Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1202: People in the mirror

When asked this sentence, Shangguan had already looked around the surrounding environment.

This is a fairly spacious place, about a hundred square meters, surrounded by stone walls and overhead, with a height of more than ten meters.

Although there is no light-transmitting place around, there is no lighting, but in this space, it does not appear dim.

Shangguan knew that his eyes could see things in dark places, but he couldn't see things in completely dark places.

After all, the eyes need to be refracted to see things.

Wu Xiu is to improve his abilities so that his senses are better than ordinary people, and he can see things in places where the light is so weak that there is almost no light, and he can see farther places, but that's all.

If there is no light at all in a place, Wu Xiu is just like an ordinary person and can't see anything.

At the moment, Shangguan looked around at the space they were in, and couldn't find any place that could generate light, but she was not affected by things in the slightest.

This situation is like the effect produced after taking the pill given by Tang Feng in Kunlun.

However, Shangguan was very sure that this time he never took the pill.

What confuses Shangguan at this moment is naturally not only that this can be seen clearly, but—

"Where did I come in?"

Shangguan's face was very puzzled.

Of course she would not forget what had just happened. Although it happened too quickly, she could still recall that she was drawn to the waterfall by a powerful force, and then she fell into this place.

The teacher guessed that behind the waterfall, perhaps there was a place like a cave hidden, but he couldn't imagine that he would fall into such a completely enclosed place on all sides.

When Shangguan asked this sentence, she subconsciously looked at Ji Ning.

Among all the people, except for Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan, she is considered to have a good relationship with Ji Ning, and among them, Ji Ning is also a rare honest person, not like Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan, knowing anything, she will definitely do be honest.

Although the incident just now made Shangguan a little embarrassing, at this moment, she still pinned her hopes on Ji Ning.

Ji Ning didn't appear to be abnormal because of this, but he didn't answer Shangguan's question either. He just shook his head slightly, and set his eyes on Tang Feng again.

Even if there is no communication, Shangguan understands in seconds.

At this moment, Ji Ning didn't know where he was.

It seems that now except for Tang Feng and Lin Mengjia, plus a Zi Xuan, everyone else is afraid.

Thinking of this, Shangguan glanced around everyone's faces.

Sure enough, everyone looked at Tang Feng together.

With a faint smile on Tang Feng's face, he uttered three words: "No mirror."

"No mirror?"

"Are we in the mirror?"

"Mr. Tang, what happened?"

"Sir, how did we get in?"

Everyone's eyes widened, and everyone's face was filled with shock and a little bit of astonishment.

If it is said that they have fallen into what organ and what traps there are, it is acceptable. It can be said that if they enter the mirror, it makes everyone feel a sense of fear.

Rao is that they are brave enough as martial artists, and everyone present is also well-informed, but this is the first time they have encountered such things.

It is only Zi Xuan, whose expression on her face is not so shocking.

Although she frowned slightly, she also had the expression that she had just learned about the situation. There was a touch of surprise in her eyes, but she was not as helpless as the others, but after a short period of astonishment, she nodded and murmured in her mouth. Said: "It turned out to be like this."

It seems that something has been figured out.

Lin Mengjiaxian knew that she was in a mirrorless mirror before, and probably knew that there was no danger, her face was very calm, with a slight smile, she still smiled at Shangguan.

At this moment, Shangguan had completely ignored Lin Mengjia’s gossip look. She tightened her eyebrows, looked at Lin Mengjia and Tang Feng again, hesitatingly said: "Miss Lin, Mr. Tang, this, what is going on? ?"

Tang Feng smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, we are safe even in the mirrorless mirror, and we can go out at any time."

Hearing Tang Feng's words like this, everyone was relieved.

Compared with being in the mirrorless mirror, whether you can leave it or not is what everyone cares more about.

Since Tang Feng had given them reassurance pills, he was naturally relieved a lot.

Rong Guocheng asked Tang Feng, "Mr. Tang, who got the mirrorless mirror? How did we get in? Why don't we leave?"

Facing Rong Guocheng's series of problems, Tang Feng only smiled.

These questions are what other people want to know, and everyone is looking at Tang Feng intently.

Tang Feng did not answer, but said with a smile: "Aren't you curious about how you fell off the cliff?"

Everyone was looking at Tang Feng, and when they heard what he said, they immediately turned their gazes to look at Xue Rui.

Although it happened suddenly at the time, everyone felt that it was Zhao Xiaoshan who fell first. As for what happened, only Xue Rui, who was closest to him, knew best.

Xue Rui, who was waiting for Tang Feng to resolve his doubts, saw that everyone was looking at him. They could not help but scratch their hair, frowning, shaking his head, and there was a little puzzlement in his eyes, and said: "I I haven't figured out what is going on."

Xue Panpan said to him: "You are the closest to Zhao Xiaoshan, why don't you know what happened? Where did Zhao Xiaoshan go? Isn't he and all of us connected?"

Xue Rui frowned, recalling what happened at the time, and said: "At that time, the sound of the water was so loud that it disturbed my mind. In addition, I was worried about Miss Zi Xuan's affairs. I didn't care much about him. I just followed him. Suddenly I just saw him fall. As for how he fell, I really didn’t see clearly."

Xue Panpan held his shoulders in his hands and thought, "He is a guide who walks this way all the year round, so he won't slip and fall? Even if you accidentally fall, you can pull him up with your ability. Isn't it a difficult thing? How could it hurt everyone and all of them fell?"

Although Zhao Xiaoshan looks quite sturdy, he is not too tall, he is full of money, and he is only about one hundred thirty or forty catties. Xue Rui can lift this weight with one hand. How could it happen? Such an accident? The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Return, Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: Returns to be a daddy mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1202 People in the Mirror), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Daddy", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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