Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1182: Treacherous road

Although the road in the woods is a bit difficult to walk, it also means that there are more weeds.

With Zhao Xiaoshan leading the way, there is no danger of getting lost, and the whole journey is extremely easy for these people.

However, in this forest, probably because it was too depressive, it seemed more silent. Their breathing and heartbeat were extremely obvious. The distance between Zhao Xiaoshan and them was not too far, so it was naturally inconvenient to speak.

Everyone didn't mention anything about the robbery, but occasionally said something gossip without a word. At other times, they followed Zhao Xiaoshan wholeheartedly.

About twenty minutes later, the black wood was already a little bit bright, and the leaves were not as dense as before to cover the top of the head.

Looking to the front, we can see the sunlight sprinkling mottled from the cracks in the leaves, falling on the ground, forming a small light spot, as the breeze blows, the leaves are shaking, these light spots on the ground, but also a flash Flashed.

Seeing such a situation, everyone involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief.

On the way, Xiao Hui was jumping on the branches, following the crowd. It was small, and the weeds were enough to pass it. Of course, it was inconvenient to walk on the ground.

When everyone was taking a breath, Zi Xuan's footsteps paused for a while, and at the same time, Tang Feng made a gesture towards Xiao Hui without a trace.

His gesture was very small, just waving his hand to Xiao Hui. If others didn't look closely, they would just think it was a walking and waving hand.

But Xiao Hui, who was in the same mind as Tang Feng, immediately changed direction and rushed towards the forest.

Xiao Huiben was jumping on the tree, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes because of jumping above the tree canopy, he disappeared from everyone's sight, and reappeared after a while.

This time it suddenly jumped away, and everyone didn't care, just thinking it was normal.

Only Zi Xuan, after seeing the cooperation of Tang Feng's little action and Xiao Hui, frowned slightly, and instantly stretched out.

After walking forward for a few minutes on the road, everyone's eyes suddenly opened up.

What appeared in front of them was an extremely wide open space. At the end of the open space, it was Zhao Xiaoshan who talked about the cliff.

At this time, everyone realized what he meant by saying that today's wind urinate is good luck.

On one side of the cliff, there is a cliff that is towering into the clouds, and on the other, there is a cliff that is bottomless. Under the cliff, there is no low, but only a cloud of mist.

Seeing these clouds and mists in the mountains, Tang Feng knew that at this moment their location was already quite high.

However, the physical fitness of these people is super strong, and there is no abnormal reaction.

Above this cliff, there is only a very thin path, which closely adheres to the cliff.

This path can only accommodate a person leaning on his side, with his back against the cliff, and rubbing it step by step. This person needs to be of a normal body shape, a little fatter, if it is half of the body, it will be explored. In midair.

Above this cliff, it is very smooth, except for some tiny holes, and there is no place to grab a hand. If the wind is strong, it can really blow people off here.

Most of the people present here are well-informed, and they are not inferior at first. Seeing this kind of situation, they couldn't help but pale.

Zhao Xiaoshan wiped the sweat on his forehead, looked up at the already unshielded sun, and said to the people: "This place is called Stratus Valley. It is named because it has been shrouded in clouds and mist for many years. The view of this place is quite good, and many guests are very happy after they arrived."

When talking about this, Zhao Xiaoshan showed a somewhat puzzled expression on his face, looked at them for a while, and then said with a slightly hesitant tone: "Boss, I have always had something more curious. I wanted to ask about the matter yesterday, but I was afraid that you were upset, so I didn't speak."

Looking at Zhao Xiaoshan's appearance, Rong Guocheng seemed a little curious. Although they only met Zhao Xiaoshan yesterday, he felt that this person was honest and did not seem to be troublesome. Is there anything he wants to ask?

Thinking like this in his heart, Rong Guocheng smiled and said to him: "If you have something, you might as well tell it."

Zhao Xiaoshan was a little embarrassed and scratched his hair before he said: "I see that the bosses are different from the other guests. After they entered the mountain, they took pictures with their mobile phones and cameras along the way, regardless of It was in the woods, beside the stream, or in the village. Everywhere, I had to stop and take a few photos, especially after I got to this Stratus Valley, I didn’t stop taking pictures. Why do I think you guys didn’t mean to take pictures at all? ?"

Rong Guocheng was stunned for a moment before he laughed and said, "We are not the same as those tourists. As long as we see it with our own eyes, we are satisfied. There is no need to take photos, and the local network is not good, and we cannot post to Moments. Isn't it?"

Zhao Xiaoshan laughed when he heard it.

Rong Guocheng's heart was a little dumbfounded.

When they came here, they weren’t visiting mountains and rivers. They saw a good view, and they just saw it in their eyes. Like them, their mentality has long been different from that of ordinary people. Who can really pose a POSE? Can't take a picture of the styling?

When I went to such a spectacular place in Kunlun, no one ever took pictures.

Tang Feng slowly walked to the side of the cliff, Lin Mengjia followed, and when she looked down, she felt a breath of air-conditioning.

Even if Lin Mengjia is no longer an ordinary person, there is no fear of heights, but from here, she can't help but feel that her calf is a little weak.

These places are different from Kunlun.

The cliffs of Kunlun, when viewed from above, are white and covered with a thick layer of snow. Moreover, the cliffs are not very steep. There are still plants growing on them. Some branches can be seen, protruding from the snowdrifts. .

In those situations, although it is very dangerous, in my eyes, the impact is not very big.

But this cliff, what caught your eye, was a straight cliff wall, smooth as if it had been polished, and there was no grass.

And, below, there are extremely dense white clouds. If you can't see it in the end, it adds a bit of fear to the unknown.

Although the sun was in the midst of the sky, Lin Mengjia couldn't help but fought a cold war seeing the mist churning. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1182 The Dangerous Road), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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