Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1111: The way to the mountain

"Then what do you do when you see this corpse?" Xue Rui showed some curiosity.

He thought that such a matter of life and death would be taken seriously by the mountain people, but Zhao Xiaoshan's answer was far beyond his expectation.

I saw Zhao Xiaoshan shook his head and said, "What else is going on? Just treat it as if you haven’t seen it. If it’s not the kind of official announcement, asking everyone to check it, we will ignore the rest, otherwise we will follow up. , There is a lot of trouble."

Although what Zhao Xiaoshan said seemed to be somewhat inconsistent with these people's ideas, it was still passable in terms of reason.

Those who disappeared in the mountains, except for some tourists who went in for exploration out of curiosity, many have hidden secrets. Behind them, there are hidden things, most of which are in violation of the law.

These are either missing or dead in the mountains. It's not that no one outside knows, but they know, and they dare not say anything. They can only let these people disappear in the mountains, live and see no one or a dead body.

If the mountain people see these corpses, once a report is reported, it means that many things will be involved and the investigation must be cooperated. Invisibly, it will add a lot of trouble to them. For these mountain people who are almost isolated from the world In other words, it has always been adhering to the notion that more is worse than less.

Moreover, although it is said that due to the development of tourism in recent years, many mountain people rely on guides to sell mountain products, and gradually close communication with the outside world, but they will catch up with the outside world for another ten years. In this closed environment, Most people have no culture, let alone know the law. The creed they have always adhered to is to live a duty and not to cause trouble.

Compared with Xue Rui's expression of surprise, other people quite understand this.

Although Xue Rui is not young, he is not too old, and he has always lived in a very privileged environment. He doesn’t know much about the sufferings of the people. Although he is smart enough, he has no lack of scheming, but he has never experienced The things that have passed are still slightly weaker.

This is almost the same as the little girl and Zhou Wan. They have a strong mind but lack social practice. This is why Lin Mengjia asked them to go to school and get in touch with outsiders.

Tang Feng and others have experienced so many things that they can understand Shan Min's thoughts.

Even Zi Xuan seems to have more knowledge in this respect than Xue Rui.

Zi Xuan groaned: "In this way, there are many things in this Yucheng Mountain, and the undercurrent is surging."

Zhao Xiaoshan turned to look at Zi Xuan again, with a tangled expression on his face, and said, "Beauty, but just a few dead people. It's not a big deal, and it's not as serious as you think. In the early years, there were some murderers. , I was wanted, so I drilled into this mountain. The police could not catch it for a while. The police force was limited in those years. This mountain is so big that it is connected to a whole mountain range, and many of them are virgin forests. It’s impossible to search the mountains and arrest people. After a long time, most of this person died in it, so the bosses don’t need to sympathize. Many people are more than guilty."

"Then when we enter the mountain, will we also meet the fugitive?" Xue Rui hurriedly asked Zhao Xiaoshan.

Zhao Xiaoshan only said that he was this respected young master. He was worried about the danger of encountering the most evil people. He comforted: "It was all ten years ago. Nowadays, criminal investigation methods are getting better and better, and online investigations are also very particular. Time-sensitive, often fugitives have not been here, they have been arrested, there is very little chance to run into the mountains, in addition, after everyone enters the mountain, as long as you follow me closely and do what I say, absolutely not There will be problems!"

Listening to Zhao Xiaoshan repeatedly stressing that he must obey his instructions, Tang Feng just smiled and did not speak.

When I want to come to Zhao Xiaoshan, I don't know what kind of man behind him is.

Even if it was a national-level leader from Yanjing, when he saw him, he was very face-saving, and he didn't dare to say, let him act according to the order.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, Brother Zhao, we will listen to you."

Xue Rui nodded his head like a little chicken pecking at rice, busy responding, still doing his inexperienced and curious little master.

Among these people present, Xue Rui seemed to be the most obedient.

Seeing him like this, he is obviously already familiar with the road. In normal times, he probably does not pretend to be this way, so that others can relax their vigilance and will not take him seriously.

As everyone knows, this handsome young master who always shows harmless smiles of humans and animals is actually quite a terrifying existence, even if this man stabbed in the back, someone would not believe it if he saw it in person.

Zi Xuan looked funny.

If it was normal, she would definitely want to make a joke, but after hearing Tang Feng talk about such horrible things, her mood was not completely calm, although she was smiling, she didn't have the thought of joking anymore.

Zhao Xiaoshan pointed his hand to the front, and said, "Everyone follow me and come here."

Everyone looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw a fork in the road on the side of the steps that continued all the way up.

The stone steps of this mountain road, it can be seen that they have been repaired in recent years, they are very complete and smooth. People often walk by, and the staff in the scenic area will clean them. They are very clean. But the fork road is just right at first sight. Few people go.

On both sides of the road, there were some weeds and stone steps, but they were all broken and covered with some sand.

At a distance of more than 20 meters from the stone steps, you can still see that someone has cleaned it up. It is still neat, and the weeds are not high. If you move forward, it will look messy. Looking at it, it is farther. At one point, the road was blocked by grass. The grass was more than 20 centimeters high, and you had to walk through it.

At the end of the road, there is a dilapidated building about fifty meters away. Although the exterior walls and tiles are a bit broken, you can see the appearance of a small temple at that time.

It has been around for a long time, and it has not been repaired and has been abandoned.

Is this the way to go into the mountains?

They originally thought that this mountain road would be quite hidden, but they didn't expect it to be so direct and put them in front of them.

Don't say it is accompanied by a guide, even ordinary people can see that this is the road when they reach this place! As long as someone tells them in advance, they can walk over, and do they need to be taken by the locals?

Since the official has set up a forbidden fence at the intersection that leads to the mountain, why is it still dropped here? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1111 Road to the Mountain) reading record, and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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