Among the big sects and ancient families, the martial arts of the 7th layer and the 8th layer are more common.

There seems to be a difference between the eightfold and ninefold, and it seems that there is not much difference, but in fact, the gap during this period is quite large.

Many people have spent their entire lives unable to get from the eighth layer to the nineth layer. Even if they break through, they are still a hundred years old. It was here before the inconspicuous old man of the Ji family met Tang Feng. Waiting for the situation, can not break through.

But this Gu Qiuying, who was able to be more than eighty years old, would become an acquired martial artist, which meant that she was likely to conflict with her innate realm before she was a hundred years old.

Shangguan couldn't help but murmured: "She has been able to firmly control Gu's family for so many years. It seems that she has relied on more than just means."

Ji Ning also nodded.

The means are on the one hand, and more importantly, people really have strength.

"Gu Jia has such a powerful person, I didn't even know it, it is really ignorant." Ji Ning shook his head slightly, his face showing a little melancholy.

As the future Patriarch of the Ji family, he should know everything about other ancient families.

These ancient families now seem to be non-aggressive to each other and still get along with each other in a friendly manner, but this kind of superficially maintained relationship is actually precarious, and maybe they will become enemies at some point.

Not being able to understand the enemy's situation in time is extremely detrimental to one's own side.

However, this cannot be blamed on Ji Ning.

Who made him put most of his energy on martial arts?

After coming to Tang Feng's place, he was relatively good at this level of interpersonal communication. When he was in Ji's house, he could be regarded as deaf to the outside affairs of the window, so he focused on martial arts training. Elder Ji was also broken with such things.

Zi Xuan curled her mouth slightly, and said, "It's just the acquired realm. What's the big deal, you will be able to reach it soon."

With her words, Ji Ning and Shangguan's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and they couldn't help swallowing.

Naturally, they themselves could think that following Tang Feng, their realm would rise rapidly, but they would soon reach the peak of the acquired realm, but they had never thought about it.

Now Zi Xuan spoke in such an understatement. Obviously, in her opinion, this is an extremely simple matter.

Is it simple?

It seems really simple.

Before meeting Tang Feng, how could the two of them think that they could break through the acquired Qizhong so quickly?

At this speed, wanting to reach the nine layers of the day after tomorrow, thinking of breaking through this realm that seems to be ascendant to the sky in the eyes of other Wu Xiu, it seems that it is really not difficult.

Thinking of this, Ji Ning and Shangguan looked at each other subconsciously. Both of them had extremely happy brilliance in their eyes, and smiles appeared at the corners of their mouths.

Seeing the two of them looking at each other like this, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but raised her mouth slightly. Even though she knew that they had nothing to do with personal emotions, they were just happy to be in the same situation, but their smiles at this time were really real. It is reverie.

Lin Mengjia's eyes ignited the gossip fire again, and she winked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng looked helpless, and moved his lips slightly to signal Lin Mengjia not to make jokes about this matter.

Both Ji Ning and Shangguan are not very high in EQ. If they find out that Lin Mengjia secretly paired them with two lesbians, they will get along in the future, I am afraid it will be a little embarrassing.

Lin Mengjia naturally understood and nodded, but she couldn't help but glanced at the two of them, still laughing secretly.

Then, she turned her gaze and looked at Zi Xuan again, wanting her to continue speaking, but she saw Zi Xuan smiling at her.

That smile was filled with tacit gossip.

Obviously, Zi Xuan had already guessed what Lin Mengjia was thinking.

Her eyes also swept towards Ji Ning and Shangguan inadvertently.

However, at this moment, the two of them had already retracted their gazes, and looked at Zi Xuan together, waiting for her to continue.

Lin Mengjia feared that Zi Xuan’s smile would arouse the suspicion of the two, and she quickly coughed and said anxiously: "What about Gu Qiuying? What is the relationship between her and Xue Panpan? Is Xue Panpan going to marry? Is it the young master of the Gu family? Is it her grandson or great-grandson?"Longevity Return: Becoming a Dad The latest chapter address: https: // is back to be a dad full text reading address: https:/ / return to be a dad txt download address: https://www will return to be a dad mobile phone reading: https://m.readwn .com/read/103189/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Reading records for the second time (Chapter 1073 Gu's Patriarch), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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