Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1115: Zi Xuan is angry

There was also a faint surprise in Shangguan's eyes, and his voice trembled slightly when he spoke.

She is a martial artist, not a gas refiner.

As a martial artist, he can reach the highest point, but he delays his life and physical stamina, making himself far beyond ordinary people, but there is no possibility of such cultivation as an immortal.

So when she said this, she looked a little unsure.

She felt that everything she knew about Xiu Xian in her entire life was not what Tang Feng and Zi Xuan said today, which shocked her.

Lin Mengjia suddenly realized that she looked at Tang Feng and said, "Really?"

I heard a lot of ancient myths, and the matter of becoming immortal was also read in books, but it was the first time she heard of such explanations.

As for those places that would make people disappear inexplicably, because she likes to understand these things, she also knows a lot.

She has seen in some materials a long time ago that there are many mysterious areas on the earth, some on the land, some in the ocean, which can make people passing by nearby, even airplanes and ships, Mysteriously disappeared.

Afterwards, both the private and the government have conducted searches, and these disappeared people are as if the world has evaporated, and there is no trace.

If those people took transportation, sometimes they even disappeared with the airplane and ship, and some years later, these transportation tools were found, but none of the people on it were seen.

When Lin Mengjia was in college, she was most interested in these things. She also told Tang Feng that if she had a chance, she would go there and see what happened.

Tang Feng once asked her jokingly, would he not be afraid that he would go and disappear too.

At that time, Lin Mengjia's answer was that even if she was missing, it was better to understand the truth than to be eternally muddled.

At that time, Lin Mengjia never thought that this matter was actually related to this teleportation formation, and even more unexpectedly, would get the answer today.

Tang Feng obviously thought of things in college too. He smiled at Lin Mengjia, and was about to speak, but Zi Xuan spoke first: "And I suspect that this transmission is one-way, after sending these people to those places. , It is impossible to come back again. Therefore, whether it is the immortal people in history, the immortal cultivators of Yucheng Mountain or Kunlun Mountain, after leaving, they never reappeared. This is also the sect of today The reason for the fading."

Tang Feng was noncommittal, and said lightly: "But the most critical question is when these transmission rules were lost."

Zi Xuan frowned with a sad expression on her face.

If all their speculations are true, then it means that at least in her sect, the ancestors should know how this magic circle was activated.

But when it comes to her generation, or in other words, in her master, even going back up, it has been lost, and she has no idea what this transmission law is.

"Anyway, my master never taught me," Zi Xuan curled her lips. "It's not just our sect, but other sects are about the same. There are other sects in Kunlun. If anyone knew how to ascend to an immortal, why bother? Should I leave the sect because of refuge?"

Having said that, Zi Xuan thought about it, and then said, "In fact, it's a good thing to leave the sect."

Tang Feng glanced at Zi Xuan expressionlessly, and said, "You haven't seen other people leave with your own eyes. Maybe, after you have gone, they activated the magic circle and left here to ascend. "

As soon as he uttered these words, Zi Xuan immediately stopped getting angry, staring at Tang Feng, trying to refute, but for a while, she didn't know what words to use.

She said that she left the sect. The master was in the same place with other sects, and she said it. The master and others asked her to leave first, and she said it.

Moreover, this time when she returned to Shimen, she didn't see Master and others. What Tang Feng said was not impossible.

Although Zi Xuan was following Tang Feng, savouring spicy food, and shopping and scanning goods, it was a very pleasant time, but when she thought that Master took other people and did not bring herself, she still felt a little depressed.

The partial student Tang Feng added another sentence, saying: "The reason must be that you are not good at learning. He thinks that if you take you to the top of the world, you will be ashamed of many masters. If you don’t have the ability to protect it, it's better to let you stay on this earth. With your current ability, it's quite good to be able to mix."

Tang Feng's words really made Zi Xuan so angry that Qiqiao made smoke.

She blew her beard and stared, and said fiercely towards Tang Feng: "Nonsense, my ability is very good, but it's just not as good as you. In the sect, it is also one of the best."

There are only two people in the sect, which are one of the best, are they proud?

Tang Feng looked speechless.

Xue Rui was looking around, looking at the forest, everything felt a little fresh. Hearing Zi Xuan’s voice had already made him angry, he hurriedly came over, looked at it cautiously, wanted to comfort him, but didn’t know why she was because of it. What is it, it's not easy to speak for a while.

Lin Mengjia saw Zi Xuan like this, she couldn't help being a little funny, she stretched out her hand and stabbed Tang Feng on the waist, saying: "This is nothing but your own thoughts, and there is no evidence. You have time to run Zi Xuan here. It’s better to think about what is going on."

"That's it!" Zi Xuan still gritted her teeth, gave Tang Feng a white look, then turned to Lin Mengjia, with a smile on her face, and said to her again: "The madam knows the importance of this matter, unlike some people. , I haven’t figured out the important points yet, just thinking about the sidelines."

Seeing Zi Xuan's almost flattering look at Lin Mengjia, Tang Feng hummed softly from his nose, and said, "What I'm talking about, why doesn't it matter? It's related to whether anyone knows about this teleportation today. A matter of law."

When Zi Xuan looked at Tang Feng again, she turned into an angry expression again, saying: "I have already said that Master once told me that he didn't understand this, otherwise he would teach me. ."

Tang Feng thinks about it, it's the same thing.

After all, this Zi Xuan is the only descendant of this sect. Even if her master realized that she may not be a plastic talent, it is a matter of recent years. It is not that she has been concealed from her from the beginning. .

Xue Rui had already heard the matter seven to eight points, but at this time, he couldn't say anything. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1115 Zi Xuan is angry) and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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