Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1117: affirmative answer

As soon as Xue Rui asked the question, the expression on everyone's face seemed very rich.

Some felt shocked, some felt ridiculous, and some felt completely impossible.

Changing the transmission of time, isn't that the legendary crossing?

Now these talents have just accepted this concept that can change space transmission, and in a blink of an eye, they put forward another idea that can change time. Most of them still feel unacceptable.

Lin Mengjia subconsciously looked at Tang Feng.

She knew Tang Feng's past.

Tang Feng had also told her before, but he did not expect that he would meet her after returning.

He thought that for thousands of years of vicissitudes of life, things have long been on the earth, and people are not. I don't know what it is. It is the luckiest thing in his life to meet her and the little girl.

At that time, Lin Mengjia was very emotional and didn't think much.

Now that Xue Rui raised this question, she naturally moved her heart and was very surprised.

Tang Feng chuckled lightly.

Although Xue Rui didn't know anything about his return, but his words, he asked the point.

He looked at Xue Rui's gaze, and there was already a little more praise.

This young man's brain is really very clever.

Tang Feng nodded slowly, looked at Xue Rui who was also looking at him eagerly, and said, "Yes."

It's just these two faint words that caused an uproar among the people present.

This can be regarded as Tang Feng's affirmative answer directly.

It's just that this answer was really beyond everyone's expectations, and no one expected that Tang Feng would actually say this.

Everyone couldn't help screaming, and the expressions on their faces became even more weird. Looking at each other, they were completely unbelievable.

Zhao Xiaoshan, who was walking in the forefront, heard the exclamation of the crowd, turned his head quickly, and said loudly, "What's the matter?"

Xue Panpan pointed to the top of his head, and said: "Just now it seemed that something passed from above. I heard a rustle. When I looked up, I saw a dark shadow. It disappeared. I was scared. Scream."

The nervous look on Zhao Xiaoshan’s face immediately became relieved, and he smiled with no surprise: "What am I saying? It must be a monkey. There are many monkeys here. They may be resting on the tree. When people pass by, they ran. Now, this is a good situation. If they confront us, it will be troublesome."

Xue Panpan patted his heart, with an undecided look, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "So that's the case, I thought there was something unclean."

Zhao Xiaoshan smiled and comforted: "This place is a very prestigious fairy mountain. Regardless of whether the legends are true or false, it is a holy place for spiritual practice. How can there be unclean things? The monkeys in it are better than anything else, you guys. Just be careful not to mess with them."

Xue Panpan nodded again and again and said: "I heard you say that so many people died here, and there is a little fear in my heart. Listening to you like this makes me feel more at ease."

As she spoke, a light smile appeared on her face.

Lin Mengjia wanted to give her a compliment for her acting skills.

It was really adaptable and not chaotic in the face of danger, and she deserved to be the future female head of the Xue family.

Zhao Xiaoshan naturally did not doubt, and said: "If there is no problem, we will continue to go. Before it gets dark, we have to go to where we live."

Shangguan raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise, "Is there still a place to live in this mountain?"

She thought that they were going to sleep in this mountain forest tonight.

Zhao Xiaoshan smiled and said: "Naturally there are, otherwise I will let everyone bring tents and other things to spend the night, not only have a place to live, but if you have a chance at night, you can also have a good meal."

Rong Guocheng was already aware of it, and tentatively asked Zhao Xiaoshan, "Is there anyone living in this kind of deep mountain?"

Zhang Xiaoshan explained: "There are many villages and stockades scattered in the mountains, scattered in the mountains. These villages are no better than ours. Although they are also mountain people, they can live in a location close to the outside world and have convenient access to water and electricity. There is no access to water and electricity in the depths. Because of the inconvenience of life inside, many people have moved out. However, the original villages are still there. Some people pass by there. They can live in at night, which is convenient for us to enter the mountain. People, on the way to Yuxianfeng, there happens to be such a stockade with people living in it. If we can rush over before the meal, we can buy some food from them, how could it be better than this. The bun is delicious."

Rong Guocheng smiled and nodded, and only said: "Then we will go a little bit faster, and after this meal, we won't be able to eat the delicious food in the mountains."

Zhao Xiaoshan nodded, then turned and walked forward.

Rong Guocheng looked at his background and smiled.

Upon seeing this, Ji Ning was a little puzzled, and whispered to Rong Guocheng, "Is there something wrong?"

Rong Guocheng still smiled, shook his head, and said, "It's nothing, presumably there are not too few people going to Yuxianfeng in normal times."

Lin Mengjia immediately understood what he meant. Liu raised her eyebrows and said, "I knew it was like this!"

Shangguan was also dazed, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

Rong Guocheng smiled and said: "This village on the road leading to Yuxianfeng is actually for tourists. Otherwise, the people from other villages have gone out. Why would they stay inside?"

Shangguan and Ji Ning screamed "Oh" together, and it suddenly became clear that this village was originally prepared for tourists. Naturally, tourists would spend money on staying and eating there.

And for tourists, living in a small village in the mountains and forests, eating here with local characteristics of the food, can have such an authentic feeling close to the mountains, it must be generous.

And Lin Mengjia always felt that the waitress and Zhao Xiaoshan had joined hands to induce them to go to Yuxianfeng, and she felt a little dissatisfied. Thinking of this, she was even more angry.

Tang Feng stretched out his hand to help her stroke a few strands of hair that had been messed up by the wind, and then combed it again, then smiled and said, "It's better to have a place to live and something to eat than to endure hardship, right? It's us? I want to go there, even if they don’t say it, we will do the same."

Tang Feng was a little surprised. In this weekdays, Lin Mengjia has never been a person with a small belly. Even if he encounters something, even if he suffers some losses, he does not care about whether it is a matter of principle or non-principle. Why is it today? Have you read it back and forth many times?

Although Lin Mengjia nodded her head, she whispered in her mouth: "The people in this mountain really know how to do business. They are so clever. It really makes me feel ashamed." The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: the full text of Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad: txt download address of Longevity: Returning to Be a Dad: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: To facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record this reading (affirmative answer in Chapter 1117), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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