Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1186: Faint aura

"The little monkey who robbed me of the mirrorless mirror escaped?" Zi Xuan didn't pay much attention to Tang Feng's words, but looked at Xiao Hui and asked calmly.

Tang Feng nodded.

Among the monkeys that have appeared so far, it is obvious that the white-fronted monkey can be regarded as the strongest. I don’t know whether the white-fronted monkey is indeed the most powerful in the hands of the person behind the scenes, or whether he keeps it all the time. He didn't use his ability to press the bottom of the box.

Zi Xuan could also see that this was the little monkey with extremely agile skills, otherwise it would be impossible for Ji Ning to suddenly initiate and **** away the mirrorless mirror.

Moreover, it ran a very long distance with Xiao Hui in the forest, and it was a miracle that it was not caught by Xiao Hui even after running such a long way.

With this level of strength, even if it is not a spirit beast, the strength has to be said to be super strong. Although Xiao Hui is powerful, it is impossible for this white-fronted little monkey to be killed by Xiao Hui in such a simple way.

Xue Rui walked over while touching the climbing rope around his waist and looked at Xiao Hui on the ground. Seeing that Xiao Hui was still very excited, he couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"Mr. Tang, we are ready."

Xue Rui approached Tang Feng and said to him respectfully.

Tang Feng looked at the crowd and saw that they had all fastened the safety ropes. Zhao Xiaoshan also moved the mountaineering bag that was originally on his back to the front, ready to set off.

Tang Feng nodded and said, "Okay."

When Zhao Xiaoshan was holding the padlocked device in his hand and wanted to go up, Zi Xuan took a step ahead of him and said, "I'll go first."

She knew in her heart that during this section of the road, she and Tang Feng were two, one in the front and the other behind, in order to ensure the greatest safety.

However, Tang Feng needs to protect Lin Mengjia, so it is naturally inconvenient to open the way. The person in front is hers.

Zhao Xiaoshan's eyes widened immediately, and he stammered: "Little, miss, you, are you kidding me?"

Even if he could accept Zi Xuan not wearing a safety rope, he was surprised that she wanted to be the first one to go up.

Zi Xuan smiled and said, "Why, is there any difference between walking in the front and walking in the back?"

Zi Xuan didn't have a safety rope attached to her body, so nothing happened. If something happened, the result would be the same regardless of whether she walked in front or behind.

Zhao Xiaoshan hesitated for a while before he said: "You have never walked the road ahead. You don't understand it at all. If you encounter any sudden situation, you can't respond. If you walk behind, you can follow and reduce it. A little dangerous chance."

Zi Xuan raised the corner of her lips, and said with a smile: "I, my life favorite is adventure. It's too easy, but I don't like it."

While speaking, before Zhao Xiaoshan could react, he walked straight up the path.

"Miss——" Zhao Xiaoshan wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

After walking up the path, Zi Xuan realized that it was actually narrower than what he had looked at.

Because of the steep cliff, she couldn't walk normally at all. Even if Zi Xuan's stature was small, she could only lean on her side and put her back against the cliff.

Although this walking posture is not very convenient, it does not hinder Zi Xuan's footsteps. She moves very fast and is very light, but in a blink of an eye, she has already walked a distance of more than 30 meters.

Then, she stopped, waved to everyone, and said, "The view in this valley, from here, is even better. Come and take a look."

Everyone else knew Zi Xuan's ability and didn't take it seriously, but in Zhao Xiaoshan's eyes, it was enough to make him dumbfounded.

Zhao Xiaoshan opened his mouth blankly, and couldn't believe his eyes. He fixedly looked at Zi Xuan, who was calm and calm on the path and still beckoning like this, his eyes were as if he had seen a ghost.

Rong Guocheng patted him on the shoulder before he came back to his senses.

"This, the courage of this young lady is really too great." Zhao Xiaoshan still stared at Zi Xuan, his tone was full of shock.

Even a girl who grew up in the mountains, no, let alone women, even a man in the mountains, even, even if he himself, is very careful when climbing the path of the cloud valley, not to mention it. Will look towards the bottom of the valley at will.

Zi Xuan's performance has completely surpassed the scope of his cognition.

Rong Guocheng looked at the way Zhao Xiaoshan looked, with a little amusement in his heart, and said, "Brother, now that everyone is ready to leave, let's go up too."

"Ah, yes," Zhao Xiaoshan quickly retracted his gaze, coughed softly, concealing his embarrassment, and then said: "After everyone walks up, you must remember that your back must be close to the cliff and the steps must be taken under your feet. It must be steady, one foot should fall steadily, and the other foot can be lifted up. Don't be greedy for speed."

Li Jianming tightened the safety rope tightly on his body and muttered softly: "As the saying goes, a misstep will become an eternal hate, and that's probably the case."

Zhao Xiaoshan went on to say: "In order to prevent interference or collision with each other and cause loss of balance, everyone should keep a distance of half a meter from each other. This is the same distance to ensure a safe distance between each other. Second, someone has an accident. Others It’s too late to rescue."

Rong Guocheng nodded, and said, "It makes sense, we have all written it down, what else should I pay attention to?"

"There is one more point, which is also very important," Zhao Xiaoshan said. He glanced at Zi Xuan, who was moving forward quickly, before he said: "Everyone try to look straight, it is not a last resort, it is best not to look down, although After two days of getting along, I can also feel that all the qualities of the bosses are superb, but in such places, it is better to pay more attention."

Ji Ning leaned in the direction of Tang Feng and whispered, "Mr. Tang, do you think there is anything wrong with this cloud valley?"

Tang Feng looked towards Zi Xuan, who was walking farther and farther, almost hidden in the clouds, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "There are spiritual fluctuations here."

"Aura?" Ji Ning looked left and right, holding his breath, but he didn't notice anything.

Tang Feng said again: "This spiritual energy is extremely weak, you still can't feel it, but I think Zi Xuan has discovered something."

"Then, what does this mean?" Ji Ning showed a little nervousness.

Tang Feng's brows stretched out, and he smiled and said, "This Yucheng Mountain was originally a sacred place for cultivating immortals in history. It is not surprising that there is spiritual energy."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity as a dad txt download address: Returns to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1186 The Weak Reiki), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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