Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1167: Crack the formation

"You--" Zi Xuan was suddenly startled.

Of course she would not think that Tang Feng's remarks were humble, nor would she think that Tang Feng's so-called so-called God-Transformation Realm was below this realm.

He can only transcend the Divine Realm.

How high is this man's cultivation base? What is the reason why it can't be used now? Where did he get the practice? Is that the place that he proposed to take her with?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Zi Xuan's mind, and then took a deep breath, just to ask Tang Feng.

But Tang Feng didn't give her this opportunity, his expression was a bit cold, and he waved his hand gently towards Zi Xuan.

Zi Xuan was surprised again, and said hurriedly: "Here?"

They were here to wait for the person hiding behind the scenes. Tang Feng's reaction naturally made her think that someone had arrived, but when she glanced at the soul beads, there was nothing unusual.

Tang Feng shook his head, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "He probably won't be here anymore."

"What?" This answer was completely beyond Zi Xuan's expectation. She opened her eyes wide, looked at Tang Feng inexplicably, and blurted out: "Is that person dead?"

Tang Feng glanced at Zi Xuan speechlessly. He really couldn't guess what kind of circuit Zi Xuan's brain was. He said with a little bit of laughter, "The purpose of this man is to trap us all in it."

Zi Xuan uttered "Ah" again, and suddenly said: "I want to catch us all at once, and then come to close the net, but now we have only four people here, he feels that the goal has not been achieved, so he refuses to come forward?"

Tang Feng nodded blankly.

Zi Xuan collected the soul beads and reluctantly said: "Say it earlier, it made me nervous for so long, what about us now? Do you want me to go back and call them all over?"

Tang Feng once again admired Zi Xuan's magical thoughts.

As anybody, at this time, knowing that she can't wait for nothing, she's thinking of retreating. Later, she can think about it, but she wants to get everyone as bait.

Seeing Tang Feng's gaze on her body, but not speaking, Zi Xuan blinked her eyes, with a slightly confused expression on her face, but as soon as she figured it out, she clapped her hands and said, "By the way, you are here. Madam has set up a formation of heaven and earth nets. I can't get close. You need to go and call her yourself. Then, I am here to wait for you?"

Waiting for your sister!

Tang Feng almost wanted to explode.

He took a deep breath before suppressing the urge to scold Zi Xuan, and reluctantly said in an emotional tone: "Call Shang Ji Ning and Shang Guan, and go back together."

Just when Tang Feng said this sentence, his fingertips flashed a golden light, which circled his arm, and this light was like a spiritual snake, rushing into the air. Up.

The light reached the sky above the bamboo forest, and instantly changed from a slender golden light to huge, like a big hand, tearing the gray and boundless sky.

Ji Ning and Shangguan, staring at the light that suddenly appeared above their heads, both opened their mouths involuntarily, looking shocked.

And just after the light disappeared, they noticed that the scenery around them had changed.

Above the sky, the dark screen has disappeared, the dark clouds are also invisible, and the sky has become a little white.

This summer is the morning of dawn. I guess it’s about four o’clock in the present time, and it’s going to be bright when you see it. The stars of last night have disappeared, and the moon is only a silhouette, but when you look at the sky, Yes, it must be a sunny day.

In their ears, the rushing water sounded again, as if they heard it more authentically.

Although the bamboo forest around you is still tall and dense, you can see it at a glance. It is not as dark and oppressive as just now. It makes people feel depressed when they look at it. Instead, they see a piece of green in the misty day. meaning.

More importantly, there are two more people beside them.

When Zi Xuan saw Huo Ran appearing Ji Ning and Shangguan, there was also a flash of surprise in her eyes, and then she showed a grinning expression, as always, heartless, and said: "Unexpectedly, you two , The distance is so close, I thought it was a distance from Shicai. It seems that I underestimated this Wuji Yin."

Ji Ning heard what Zi Xuan said, although his heart was full of doubts, but when he saw Tang Feng, he did not care about other things. He quickly walked in his direction, walked two steps tightly, bowed slightly towards him, and said, "Sir. ."

Tang Feng nodded towards him, and said, "No need to say, I know it all."

"You all know?" Shangguan couldn't help but speak.

Tang Feng looked at her again and nodded meaningfully, with a slightly narrow smile on the corner of his mouth.

Shangguan pursed his lips.

She felt as if the thing she was most worried about had happened.

However, Ji Ning didn't think too much, but had a bit of suspicion in his eyes, and said to Tang Feng: "Sir, what's the matter?"

Tang Feng said, "Let's go back and talk about it."

While speaking, he walked towards the village.

Ji Ning and Shangguan looked forward, and what caught their eye was the roof of the bamboo building not far away. It could be seen that it was not very far from the village.

But just now, why—in both minds, both have the same doubts.

Seeing Tang Feng walking in the forefront, Shangguan couldn't help but whispered to Zi Xuan who was walking next to him: "Miss Zi Xuan, are you aware of something wrong, come and save us?"

"It can be said that it is, or it can be said that it is not." Zi Xuan fiddled with a bamboo leaf that was picked off easily, putting it to her lips to blow a whistle, but she didn't know how to blow it.

She showed a very gloomy expression, threw the leaf away, picked another one off, and continued: "We felt a mysterious aura approaching, mainly because we wanted to catch that guy, but he But it was very cunning, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Then, it triggered the Promise Seal, and found that you were among them. We wanted to guard it. When the person who laid the formation came over, the guy was slow. When he showed up, Tang Feng cracked this formation."

In Zi Xuan’s remarks, the amount of information was so great that both Shangguan and Ji Ning on the side were dumbfounded. They thought of the words she said when they first saw Zi Xuan. The man glanced at each other.

It seems that in this short period of time, many things that they don't know have happened. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1167 Cracking Array) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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