Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1137: Tongxinqiao

Tang Feng did not directly answer Lin Mengjia’s words, but just smiled and said, “Perhaps there are no other wild beasts in this forest. Although there are not often people passing by here, there are also curious tourists who go to Yuxian. Feng, the animal may leave here and go deeper because of being disturbed by people."

Xie Huo said: "There is indeed such a possibility. Zhao Xiaoshan also said before. Only monkeys around here are not afraid of people. They were afraid that other animals would be frightened by people and fled."

Xue Panpan also said: "This can also tell why the fruit trees of the forest have many fruits. If there are other animals, I am afraid that Xiao Hui will not be able to eat so much."

When Xiao Hui heard the wild fruit, he immediately showed a happy expression, swallowed unconsciously, and touched his belly. He could see that Xue Panpan's words were just right in his mind.

Tang Feng just didn't see Xiao Hui doing this, nodded, and said: "Maybe, the other party's practice is to communicate with animals."

"There are such methods?" Xue Rui couldn't help but his eyes widened when he heard the words, "I thought it was all fabricated stories."

He still saw these things from some fantasy movies, but he didn't expect them to actually exist.

Seeing Xue Rui's rare and strange appearance, Zi Xuan gave him a white look and said: "This cultivation method emphasizes the natural connection with the heaven and the earth. Everything in the world has spirituality. Some people practice that unique method of communication. You can hear the words of the beasts and predict the good and bad things in the world. In history, there are many such records. If you have nothing to do, read more books and go to bars less."

"What Miss Zi Xuan taught is." Xue Rui quickly and respectfully said to Zi Xuan.

The corners of Ji Ning's mouth twitched, and he couldn't see whether he wanted to laugh or felt speechless.

He called Zi Xuan before to confirm the itinerary. Several times, he heard extremely loud music. It must be in the bar. She had fun there and other places, but now she is going to teach her to accompany her. Xue Ruilai, I really don’t know where she is.

As for Xue Rui, she really gave her face, without refuting a word, just so obediently.

Ji Ning can't help but think of the things about these two people that he had gossiped with Rong Guocheng and Shangguan before. Is it possible that they really have any tricks?

Tang Feng groaned: "There are many sects that have secret skills to communicate with and give orders to different animals. However, these skills require wisdom roots and practice since childhood. To put it bluntly, it is a congenital requirement. If you have it, otherwise, no matter how high a person is, he won’t be able to cultivate this kind of method. Therefore, these sects are quite unconventional, and the people are not very prosperous."

When talking about this, Tang Feng thought of Zhou Wan.

Zhou Wan is because of Mu Linggen, she doesn't need to be too high, and she can directly communicate with Dabai them. This is the ability to be born with wisdom roots.

However, Mu Linggen is not the best wisdom root for practicing the art of communicating with all things, but the attainments in these aspects are higher than other practitioners.

However, the original role of Mu Linggen does not lie in this.

Those sect disciples who are proficient in this kind of technique need to have a heart-aperture. This kind of transparent root of wisdom can only be born with it, and can't ask for it in the day after tomorrow.

It is rare for people with Tongxinqiao to enter this kind of sect. Compared with other sects, the starting point is much more difficult. Moreover, even if someone is born with Tongxinqiao and has wisdom roots, they are not necessarily willing to practice such spells.

The reason for this is also funny, because this method of communicating with animals is really weak compared to other practices.

These sects are said to be able to command the beasts of the world, but they are of no great use.

Just imagine, no matter how fierce these beasts are, they are only able to dominate in front of ordinary people with bare hands. When encountering those monks, even if they are in the Qi Refining Realm, they will not be put in their eyes, even if they can be ordered. , And what's the role?

In most cases, it's just a matter of ordering some small animals as scouts to inquire about the news.

But for monks, there are too many ways to achieve these goals, and they are all safer and more reliable than using animals.

Therefore, these techniques are really tasteless, and they are very picky about the requirements of practitioners, so they are gradually declining.

In the vast Xingyu, among the countless sects of large and small sects almost as numerous as stars, Tang Feng only encountered so many two or three.

Most of the disciples of these sects are mild-tempered, low-key people, and don't like disputes. They just enjoy peace of mind in the process of getting to know the world and all things.

To put it bluntly, I just practice and play idly.

Tang Feng doesn’t think that the sect’s method will be lost in this way. On the earth, there are some people who have this kind of leisure and can also practice this kind of magic. Moreover, even if they want to practice, they are afraid that it is even an introductory mental method. I can't get it.

Zi Xuan heard Tang Feng’s words with a flash of surprise on her face. Obviously, it was the first time she had heard of this kind of sect. However, because she had just finished talking about Xue Rui, it was rare and strange. This kind of surprise was natural. It is impossible to show it.

Zi Xuan cleared her throat, pretending to be an expert: "This kind of talent is extremely rare. It is quite rare at first. Under today's circumstances, ordinary sects are difficult to practice. These rare sects are even more difficult to meet. It’s hard to find a trace. I think people who can master these methods may not exist."

The manner and tone of her speech are quite serious, and her eyes are quite serious, which is quite true in the eyes of other people.

Tang Feng glanced at Zi Xuan.

He knew that she was just talking nonsense based on what she knew about the sect.

Zi Xuan saw Tang Feng's gaze, thinking that she had said something wrong, there was a flash of panic on her face, but she was covered up very well, except for Tang Feng, no one else noticed it.

After all, other people have no idea about this, and Zi Xuan is telling whether it is true or not, and they cannot tell.

Seeing the hesitation in Zi Xuan's eyes became more apparent, Tang Feng smiled slightly and nodded, "You are right, I also doubt whether there will be such people here."

Zi Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Xue Rui, who didn't know the truth, looked at Zi Xuan with a rather admiring look.

Although Zi Xuan made up her own thoughts, the truth is that it is true.

In this earth environment that is extremely unfriendly to all practitioners, ordinary practitioners are struggling to support, who would engage in such useless spells? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1137 Tongxinqiao) reading record and open it next time You can see it on the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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