Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1164: Capitalized embarrassment

Ji Ning didn't notice any strangeness in Shangguan's questioning at all. He was still immersed in joy, and immediately nodded and said, "Of course."

Shangguan's lips moved, and then gently nodded, "Oh", she really didn't know what expression she should face Ji Ning with now.

Because from his point of view, Ji Ning's appearance now is clearly indistinguishable from that junior brother back then, and he looks quite proud.

But soon, Ji Ning also noticed that this matter seemed a bit embarrassing.

Only he and Shangguan were present. He couldn't use such a weird method to crack this "ghost hit the wall" in front of Shangguan, right?

After a brief moment of excitement, Ji Ning had a sullen expression on his face, grabbed his hair, and said, "It seems, it seems a little inconvenient..."

The muscles on Shangguan's face twitched.

inconvenient? Now what Ji Ning thinks of is just inconvenience?

Sure enough, the way of thinking of a straight steel man is incomprehensible to normal people.

Of course, when Shangguan came up with such thoughts, she never thought about whether she was a normal person or a normal woman.

And Ji Ning didn't know that he was being slandered by this woman whose EQ was not higher than him. What he was thinking about was how to put this method into practice in the presence of Shangguan.

Regardless of whether it works or not, it is already a medical emergency, so let's try.

"Or, I'll walk into the forest again." Ji Ning hesitated, looking in a deeper direction.

Shangguan shook his head with a black thread, and said: "The situation is unknown now. We are trapped here. What if the two of us are dispersed, what if we encounter a worse situation?"

Ji Ning scratched his hair again.

It's not that he hadn't considered this situation. When the Shangguan suggested that the two should leave separately, he also expressed his opposition because he was careful about her safety.

If it weren't for the current situation, he was anxious to try the method proposed by the Shangguan, and would not want to take such a risk.

Ji Ning hesitated a little, and said to Shangguan: "Otherwise, I will walk away a little bit and keep a distance that can be seen from each other."

The corners of Shangguan's mouth twitched again, and in a non-emotional voice, he said, "Is there a difference?"

He stood beside him, and stood in a place where he still could see, using this kind of cracking method, Shangguan really couldn't see the difference.

Ji Ning was also aware of this, he coughed softly, and even his EQ was as low as him, he could feel that at this moment, the atmosphere between the two was extremely embarrassing.

Shangguan took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to point to the open space next to him, and said, "If you want to try it, just stay there. I don't know whether this method is easy to use or not. Don't hold it. Too much hope."

"There is a way, after all, I have to try it." Ji Ning looked in the direction of Shangguan, with a look on his face that was very tangled.

At that location, the distance between the two of them was only a dozen meters. Although it was blocked by bamboo, the bamboo was not as thick as a tree. No matter how thick it was, it was the thickness of the bowl. It was impossible to cover a person.

This is almost equivalent to doing this rather indecent thing in front of Shangguan.

Shangguan's expression was rather indifferent. He lowered his eyes and said, "You and I are both spiritual practitioners, so how can there be so many taboos for small families."

Practitioners, both male and female, are indeed a bit more proud than ordinary people, and a bit less taboo. They are usually in the sect, male and female disciples practice together, and there is often contact between the opposite sex. There is nothing too much. Giving or accepting such taboos as unaccompanied.

Of course, the most basic difference between men and women is still concerned.

On weekdays, Shangguan didn’t like others to regard her as a charming girl. He was quite masculine in doing things. At this moment, although he was embarrassed in his heart, he spoke in a pleasant manner, as if he did not care at all. on.

Ji Ning is different from her.

He grew up in the family. Usually, except for the sisters in the family, he has very little contact with women. He does not put his mind on this. Otherwise, he will not be the young master of this big family, who is in his thirties. Still a virgin.

Shangguan and Zi Xuan are the women he has most contact with besides his relatives. They don't feel anything on weekdays, but now he can't do it by letting him untie his belt and pee in front of Shangguan.

After twisting for a while, Ji Ning said: "We shouldn't be too far apart, lest there will be accidents, as long as we all turn around, it's good to shout for something, so we can take care of it."

Shangguan nodded.

She thought that way.

Even if she didn't stick to the trivialities, she wouldn't have reached the point where she could stare at Ji Ning's pants off without changing her face.

The two agreed, they turned their backs, walked out about three meters and stood still.

However, both Ji Ning and Shangguan ignored one problem, and that was the voice.

They only feel that if they both face each other with their backs, they can avoid embarrassment, but they can't see it, and other sense organs will become particularly sensitive.

Not long after turning around, Shangguan heard the utterly sound of Ji Ning.

This sound is not loud, and when you listen to it, it is just the sound of cloth rubbing, and you don't care about it at all.

But at this moment, in Shangguan's mind, the completed picture of Ji Ning untying his pants appeared.

The more she told herself not to think about it, the sense of the picture became clearer.

Shangguan only felt that his face was slightly hot, and he was secretly grateful that he was facing Ji Ning with his back at the moment, so he wouldn't be able to see the reddish complexion.

As the other party involved, Ji Ning did not notice such things.

At this moment, he was still feeling a little eager, wanting to try whether this method can crack the so-called "ghost hit the wall", in addition to this, there is a sense of venting inner resentment.

I have been in the woods for almost half a night, and now I have caught a way, and it is still this way, so that Ji Ning has a faint feeling of revenge in his heart.

Therefore, when he untied his pants, he opened the sluice without hesitation.

He was relaxed here, but on Shangguan's side, he almost vomited blood.

Her face "tightened" in an instant, and it became hot and red, and she felt a sharp edge on her back. She felt that the whole person was extremely uncomfortable. She didn't know where to put her hands and feet, and she wanted to go farther, but it seemed In this way, he appeared to be very hypocritical.

She could only barely suppress the entanglement in her heart, and stood still, biting her lower lip tightly.

When Ji Ning was done, Shangguan breathed a sigh of relief. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this (Chapter 1164 capitalized embarrassing) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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