Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1189: waterfall

Zi Xuan walked in the forefront all the way, and soon her figure was hidden in the clouds.

As the fog around her became thicker, she could only see a place no more than ten meters in front of her.

However, this did not slow down Zi Xuan's pace.

For ordinary people, this might make the calf weaken and almost collapsed from the cliff, but to her, it is nothing. Walking on this path is almost the same, not to mention walking on the ground.

Zi Xuan walked swiftly towards the front, but her eyes scanned everything around her without a moment of relaxation, her ears were also erected, catching the sound.

When the fog became thicker, the palm of her right hand turned upward, and the soul orb had appeared on the palm of her hand.

The Soul Orb at the moment seemed very quiet.

Quietly suspended above Zi Xuan's palm, emitting a faint yellow light, while the center of the soul orb is completely transparent. Through the soul orb, you can see the mist on the opposite side, as if in the soul orb. Like a milky white cloud.

"No one, it's not normal."

Zi Xuan whispered to herself softly.

Because she couldn't see too far with her eyesight, her ears became extra vigilant.

Human senses can complement each other when something happens.

Many people are experienced. If they can't see things in the dark, their vision will fail, and their hearing will become more acute. Small sounds that are not heard in ordinary times will become clear.

Zi Xuan is in such a situation now.

In such a huge valley, the visible distance of only ten meters is far too few.

After walking out for about half an hour, there was a slight sound of water in Zi Xuan's ears.

This kind of water sound is different from the gurgling water in the stream before. It sounds more imposing, but because the sound is not very clear, it is impossible to tell what the sound is.

Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows slightly, and she had cares in her heart. She looked more cautious under her feet, and did not speed up her pace. Instead, she let it go lightly and the stride slowed down.

After walking a certain distance, Zi Xuan heard the sound of water, which became louder and louder, and there was more damp moisture in the air.

In the mist, there is actually water vapor, and the air is very humid. Coming along this way, Zi Xuan's clothes have been dampened, and her hair and face are also covered with a fine layer of water vapor.

However, the dampness at this moment is different from the mist.

Zi Xuan could clearly feel that there were very tiny water droplets splashing in the air.

And, as he walked forward, Zi Xuan found that the wind was gradually rising, and the temperature seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

It used to be calm and calm, and the temperature was not low. Zi Xuan was damp and didn't feel any discomfort. Now that the breeze blew up and it was blowing on the moisture-stained cheeks, it was obvious that Zi Xuan was there. The icy feeling.

As the sound of water became louder and louder, there was quite a deafening feeling, and Zi Xuan suddenly understood what the sound of water was.

"Waterfall." Zi Xuan said two words softly.

However, her voice was completely obscured by the huge sound of water.

At this moment, what Zi Xuan heard in her ears was only the sound of the waterfall pouring down, and there was no other sound.

Zi Xuan took a deep breath.

This situation is really beyond her expectations.

Before, her eyes couldn't see too far, and she judged what was happening around her by her ears alone, but now, her ears are no longer useful.

All she can count on is the soul orb in her hand.

The soul bead has always been quiet.

This silence made Zi Xuan a little worried.

According to her judgment, this neighborhood should never be so peaceful.

The sky fire that came suddenly and unexpectedly last night may be regarded as a spiritual beast that has suffered a catastrophe. It happened near the bamboo forest. This can also be explained by the fact that the strange and powerful aura suddenly came and disappeared inexplicably.

However, the Wuji Seal that trapped her and Tang Feng, as well as Ji Ning and Shangguan, really existed.

This formation must be laid down by people.

If it is not a human being, is it possible that any spirit beast has evolved to the point where it can use formations?

Zi Xuan would not believe this.

According to Zi Xuan's judgment, if the person who placed the Promise Seal, if the purpose is really people like them, then they shouldn't be too far away.

The stalking monkey killed by Xiao Hui is the evidence.

After entering the Stratus Cloud Valley, Zi Xuan could clearly perceive the faint aura fluctuations near the valley, and the more forward, the greater the aura.

When she got closer and closer to the waterfall, she felt that this aura was so strong that even Wu Xiu could feel it.

She can feel the existence of aura, then the person who placed the formation must also be able to feel it.

How can a cultivator give up such a good place?

If Zi Xuan chooses, she will definitely set the sect here.

However, there was no one in this place, which made Zi Xuan unable to believe it.

Now, her eyes couldn't see, her ears couldn't hear, and there was no reaction in the soul beads, Zi Xuan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

The only possibility is that the other party's cultivation base is far above her, and what special means can make her soul orb lose its effect.

Should you stop and wait for others to arrive, or return to find them?

These two thoughts flashed by in Zi Xuan's heart.

In the face of the unknown, even Zi Xuan would inevitably feel a little scared.

No matter how courage she is, she is nothing more than a young woman after all, and she has not much social experience yet, it is a bit demanding to keep her in danger.

She doesn't need to be messy, it's all situations that she can handle completely, but at this time, she can't control it at all.

This situation gave Zi Xuan a sense of tension when she met the mysterious person when she was in Xijing.

The other party is dark, she is bright.

She doesn't know who the other party is, what kind of ability, and what purpose it has, but the other party sees her clearly.

"How to do how to do?"

Zi Xuan frowned, restless.

She looked around, and what caught her eye was a thick white mist.

She could not feel anything at all except the sound of water that almost deafened her in her ears.

The only thing that is certain is that this waterfall should be nearby.

"I don't know what the situation is, there is always a feeling of uneasiness in my heart," Zi Xuan bit her lip slightly, with a look of embarrassment, "But if I went back like this, Tang Feng would definitely laugh at me. !"Longevity Return, Becoming a Dad, the latest chapter address: htmlLongevity return to be a dad full text reading address: Return, Becoming a Dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1189 Waterfall), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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