Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1200: Falling off the cliff

Ji Ning and Shangguan couldn't help but look at each other again, and there was a bit of shock in each other's eyes.

Even if the fog is thick here, people are full of shadows, and you can't see clearly, but after all, you can see two fuzzy figures, but at this moment, you can't see anything.

They were convinced that it was not that they did not see it, but that Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia were indeed no longer here.

Naturally, they would not doubt whether the two fell off the cliff just like them, nor would they think that they were in any danger.

What they were surprised was where Tang Feng took Lin Mengjia.

Shicai still felt that Tang Feng was close to them, and he felt very safe. Now he couldn't see it in his eyes, so that they had no bottom in their hearts.

Ji Ning and Shangguan were astonished at where Tang Feng went. Behind him, Li Jianming and Rong Guocheng were still trying hard to climb up. Behind them, Xie Huo and Xue Panpan were also helping each other.

At the end, Xue Rui was the only one.

Zhao Xiaoshan, who had taken the lead, was gone at this moment.

Xue Panpan looked at Xue Rui, with surprise in his eyes.

Where did Zhao Xiaoshan go? Has it fallen? There are climbing ropes between him and everyone, how could he fall alone?

But even if Xue Panpan felt puzzled, there was no way to ask Xue Rui at this moment. Even if she asked, Xue Rui could not hear. Even if Xue Rui could see what she wanted to ask, she would listen to his answer. Less than.

Xue Rui pursed his mouth tightly and frowned. The expression on his face was extremely complex, intertwined with shock and confusion, and a little nervous.

Seeing Xue Rui like this, Xue Panpan frowned slightly. Is it possible that even Xue Rui didn't figure out the situation?

Ji Ning jumped onto the trail.

When the Shangguan saw Ji Ning coming up, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

As long as it was Ji Ning who came up, the others were naturally nothing but waited for a minute or two.

But with her breath, before she breathed, Ji Ning's expression suddenly changed.

His feet had just landed on the path, and he had not yet stood firm, but he had noticed that the falling power from his waist had reappeared.

This situation was unexpected by Ji Ning, and he did not react as quickly as before.

Shangguan saw that Ji Ning's face was ugly, and he knew that the situation was not good. He wanted to grab Ji Ning's arm again. It was too late. He just watched, Ji Ning, who had already walked the path, fell backwards again. Fell down.

By Ji Ning's side, the others were like him, falling into the white mist like a kite with a broken wire.

It is clear that they are all the people who have already climbed up, how can they fall down again?

Who slipped for a while and didn't stand firm?

But these people here are all martial arts, even if they are of a lower level, they won't cause the people around them to fall, right?

Before the Shangguan could figure out what was going on, he felt that there was a powerful force behind her and gave her a hard push on her back.

Her eyes widened in an instant.

She clearly knows that behind her is a towering cliff, her body is almost close to the top of the stone wall, and the gap behind that cannot accommodate a person at all, and it is impossible for anyone to hide. over there.

However, she really felt the sudden force, and it was clear that someone was pushing her hard.

Yes, hard, very hard.

Relying on Shangguan's steady and steady efforts, even if the conditions are difficult at the moment and it is difficult to focus on, even if she is not mentally prepared, she will not be easily pushed.

But at this moment, the strength from the shoulders made Shangguan unable to maintain balance at all. As soon as her body tilted, half of her body protruded out of the cliff, and she would fall down in this upside-down state as soon as she saw it.

After all, Shangguan is a martial arts cultivator of the Seventh Layer of the day after tomorrow. If under such circumstances, she really sits and waits like an ordinary person, then her efforts over the past few years will be considered a waste of practice.

At the moment his body rushed out, Shangguan had continued to exert strength under his feet to stabilize, his shoulders retracted, and then he suddenly exerted strength under his feet. In an instant, he turned his head in the air and turned his head down. , Became normal, and then, just like Ji Ning and the others, he tightly gripped the cracks on the cliff with his fingers to stabilize his figure.

All her movements were just completed between lightning and flint, and then, before she had time to see the situation of other people, she hurriedly looked towards the position where she had squatted before.

There is no one there.

There are no traces of Tibetans.

The cliff is as smooth as other places, with some holes left by the fixed ropes, but nothing else.

But where does that power come from?

What happened to those other people?

Thinking of this, Shangguan hurriedly looked down again.

The crowd fell again too suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast, but in a blink of an eye, they fell into the white mist, and Shangguan could no longer see them.

She couldn't help biting her lip lightly, and hesitated in her heart.

According to her current situation, it was just that she had just fallen off the trail. She wanted to climb up, whether there was anyone else to restrain her, it was extremely simple, but Shangguan frowned and didn't move.

She looked at the path, lowered her head again, and looked at the thick fog under her feet. Finally, she began to follow the cliff and slowly move down.

At this moment, Shangguan's heart is already very tangled.

She didn't know where Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia had gone, or what was happening on Zi Xuan's side. Now, she didn't even know what happened to the other people with her.

On the trail, she was attacked again inexplicably.

From the bottom of Shangguan's heart, there was a faint guess: Maybe those people just like him, would only fall when they were attacked like this, otherwise they shouldn't have been like this because of their ability.

She felt that instead of going back to the trail alone, unable to find a companion, and facing the attacker who didn't know where he came from, it was better to go down the cliff and see what was going on below.

If everyone else falls, they must all be below.

Listening to the sound of water, under the cliff, there should be a piece of water. If you fall into the water, with the ability of these people, you will probably not suffer too much injury.

Regardless of the situation in the next section, gather in one place first, or have a discussion.

Thinking like this in his mind, Shangguan used his hands and feet together. Although the speed was not very fast, he was extremely stable, moving towards the bottom of the cliff. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1200 Falling off the Cliff) reading record, next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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