Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1095: Premeditated monkey

Seeing everyone like this, Tang Feng's lips showed a slightly helpless smile.

He looked at the time, more than half an hour had passed, and he pointed to the table and said, "Didn't you hear the receptionist? Wait a minute, this place is going to be taken back, so hurry up and eat."

Lin Mengjia stretched out her hand, pressed his hand down, looked at it with a smile, and said: "It's not anxious to eat, but I want to know that you and her talked about so many things. What is the purpose."

Everyone nodded.

When they entered this restaurant, they weren't hungry at all. Even if the dishes cooked in this restaurant were delicious, they tasted extremely delicious, but with a few chopsticks in each person, they gave up, but they drank a lot of tea.

At this time, their interest in wishing Tang Feng to solve the puzzle was much higher than this meal.

Seeing that all these people were looking at him eagerly, Tang Feng couldn't help but smiled: "Okay, you guys talk about it, you want to know what."

Before he finished his words, Zi Xuan was already eager to try and wanted to speak first.

Upon seeing this, Tang Feng immediately added a sentence, saying: "As for the things about the Japanese Kingdom, there is no need to say more. If anyone wants to go, wait until they go back, get a passport, and go if they want to."

When Ji Ning heard the words, his lips moved lightly, and he muttered: "I don't have an ID card, can I get a passport?"

Xue Rui looked at Ji Ning and Zi Xuan again. He opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say that by virtue of the Xue family’s skills, he could help Zi Xuan get a legal identity, and maybe even volunteered to take Zi Xuan with him. Wo country.

But when he thought of Zi Xuan's aggressive posture that he wanted to wipe out this country before, he felt that he had to forget it.

In case he took this female ancestor to the country of Wa, what she really did, fearing that the consequences would be extremely serious.

Zi Xuan rolled her eyes at Ji Ning, with a little dissatisfaction, and said to Tang Feng: "What I want to ask is, is there a place of practice in this mountain?"

Tang Feng nodded without answering. He just looked at Rong Guocheng and asked him to tell Zi Xuan about the situation of the sect in the Yucheng Mountain.

Rong Guocheng said hurriedly: "Miss Zixuan, in the back hills of Yucheng Mountain, there is the Yucheng Sect, which is quite a big sect."

Shangguan nodded silently.

As a disciple of the Dazong Sect, she naturally knew a little bit about this.

Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows lightly, her eyes still filled with some doubts, and said, "This Jade City Sect, but Wu Xiu Sect?"

Rong Guocheng nodded again, and was about to say what he knew to Zi Xuan again, but Zi Xuan waved his hand to stop him, and said, "I'm not talking about Wu Xiu."

Rong Guocheng looked a little embarrassed, he hesitated for a moment, Fang said: "Among the Jade City Sect, there are quite a few skilled masters. Several of them have already broken through the innate realm. From the eyes of ordinary people, it is probably no different from immortals, and it is not surprising that ordinary mountain folks would regard high-level martial arts as immortals."

"Although it is said, I feel that the identities of those people should not be so simple." Zi Xuan shook her head thoughtfully, and then said to Tang Feng: "That took away the mirrorless mirror. The little monkey is the same as Xiao Hui?"

Tang Feng shook his head, and said, "Although this little beast is not of ordinary grade, it is still far behind Xiao Hui."

Xiao Hui is a spirit beast, a real spirit beast, although when Tang Feng was the star of Ziwei and the fairy palace was full of exotic beasts, Xiao Hui's appearance, he simply didn't like it. But above this earth, it is already considered extremely rare.

Xiao Hui is not top grade, but the identity of this spirit beast is not comparable to other animals. Even Feixue, before meeting Tang Feng, is nothing but a monster beast. There is still a gap between Xiao Hui and Xiao Hui. One level.

The resources for cultivation on the earth are extremely scarce. Xiao Hui can achieve this level. It can be regarded as the right time and place, and take advantage of the cheap. Ordinary animals, even if they want to practice, I am afraid that they will not have such good luck. It is completely impossible to compare with Xiao Hui.

Zi Xuan heard the meaning of Tang Feng's words and was slightly surprised, and said, "So, that little monkey is also a spirit beast?"

"It's just being psychic." Tang Feng didn't care.

If that little monkey was really extremely powerful, it would have attracted his attention long ago.

Zi Xuan's expression was not as relaxed as Tang Feng, but frowned slightly.

The spirit beast, even if it is just a psychic, with the lowest level, it is not difficult to deal with the martial arts of the seventh layer after the day after tomorrow. It is no wonder that it can be so easily in the hands of Ji Ning without a mirror. Taken away.

"However," Tang Feng said again with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "the monkeys in this mountain are indeed very clever."

He was not referring to the little white-headed monkey, but the other monkeys blocking the way.

Ji Ning thought about the appearance of the monkeys, nodded, and said: "Yes, they stood on the side of the road begging for food at first, which made the crowd crowded. Later, they targeted Xiao Hui and looked like ordinary. Fighting between animals, but now thinking about it, everything seems to be premeditated."

Hearing what Ji Ning said, Lin Mengjia also recalled what happened at the time.

At that time, she cared and joked with Tang Feng and didn't care too much about the surrounding situation. Even if she was thinking about it, she couldn't think of the details, so she could only cast a look at Tang Feng for help.

Tang Feng just smiled at her, did not answer, but signaled her to continue listening, Lin Mengjia had to look at Ji Ning again.

Shangguan didn't expect that Ji Ning could still pay attention to the surrounding environment when he said this gossip to them, and she wanted to follow his words, it was indeed the case.

Zi Xuan was lagging behind at the time, and naturally she didn't know anything about what happened. She hurriedly said to Ji Ning, "What else happened at that time?"

Xie Huo and Xue Panpan were also not clear about the situation because they were in front of them. When they heard Zi Xuan's help, they didn't open their mouths, but looked at Ji Ning together, waiting for his answer.

Ji Ning groaned slightly, and said: "The situation at the time seemed to be normal. It seemed that the monkeys were the leader. Seeing Xiaohui threatening the monkeys in the monkey group, he came to Xiaohui for revenge. Animals are extremely clever. His actions seem extremely common, but after thinking about it, this group of monkeys are so clever. Wouldn't it be possible to see how powerful Xiao Hui is? Don’t you understand that he’s not an opponent?" The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (the premeditated monkey in Chapter 1095). Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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