Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1083: Monkey King Provocation

Ji Ning quickly explained: "Madam, you have misunderstood, it's not the case."

Then, he said in a few words what they had just talked about, and then said: "In fact, the identity of this big family should not become a bondage. On the contrary, it should be because of this identity that they can do more. If things are taken seriously, even one’s own marriage can’t be the masters. It sounds like a joke for the young masters and the children of the family.”

Lin Mengjia heard him say this with a more amusing look in her eyes. She rolled her eyes and asked Ji Ning: "In this way, do you think that in the future, marrying a daughter from a family, but from a sect? There is nothing wrong with the female martial artist in China?"

Ji Ning nodded seriously, and seemed to think that Lin Mengjia’s problem could not be called a problem at all. He said as expected: "As long as I like it, what is the identity of the other party and what is important?"

"But, I'm afraid that Elder Ji doesn't think so?" Lin Mengjia's face showed a smile but a smile, and the expression in his eyes was a little narrow.

However, Ji Ning still looked serious and said: "The Patriarch does not ask about these things. In Ji's marriage, it has never been too forceful."

"But as far as I know, it was because of the family marriage that Chang Sun Ying got married to your Ji family." Lin Mengjia still smiled and didn't mean to let Ji Ning go.

Ji Ning scratched his hair, showing a little embarrassed expression, and said: "I really don't know this marriage, but it seems that there is no compulsory meaning, at least both of them are willing."

Tang Feng couldn't help being a little funny when he saw Lin Mengjia's pressing on Ji Ning every step of the way. He also saw Ji Ning, an honest person, answering her questions in a proper manner, without noticing the trap in her words. In his heart Can not help but feel a little sympathetic to him.

Tang Feng coughed slightly and said to Lin Mengjia, "This is his family affair, and it has nothing to do with us. Do you want to feed the monkeys? I have bananas and apples here."

Lin Mengjia smiled, ignoring Tang Feng, still looking at Ji Ning, obviously not interested in feeding monkeys.

But Xiao Hui immediately showed excitement when he heard that Tang Feng had bananas and apples. It was originally squatting on Tang Feng’s shoulders, and immediately protruding its head, bringing a face to Tang Feng’s eyes, with bright eyes. , Screamed at him.

Tang Feng wanted to talk to Lin Mengjia, but hit a soft nail. Seeing Xiao Hui's inexplicable excitement, he was very helpless. He took out an apple and stuffed it into Xiao Hui's hand.

Xiao Hui immediately held it and ate happily.

The monkeys guarding the roadside saw that Xiao Hui had something to eat in his hands, and they all looked towards him.

There are two bold, seemingly eager to try, wanting to rush to grab the general.

Of course Xiao Hui was unwilling to show weakness, and immediately barked his teeth, and issued a hissing warning to the two monkeys. The two monkeys immediately stepped back two steps and did not dare to act rashly.

Although Xiao Hui is not very big, he is a bit smaller than those big and fat monkeys, but his aura is full, and he is full of deterrence after just yelling twice. .

The perceptive ability of this animal is far stronger than that of human beings. Primates like monkeys are inherently very spiritual.

In the eyes of some people who don’t know Xiao Hui, they think that the little white monkey squatting on Tang Feng’s shoulder is his pet. But in the eyes of these monkeys, you can really see the difference between Xiao Hui and pass it. Its threatening voice clearly knows that the other party cannot be offended by itself.

But these two monkeys feel that they can't afford it, but it doesn't mean that everyone thinks so.

Among the dozens of monkeys, there was one with the largest head. This big monkey was born extremely sturdy, with smooth fur, and was the most daring when begging for something to eat, always standing in front of it.

The other monkeys seemed to be quite jealous of this big monkey. Someone gave them something to eat. It was the big monkey who ate it first. When it was eating or there was something that it didn't like to eat, the other monkeys dared to take it.

It can be seen that this big monkey should be the monkey king among this group of monkeys.

Before, this big monkey was eating a cucumber and looked very relish, but suddenly heard Xiao Hui’s hissing warning, and saw that the monkeys in his group were threatened. The tail of the remaining cucumber slid into his mouth, and then walked in the direction of Tang Feng.

When the big monkey came, wherever it went, the monkeys gave way around. Some looked weaker, with a look of fear on their faces, while some looked The stronger ones, follow behind this big monkey and come with it.

Although it was just a few monkeys, this posture also had a sense of deterrence, which meant that he had walked out of the underworld brother.

Lin Mengjia was still teasing Ji Ning, and did not notice the group of monkeys coming over, and Tang Feng also looked at Lin Mengjia with helpless eyes. Although he felt a monkey coming, he didn't care at all.

The Shangguan, Rong Guocheng, and Li Jianming beside Ji Ning were all listening to Lin Mengjia's speech with interest. Naturally, no one would be distracted by a group of monkeys.

Xie Huo and Xue Panpan were the two who walked the fastest. They had already walked far in front. They were not blocked by the sudden appearance of this group of monkeys. At this moment, the distance between them is getting farther and farther. Xue Rui and Zi Xuan at the back are still choosing those souvenirs with relish.

In just a moment, these monkeys had come close, and the only thing that noticed that they were full of hostility was the little gray of the same kind on Tang Feng's shoulders.

Both of them are monkeys, and they know each other's language quite well. Xiao Hui heard the low voice from the big monkey's mouth, full of threats, and behind it, the other monkeys were also squeaking, voices. Not too high, it's like a fight is about to happen, and people who watch the excitement are whispering.

Xiao Hui, who was lazily holding the apple and eating it, has slowly straightened his waist. It gnawed away the apple, still holding the core of the apple in its paws, and its small black eyes were already staring at the big monkey. .

However, Xiao Hui didn't have the slightest fear in his eyes, and he was not even overly vigilant.

In its eyes, there was nothing special about it, and there was a bit of disdain, and there was a faint smile at the corner of its mouth. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1083 Monkey King Provocation) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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