Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1180: Failure to cross the robbery

Xiao Hui blinked her eyes, her face looked very cute.

At first glance at its ignorant appearance, everyone could guess that it must have not experienced the tribulation of the sky, and did not know how powerful it was.

Seeing everyone looking at herself, Xiao Hui scratched her ears with her paws, with an innocent look on her face.

Zi Xuan said with some uncertainty: "Do you mean that a spirit beast has suffered a catastrophe?"

Lin Mengjia thoughtfully said: "I have also heard this before. This animal practiced at a certain interval of time or reached a certain level, and it has to go through the catastrophe. There are also records in many ancient books. In order to avoid the catastrophe, these animals use many methods."

Xue Panpan had very little contact with these things on weekdays, and as a martial artist, he didn’t say anything about the catastrophe. Hearing Lin Mengjia’s words, he asked a little curiously: "Ms. Tang, the details of this, you Can you tell me something and give some pointers, so that we can learn more?"

Lin Mengjia smiled humbly, Fang said: "I can't tell you, these are the stories I like to read in the book, and I don't know if they are true."

While she was talking, she looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded slightly to her, motioning her to continue.

Lin Mengjia then continued: "Is this Heavenly Tribulation? I think everyone knows it. Generally speaking, it is the thunder from the sky, constantly hacking and facing the Heavenly Tribulation. These cultivating animals have only one way, and that is to hide. Some are deceived by their own transformation techniques to deceive the heavens, so that the thunder cannot be found. Some set up formations and use the five elements to weaken the power of thunder, and some hide by the good or the great. The sky thunder cannot be lowered, and there are also extremely powerful physical bodies that directly fight against the robbery. There are other methods, but these are the most common."

Xue Rui said with some curiosity: "Mrs. Tang, I can understand all you said about avoidance, formation, and hard resistance, but why can't the sky thunder be lowered by hiding behind others?"

Lin Mengjia smiled and said: "From the perspective of God, those who are innocent and great good, or who will become a great weapon in the future, or who have cultivated extremely high virtues in the previous life, are all people who need blessing from God. Naturally, they cannot be smashed into them, so if there are cultivating animals hiding by these people to avoid the catastrophe, the sky thunder cannot be lowered, and this sky thunder has a time limit, and it will not fall indefinitely, waiting to hide When the time has passed, and the sky thunder is over, it is a disaster."

Li Jianming tried his best to remember, and said to himself: "What the madam said, I seem to have seen it in some novels. It was about a fox practicing cultivation. When he encountered the catastrophe, he was hiding under a boy's chair, and this After a few decades, he became a member of the Central Committee of the DPRK. He was a minister of humerus at that time and was very much used."

Xue Rui had a look of sudden realization, and said: "That is to say, God is also a rat-injury device. These animals are taking advantage of this."

Zi Xuan frowned, and said to Tang Feng, "Even so, what does it mean? Could it be that the inexplicable fire last night was caused by the tribulation of heaven? But, it doesn't make sense! You can say without seeing the flames. I didn’t pay attention, but if the thunder is rumbling, is there any reason I can’t hear it? I’m afraid that those who are drunk will be awakened, but we still haven’t noticed anything.”

Tang Feng looked at Zi Xuan's face eagerly, and smiled: "Why haven't you noticed? If you haven't noticed anything, why did you run into the woods in the middle of the night?"

Shangguan couldn't help but let out an "Ah", and said in surprise, "You mean, the change last night was actually a catastrophe?"

Ji Ning also recalled the powerful breath he felt last night.

Zi Xuan's brows were still frowned, and she shook her head and said, "Yes, but that's too fast!"

This Zi Xuan, although she usually thinks a little abnormally, can be regarded as clever, but at this moment she got into the tip of the horns, and she couldn't figure it out.

Shangguan's face also showed a worried look, and then glanced at Xiao Hui, who was still naive, before saying: "If it is really a spiritual beast crossing the catastrophe, doesn't it mean that the opponent's realm is in the small Above the ashes?"

From Shangguan's point of view, Xiao Hui is definitely a very powerful spirit beast, at least, its realm cultivation base is already above Da Bai, and it is nothing to say to deal with several martial arts above the eighth realm of Hou Tian at the same time. under.

But as sturdy as a small gray, and not qualified for the calamity of the sky, then if there really was a spirit beast last night, how powerful would it be?

Thinking of the sudden appearance of such a powerful spirit beast, Shangguan was already anxious.

This worries her more than she knows that there is a sect who cultivates immortality in this Yucheng Mountain.

In her opinion, if the other party is a human, it is reasonable if it is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend, but if it is an animal, once the wildness comes up, it doesn’t care about anything, and it’s just a move. It is extremely dangerous.

Moreover, when people do things, they are always a little afraid. If they are more or less reserved, animals are different. If you die, you will not care even if you lose.

But there was already a smile on Lin Mengjia’s face, she smiled and shook her head towards Shangguan, then turned to Zi Xuan, and said: "The purpose of the tribulation is to punish those who violate the heavenly way. As long as this goal is achieved, it will be done. As for whether it’s a moment or a night, it doesn’t matter."

Zi Xuan didn't seem to recover for a while.

Xue Rui already smiled and said, "It turns out that the Tribulation last night failed."

Only then did Zi Xuan react, Shangguan's eyes also had a flash of surprise.

Even if she didn't know what the spirit beast was, whether it was an enemy or a friend, in her opinion, it was all potential dangers. Now that this danger has failed, she can be considered a little relieved.

Yes, the purpose of Heavenly Tribulation is punishment. If this punishment is successful, killing the person or spirit beast that violates the law of heaven will naturally end immediately. There is absolutely no reason to beat thunder indiscriminately in order to achieve the time.

Ji Ning opened his mouth slightly, and said thoughtfully: "But, Tian Lei, is there no sound? Last night, we felt an unusually powerful breath, but at the same time, there was nothing. The thunder exists."

Shangguan nodded too.

If there were any sounds at that time, especially the earth-shaking sky thunder, she could not hear it without reason.

This time, Lin Mengjia couldn't answer either, so she could only look at Tang Feng with the same puzzled eyes. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1180 Failure of Crossing the Tribulation), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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