Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1209: Integrate

Seeing that everyone's faces were silent, Tang Feng smiled indifferently.

In the millennia of battles and battles, he has become accustomed to life and death, even if his soul flies and disappears, he is not surprised.

At the beginning, he would still have compassion and compassion. He felt that encountering such things was really an endgame. There were more visible and experienced, and this heart gradually lost that compassion.

This world is the survival of the fittest and the weak. They will end up in this way. Firstly, they are not lucky, and secondly, they are too bad at their own skills.

Lin Mengjia was silent for a while, and said: "Can this fate be changed? I see many religious classics, but it is said that this was destined at birth, even in the previous life."

Tang Feng smiled at her slightly, and said, "Yes, fate will be fixed in a few days. This is almost the religion of China or other countries, it will be explained in this way, for ordinary people, it is true, and it cannot be changed at all. ."

"But, someone can do it, right?" Ji Ning's expression was dignified, "Can you do that ancient magical artifact that Mr. just said?"

Tang Feng still smiled and nodded, and said: "It is not impossible to change your fate against the sky, but the price is too high. People who use the sky lanterns need to reach a very high level, and they have to lose their own practice and bear the burden. The scourge can do this, and more importantly, the sky lantern cannot change the user’s fate."

Xie Huo was slightly surprised, and said: "It takes a lot of effort, but in the end, it is not for his own use? I'm afraid there are not many people, are you willing to use it?"

"If there are two people with such abilities who need to change their lives, they can negotiate and change each other."

Xue Rui's mind was quite brilliant. It was just a turn to think of this section. Then, he looked at Tang Feng and waited for his answer.

Tang Feng said leisurely: "To be able to survive the Heavenly Scourge, at least, it needs the cultivation above the tribulation, and to be able to cultivate to this level, based on his own ability, what he wants to do is extremely simple, and what else is needed? Change your fate against the sky?"

"In that case, isn't it very tasteless to ask about sky lanterns? Those who have the ability don't use it, and those who need it don't have the ability." Rong Guocheng hesitated a little and said to Tang Feng. .

Tang Feng smiled, looked at Zi Xuan, and said, "What do you think?"

Zi Xuan frowned her eyebrows tightly, not knowing what she was thinking, when Tang Feng asked like this, she just sighed softly and said: "Let’s not talk about the sky lantern, now I want to make this mirrorless. Is there any way to not be controlled by other people?"

Tang Feng saw Zi Xuan's expression with a somewhat stunned look, and he also knew clearly that Zi Xuan was very longing for the spiritual victory described by her, and then think about the suffering she suffered in her own practice at the beginning. , Inevitably feel very depressed.

Seeing Zi Xuan asked this question, he didn't hide it, and said to her: "I will teach you a formula. You should keep it silent in your heart. At the same time, if you think about this mirrorless mirror, try to communicate with her."

Although Zi Xuan nodded, she still had a look of hesitation and embarrassment on her face, saying: "In fact, before, I had thought of making Wuxiangjing obey my orders, but it never worked. To be honest, I didn’t expect Shangguan to be taken into the mirror today.”

"This is not surprising. Now you are in the mirror. You are at the closest distance to the mirrorless mirror. The communication between you and the mirror is extremely easy to achieve. You should try."

When Tang Feng spoke, he was reading out a string of extremely obscure formulas, which were all dumbfounded in everyone's ears.

This mantra, listening to it is not in Huaxia, nor any language they can know, it sounds like a random babble, the tone is still high and low, with a feeling of chanting.

Lin Mengjia listened, but she seemed to understand.

It is Tao Wen.

The spell language in Taoism.

Lin Mengjia followed Tang Feng to learn Japanese for a period of time, and she has some understanding, but after all, she is not proficient, and she is not even as good as the little girl and Zhou Wan.

At this moment, she could hear that it was Taoism, but she could not distinguish these specific syllables.

Zi Xuan listened carefully, her lips moved slightly, repeating the mantra that Tang Feng had just recited.

When Tang Feng finished reading, Zi Xuan was still frowning and repeating silently. Judging from her appearance, this situation did not seem easy.

As Tang Feng said, Zi Xuan was meditating silently, without making a sound, but slightly moving her lips, the expression on her face was extremely rare and serious, her eyes focused, without slack.

She also ignored other people, pacing in the cave, with her back to everyone, although she walked slowly, but after a while, she had already walked more than a dozen meters away.

It is also in this space, which is extremely spacious, and she walks smoothly.

Lin Mengjia looked at Zi Xuan's back, with a slightly worried tone, and said to Tang Feng: "Tang Feng, what's the situation with Zi Xuan? Is it possible that she can learn by reading like this? Seeing her like this, it seems It's very difficult to learn."

Tang Feng patted the back of Lin Mengjia's hand gently, and said in a gentle tone: "Zixuan's understanding is quite high, and his talent is also good. Among their sects, they can be young and comfortable. It is not easy to reach this level. As long as she practices properly and with a little guidance, she will make rapid progress."

Listening to Tang Feng's obvious praise and affirmation to Zi Xuan, Lin Mengjia breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Tang Feng looked in Zi Xuan's direction again, and continued to smile: "I haven't seen Zi Xuan's master, but in her description, she still has some skills, but within their sect, the ancient monks passed down. There are too few things about him and his limited knowledge will limit Zi Xuan's and even his own practice."

"Then, is there a way to make up?" Lin Mengjia couldn't help but ask.

She still cares about Zi Xuan.

Tang Feng still looked in Zi Xuan's direction and said with a smile: "This is all up to her. I can only teach her the method. As for how to integrate and improve her cultivation, we still have to rely on her own."

The rest of them, listening to Tang Feng's words, were also anxious for Zi Xuan, and they didn't say a word. With a slightly nervous expression, they looked at Zi Xuan who was still walking slowly.

Zi Xuan was completely immersed in her own world, she didn't notice at all, there was no sound behind her, and she didn't know that everyone's eyes were focused on her. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1209 Integration), and open the bookshelf next time You can see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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