Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1134: Little White Monkey

Zhao Xiaoshan took off the mountaineering bag and put it on the side of the rock, then squatted on the edge of the stream, washed his face with water, and took two more sips, showing a very pleasant expression on his face.

Li Jianming walked over with a smile, took the bag in his hand, and Fang said: "Wait a minute, I am carrying this bag."

There are still drops of water on Zhao Xiaoshan’s face. Turning his head to look at Li Jianming, he originally wanted to refuse, but when he saw that his face was not red and breathless, he looked calm and relaxed. If he refused, he was holding his mouth. side.

He had thought that the bosses from this city were definitely not as good as him, but he didn't expect that these people would have nothing to do when they walked down this time.

"You coaches, your physical fitness is really different." Zhao Xiaoshan said in his mouth, with an expression of admiration on his face.

Li Jianming smiled "hehe" and said: "That is, seeing that we usually don't go out in the same room, we actually have to walk tens of thousands of steps every day, and the amount of exercise is not low at all."

Zhao Xiaoshan said "Oh", and the admiration in his eyes was even more obvious. At the same time, he felt a little puzzled in his heart. Normally, walking down this section of the road is burdened and very easy. Why do you feel a little strenuous today?

Rong Guocheng could see the confusion on Zhao Xiaoshan's face, and he was also a little funny in his heart.

He knew that the speed at which Zhao Xiaoshan took others along this section of the road was definitely a lot slower than they did this time, and he needed to take care of other people's itineraries.

But today, it is different.

On the surface, watching Zhao Xiaoshan walking in front, everyone needs to follow him, but in fact, Zhao Xiaoshan will unconsciously speed up his pace because everyone is keeping up.

This is the result. Not only is this speed much faster than usual today, but it also exceeds Zhao Xiaoshan's normal speed. He doesn't feel anything when walking down a short distance, but after a long time, of course he can't stand it.

This native mountain man, used to walking on this mountain road, has good physical strength, but after all, he is still an ordinary person, really far behind them.

The crowd sat casually on the grass by the river.

Although visitors will come to these places, after all, they are still undeveloped woodlands, and the environment is very quiet and clean.

Xue Rui took out his mobile phone and wanted to see the map above. Now where he went, he found that the map could not be synchronized immediately because of the lack of signal and network.

Xue Panpan glanced at his hand and said, "Is there no signal?"

Xue Rui uttered an "um", looking a little disappointed.

He wanted to see the topography of the mountain, but obviously, this map is not complete. The entire mountain area is just a large area without any detailed paths at all.

It is normal to want to come here. After all, there are not many people who will drive and navigate to such a place.

Lin Mengjia slightly surprised: "We walked in, less than a day, is there no signal coverage?"

When Zhao Xiaoshan heard the words, he smiled and said: "In Qianshan, the signal is not so good. When we enter the woods, it is even weaker. In addition, although we have not walked for a long time, the speed is fast and the distance is already very far. , There is no signal, it is normal."

Lin Mengjia remembered what Shen Lao and Chen Jianfei said, the few Yanjing tourists lost their way after entering the mountain. Because there was no signal, they couldn't call for help. It seemed to be true.

Rong Guocheng said: "It seems that I really can't come in and go around by myself. Once I lose my way, I can't ask for help, and I can't see the map."

Zhao Xiaoshan nodded in agreement, and said, "Yes, if it weren't for this, there wouldn't always be someone here."

Xue Rui looked at the flowing stream and said, "I think this road is not difficult to find. Just walk along the flowing water. If the water flows down the mountain, you can always go out."

Zhao Xiaoshan smiled at Xue Rui and said: "If it is in other mountains, this method is still useful, but in Shudi Mountain, there are many cliffs, sometimes there is no way when walking, and the flowing water becomes a waterfall. We can only make a detour. With this detour, it's easy to get lost. Don't look at us now walking along the river. When tomorrow, we will go through the woods."

Xue Rui sighed reluctantly when he heard that he was going through the dense forest again.

Although it’s the same for him to walk anywhere, it’s not difficult, but the airtight woods, dark and sky-free, compared to this pleasant waterside, are a world of difference. The moods are all different.

Seeing Xue Rui's pitiful look, Ji Ning felt very empathetic, and could not help but nodded slightly.

Shangguan looked at Yuxianfeng in the distance, only feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Obviously, I've been walking for such a long time again, and I'm clearly heading in that direction. Why is it that looking at the mountain now, it feels a bit farther away than it was at noon?

Thinking of this in his heart, Shangguan couldn't help asking: "Look at that mountain, is it getting farther and farther?"

It sounded like the Shangguan asked, and everyone immediately looked at it together.

Either squinting, or staring, after a long while, they nodded one after another.

Xue Rui said: "It seems to be true, don't we keep going this way?"

Rong Guocheng said in doubt, "Could it be because of the afternoon light?"

While several people were talking, Tang Feng tilted his head slightly and looked towards the forest about thirty meters away from the waterway.

Just as he turned his head, a white shadow should rush out of the forest quickly, flying in the air like a photoelectric, shooting towards everyone.

With a faint smile at the corner of Tang Feng's mouth, he stretched out his arm, and the white shadow steadily landed on his upper arm, jumped excitedly twice, and then jumped onto his shoulder.

The others just felt their eyes dizzy, and then they saw a little white monkey on Tang Feng's shoulder.

Seeing Xiao Hui coming back, Zhao Xiaoshan's eyes widened in an instant.

He thought that this little guy would definitely die in the woods, after all, he knew the ferocity of those monkeys.

In order to compete for territory and food, different species of monkeys here often have life-and-death battles. What's more, is it a foreign monkey?

Moreover, this little monkey knew at a glance that he often stayed with people, and his body was tainted with human scents. This is considered a taboo among wild animals and will cause them to attack by groups.

Even if the little monkey was lucky and didn't encounter the monkey group or any other beasts, the road in the woods is difficult to distinguish. They have gone so far, how did it find them? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1134 Little White Monkey) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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