Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1089: Xianzhiquan

The waitress also laughed, and she could see that although she was so dear about the Yucheng Mountain, she vowed to say that there were immortals in the mountain, but it was just to attract guests, in her heart. In fact, I did not believe it.

Otherwise, for Lin Mengjia's apparently disrespectful rhetoric, she shouldn't have such a reaction.

After smiling, the waitress shook her head and said: "The people present at the time also thought so, but the fact is that it is not. When the black cloud is pressing, the wind is also violent, and in the middle of the sky, a faintly appears. The tall black-faced man pointed to the Beijing official and reprimanded, saying that it was because the emperor was innocent, and God sent punishment. It would take three consecutive years of severe drought. This is just the beginning. This is the punishment of the emperor. He It is just a small official who is not qualified to deal with such matters at all. This time he is yelling at the heavens, which is really disrespectful."

Hearing this, Zi Xuan laughed out loud and said: "This is really a face-saving god, and it is delicious and delicious, and he can’t wait to be scolded if he doesn’t say a word. He stood up and argued. I knew it was so, and at the beginning, I thought I was looking for him to settle the accounts."

Zi Xuan's words caused another burst of laughter.

Although Rong Guocheng was smiling, his eyes swept towards Tang Feng to see how he reacted.

After all, he can be regarded as a well-informed person. Before seeing Tang Feng, he knew about Qi refiners and other things, and even knew the destiny. He originally thought that Zi Xuan, as a monk, should be to the heavens. Quite jealous, but listening to her talking and laughing, and seeing Tang Feng also smiling, it was relieved.

Amidst the laughter of everyone, two more dishes were brought up.

The waitress helped to serve the dishes and let everyone taste it while it was hot.

Lin Mengjia smiled at the waitress and said, "This girl, you bothered to explain to us. It was very hard. It's better to sit down and have a chat with us."

The hostess hurriedly waved her hand and said, "This is what I do. You only need to like the food in our restaurant. After you go back, you can do more publicity."

Zi Xuan had already taken the chopsticks, tasted the dishes, and praised: "I didn't expect such a small restaurant to make such delicious dishes."

When everyone heard the words, they all tasted them one after another, and then they all praised a few words.

It's not that they deliberately praised it in front of the waitress, but the taste of the dish is really good.

When Rong Guocheng ordered the dishes, he expected that everyone was not hungry, and that he would not be able to eat big fish and meat, so he ordered light dishes.

Often the simpler the dishes, the more difficult it is to make delicious. In the Sichuan province, the taste is quite heavy, and he likes spicy food. Rong Guocheng originally thought that the signature dishes here must be extremely spicy.

But when I eat it in my mouth, I realize that these dishes are fresh and delicious without using too much seasoning. It keeps the freshness of the dishes themselves. It is very good to eat in the mouth.

The waitress was happily heard from everyone, saying: "All we use are vegetables grown by farmers in the mountains. This local dish is cheap and delicious. The mystery of this is that the water in the mountains is naturally good."

Lin Mengjia put down her chopsticks when she heard the words, and said to her, "You mean, what happened to this later?"

The hostess smiled and said: "Later, it was this official who pleaded bitterly, saying that God had sent punishments to the emperor, but what could he do with the people? The people are innocent, and God has good virtuousness, so it shouldn’t be so. He is also willing to donate all his family wealth to the sacrifice, and he can escape into the empty gate and recite the heavenly virtues every day, just to find a way to survive for this people."

Lin Mengjia nodded and said, "This is an excellent official. I think the black-faced god, I feel relieved when I hear this?"

"The **** said, this punishment was set by the heavens, how could it be changed casually? The emperors in this world are all ridiculous, and the heavens can't turn back, but he is thinking about this official. He cares about the people, he has a way to choose."

The waitress was talking, she paused, and looked around the crowd. Seeing that they were all listening attentively, she smiled again and said: "The black-faced goddess said this, pointing her finger to a peak of Yucheng Mountain. , Following the direction of his finger, a thunder and lightning struck down, hitting the mountain top, and then he disappeared. With a strong wind, the dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and nothing seemed to have appeared."

"Is it over?" Zi Xuan blinked her eyes and looked puzzled. "The **** has exploded a mountain and is gone? Is it over?"

The waitress smiled and said with a smile: "Naturally not. The officials took the people to the top of the mountain struck by thunder and lightning, and found a spring appeared there, gurgling out the clear spring."

While speaking, she pointed to the teapot on the table again with her finger, and then said: "In this mountain spring, the water is constantly flowing. No matter what the drought, it will not dry up. The people on this side have led the mountain spring underwater. It was used to irrigate the land and survived the three-year drought. The spring water was called the fairy finger because it was pointed by the god. In some classics, it is heard by this name. It seemed somewhat ambiguous, and it was recorded as the fairy finger spring, but we locals still used to call it the fairy finger. Now the water used to make tea is the spring water the fairy finger refers to."

Hearing Xianzhiquan, Xue Panpan nodded slightly and said, "I seem to have heard this name."

In this folklore, most of them are fabricated. Although the waitress said something really true, everyone could not completely believe it, and could only listen to it as a story.

It's just that in the spring water that the fairy refers to, there is indeed aura, which makes Lin Mengjia a little suspicious, and she subconsciously looks at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng didn't eat any vegetables, but he was playing with a teacup in his hand, and said with a smile: "What you said is only on this Yucheng Mountain. There are such legends. Even if it is true, it is a thing of the past. Now in this mountain, but There is no fairyland at all. This spring water tastes good, but if you drink it, you can't become an immortal."

The waitress was holding the teapot and pouring tea to Zi Xuan. After hearing what Tang Feng said, after the pouring, she took the teapot and walked to his side. She poured tea into the empty cup for him. There was a hint of mystery on his face, and he said, "Mister doesn't know something, but even now, there are gods in this mountain!"

In order to create this kind of atmosphere, her voice was deliberately lowered a bit, but everyone present could hear it clearly. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1089 Xianzhiquan), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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