Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1141: Responsible tour guide

The people in this village are already doing this business, and every family has a few vacant bamboo buildings dedicated to tourists.

They live on their own and don't need this much, and most of them are usually empty.

Sister Li used to discuss with her neighbor and found that there was money to be made, and the other party was also happy. Naturally, it was easy to borrow five more bamboo buildings from the neighbor's house.

Rong Guocheng followed Mrs. Li to look around inside, and saw that the bamboo buildings here were about the same size and decoration, and the decorations inside were about the same.

From the outside, these bamboo buildings seem to be a bit old, but inside, you can tell at a glance that the bamboo boards and bamboo fences are all new, absolutely not more than two years. In the bathroom, there are also disposable dental appliances. , Very professional.

The only inconvenience is that this place is not connected to water and electricity. In the bathroom, there are just large buckets of water and washbasin towels. If you want to go to the toilet, you need to get the public toilet outside.

Although this is a bit inconvenient, they don't mind if they just stayed for one night.

Because the rooms in this bamboo building are all the same in size and layout, there is not much to choose. Rong Guocheng chose one for Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia for better ventilation and a good view, and everyone else chose one randomly.

Zi Xuan clapped her hands at Xiao Hui, and said with a smile: "Xiao Hui, you still follow me to sleep tonight, don't be a light bulb."

Xiao Hui jumped off Tang Feng's shoulder very wittily, and jumped to Zi Xuan's side.

Tang Feng had already taken the cash in his hand and handed it to Sister Li, and at the same time gave him the two thousand yuan that he promised to Zhao Xiaoshan's guide, plus two hundred yuan, which was the right to buy food in the restaurant.

Zhao Xiaoshan hesitated for a while, and said: "The boss, you don't have to give me money. According to the rules, I will take you home and then check out. Moreover, these steamed buns are not worth a lot of money, everyone. I haven't eaten, and I can't charge you."

Tang Feng smiled faintly, and said, "When we give it, it's the same. Whether we eat or not, you bring it. Maybe we will eat it tomorrow."

Zhao Xiaoshan grabbed his hair and smiled naively, before he stopped delaying, he reached out to take it.

Sister Li has already ordered the money and said with joy: "Thank you, boss, I don't know about dinner tonight, do you need us to prepare it?"

Xue Rui said curiously: "What do you eat here?"

Aunt Li smiled and introduced: "In our mountain, we don’t have as many delicious foods as you have in your city. We just eat fresh. The dishes here are all grown by ourselves. There are also some chickens and ducks that are scattered in the mountains. Raised, there is no delicacy of mountains and seas, just eat a peace of mind."

When Xue Rui heard this, he showed a very surprised look, and said: "Ranging freely in the mountains? Isn't it afraid of being eaten by some wild beast?"

Sister Li quickly explained: "On the outskirts of our village, on the other side of the bamboo forest, nets and fences are set up to stop the beasts in the mountains. Otherwise, if we fall asleep this night, the beasts outside can sneak in. Come in, isn't it scary to death?"

Zhao Xiaoshan also added: "If the beasts in the forest are hungry and anxious, or because of special things, they won't come to the place where people live. You can rest assured about this."

Li's wife was worried about the safety issue. They nodded their heads and said: "Yes, that's right, all the bosses can rest assured. There are good hunters in our village, and they are guarded at night. We are here in the world. They have lived for generations, and there hasn’t been any beast hurting people. Don’t worry about this."

Regarding such things, Tang Feng and others naturally didn't mind.

If any beast is coming, they must be aware of it before anyone else.

And, there is Xiao Hui here, let it go around the village a few times at night, afraid of any beast, it will be chilling, and he dare not approach it at all.

Hearing Li's wife talking about the food in this village, Tang Feng remembered the food in the small restaurant. Although it was simple, it was authentic and not bad, so he nodded and said, "If it is, it will be prepared for us. Some dinner."

While talking, he took out a few Chinese coins and handed them to Sister Li.

Sister Li took it in her hand and responded happily, and hurriedly called for someone to prepare.

Zhao Xiaoshan said to Tang Feng: "Sir, there is nothing to do. At night, everyone, try not to be too far away from existence, so as not to accidentally get lost. If you make a wrong detour at night, it will be extremely troublesome. There are no ferocious beasts, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, we must be careful not to take it lightly."

Tang Feng nodded.

His impression of Zhao Xiaoshan is pretty good.

Not greedy for money, real people, kind of responsible.

Zhao Xiaoshan looked at Xiao Hui again.

At this moment, Zi Xuan was teasing Xiao Hui, one person and one monkey, having fun.

Zhao Xiaoshan said with a slightly hesitant tone to Tang Feng: "Boss, don't let this little monkey go out at night. Although it can be retrieved during the day, it's dark and here it is again. Deep in the mountains, if something really happened, it is beyond regret."

He spoke with Tang Feng in a negotiating tone, and between his words, he was very sincere.

Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a faint smile, and nodding again.

He was so kind and pleasant to an ordinary person, it was considered to be enough face.

When Zhao Xiaoshan saw Tang Feng's response, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "The bosses have a good rest, and you have to get up early tomorrow. I will call you again when the time comes."

While speaking, he took the mountaineering bag from Li Jianming and wanted to leave.

Lin Mengjia hurriedly said, "It's better to have dinner with us. We will pay out your money together."

Zhao Xiaoshan shook his head, smiled and patted the hiking bag, and said, "I have brought so much food, I can't waste it."

Seeing Zhao Xiaoshan leaving her back, Lin Mengjia couldn't help sighing: "Unexpectedly, he is quite good, careful and responsible."

Tang Feng looked at her with a smile, and said, "Why, don't you blame him for cooperating with the waitress?"

Lin Mengjia curled her lips and said, "One yard goes to one yard. That is their problem, but even so, it cannot be denied that Zhao Xiaoshan is a good person."

Hearing Lin Mengjia's words, Rong Guocheng's brows wrinkled slightly, and he murmured, "I think he is a little weird."

"Where is it?" Zi Xuan asked Rong Guocheng.

Rong Guocheng shook his head and said, "I can't tell you the details, but I think he seems to be very afraid of us going to the forest alone. He emphasized it several times."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity as a dad txt download address: Returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (the responsible guide in Chapter 1141), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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