Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1105: Transmission law

Xue Rui fell into a bigger mystery about Tang Feng's identity and experience.

He originally thought this man was very mysterious, but now he is even more confusing.

Xue Rui's thoughts did not want to be shown by him. It seemed that he was a dude who knew how to linger in the rouge powder, but was quite meticulous.

This can be seen from the fact that Xue Panpan was controlled by others and he chose to let him confide in the news.

At that time, Xue Panpan was almost dead, so naturally he was looking for the safest person. With Xue Panpan's ability to see people, he definitely felt that Xue Rui was extremely reliable.

Xue Rui also took pains to understand Tang Feng's situation, but in the end he was confused. Hearing these words, he feels even more in the cloud.

However, even if Xue Rui thought about this in his heart, he didn't really show it, but there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Compared with what he thought, Zi Xuan showed more clearly.

She widened her eyes unconcealedly, slightly opened her mouth, looking at Tang Feng, the corners of her lips twitched gently.

It was not Tang Feng's experience that shocked her so much, but about Kunlun.

Kunlun? There is still a teleportation circle? And can it be used now?

Zi Xuan felt that she couldn't turn her mind.

You know, she grew up in Kunlun since she was a child, and she knows Kunlun well, especially in North Kunlun. Near the Zongmen, you can find the way with your eyes closed. There are a few stones and trees on the mountain that can be counted. , How come you have never seen it before, and there is such a huge magic circle?

Although Lin Mengjia was also shocked, she was obviously not as serious as Zi Xuan.

In the final analysis, she didn't have such empathy, and neither did she have a complete concept of Kunlun or the law formation.

Just listening to Tang Feng's words, she felt that this thing was extremely powerful, but she couldn't understand how powerful it was.

Tang Feng looked at the three stunned faces in front of him and smiled lightly.

Xiao Hui has been squatting on Tang Feng’s shoulders, satiated and dozing off. He was already in a daze. Suddenly, he felt that the voice of the surrounding speech was not right. It was an agitated spirit. He opened his eyes again and saw When several people stared at Tang Feng, they didn't know what happened. They thought they were looking at them, so they wiped their faces with their little paws and squeaked twice.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand and stroked Xiao Hui's back twice as a sign of comfort, but also to tell him that this matter had nothing to do with him.

Xiao Hui yawned and hung it leisurely on Tang Feng's shoulders, followed by the spring and autumn dream just now.

Then, Tang Feng smiled and looked at Zi Xuan again, and said, "Why, I didn't expect it?"

Zi Xuan shook her head and murmured: "How could this be? How was this magic circle triggered? Where would the person be transported?"

"I don't know how to trigger it. Back then, I was teleported away unintentionally. As for where it would be teleported to, it's even more uncertain."

Tang Feng touched Xiao Hui twice again, with a faint smile on his face.

Lin Mengjia looked suspicious, and asked Tang Feng: "You have already been teleported once, how can you know where to teleport?"

Tang Feng smiled and said: "Such a large magic circle is not directional transmission like at home, but can point to different places. According to the trigger method, the method is different, and the conditions met are different. Teleport, otherwise, think about it, if you can only teleport to one place with such a great effort, wouldn't it be too low cost performance?"

Lin Mengjia nodded her head seemingly.

Tang Feng added: "Compared with this class of magic arrays, the ones at home can only be regarded as children's toys."

Lin Mengjia had never come into contact with things like spells and magic circles before Tang Feng returned.

Even if she is interested in the kind of weird things that are beyond human power, after all, as an ordinary person, there is no chance to encounter it.

After seeing Tang Feng’s methods, Lin Mengjia was eye-opening and shocked. Now Tang Feng said that these magic circles can only be counted as children’s toys, and she was shocked. Thinking about how powerful this magic circle is.

The expression on Zi Xuan's face changed, from shock to horror. There was a bit of predicament in her eyes, her lips trembled, and she spit out a few words: "The law of transmission?"

Tang Feng nodded, showing a smile that was not a smile, and said: "Yes, this large teleportation array has teleportation laws. You actually understand this. It really impresses me."

What he said was not a joke, nor was he playing with Zi Xuan, but he was really surprised that Zi Xuan knew about this.

Zi Xuan frowned, her eyes were still a bit hesitating, her voice was not high, as if hesitated, and said: "Master mentioned this transmission law to me at the time, but at that time, he didn't know any transmission method. It’s impossible to teach me. I heard him say that I just thought it was useless and didn’t take it to heart. Now that I think about it, he said this at the time. Is it because he knew that Kunlun has this large teleportation? The existence of the circle?"

Listening to Zi Xuan's words, Tang Feng's eyebrows lightly raised.

He really became more and more interested in Master Zi Xuan.

When I first saw Zi Xuan, I felt that she was just a half-hearted person. Whether it was spells or sect skills, they were all unsatisfactory, and even this mind seemed to lack roots.

At that time, Tang Feng felt that if he could bring out such apprentices, it would not be great to be a master.

But what is expected, in Zi Xuan’s mouth, she was surprised to learn that her master could still deduct the fate, which surprised Tang Feng, but Zi Xuan didn’t know much about her master, even his realm was not clear. , And after inquiring, it seemed that her master didn't have any great abilities, and it made Tang Feng feel again whether this so-called knowing the destiny was a nonsense.

But now, Zi Xuan actually said things like the transmission law again.

This is not like an ordinary practitioner can know.

Although the teleportation array is not a large-scale spell, some monks in the refining realm can use it, but the requirements for the use of aura and formation are quite high.

In places like the earth, even monks are rare animals. Tang Feng has no hope, and there are still people who can know about the law of transmission.

But Zi Xuan's master always accidentally gave him some surprises. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorite\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1105 Transmission Rules) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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