Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1222: Low-level provocation

Even if he knew that he was defeated and his strength was extremely different, but the big words on his lips had already been said, of course Zi Xuan couldn't just let it go so easily.

She has never been easily dumb.

Her eyes rolled, and a smile appeared on her face. The corners of her eyes and eyebrows seemed to have a hundred thousand smiles, but the smile seemed to be fake. laugh.

Then, Zi Xuan waved her hand, with an extremely generous look, and said loudly: "I am a big man. If you have any accounts to be settled, you will come first, and I will come after you have settled. That guy, you Just leave it to me."

Tang Feng almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood.

Zi Xuan's wishful thinking is a good one.

He went first and settled everyone, and then she picked up a ready-made bargain to repay the hatred that was slandered as a "monster", and she looked like she was showing favor to others.

Tang Feng didn't speak, but slanted his eyes, looking at Zi Xuan with a smile.

Seeing him like this, Zi Xuan coughed lightly again, and then said: "Everyone has heard it just now. What kind of decent people these guys claim to be, but what are they doing? They are robbing things again. , It’s framed us again, and now we are still locked in the mirrorless mirror. Look at that old fellow who still holds my soul orb in his hand, it’s really shameless!"

Xue Rui hurriedly agreed: "Yes, yes, these people are ethical, righteous, and moral, and they don't do good things behind their backs. It's really hateful."

The others looked at each other, a little speechless in their eyes.

Among these many people, Xue Rui is the only one who cooperated with Zi Xuan's performance so hard.

Zi Xuan nodded in satisfaction, looked around the crowd, and continued: "However, they themselves don't think it is doing bad things. You just listen to what they say. Wouldn't it be that we are all evil ways and want a And dealt with it?"

While she was talking, she looked at Tang Feng again, and said very sadly: "Tang Feng, it's all right for them to say this to me. Anyway, I do practice with my soul, but it is not wronged, but this time they put me on the table. Obviously, he regards you, his wife, and everyone present. It doesn't matter whether you are charmed by me, or you have fallen into evil ways. Anyway, in their opinion, you are not good people either!"

Such obvious and such low-level provocations did not have any effect, but made everyone's faces embarrassed, helpless, and funny.

However, naturally no one can laugh, they are forced to endure it.

The corner of Tang Feng's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Why hadn't he noticed before that this little woman was so thoughtful?

At this time, he was still thinking about picking things up in front of him, wanting to kill someone with the knife.

It's just that, isn't this method a bit too low-level?

Zi Xuan said with her arms on her hips quite angrily: "Tang Feng, you can't be merciful to people like them, otherwise, if you are known by outsiders, you are so bullied and swallowed, wouldn't you be underestimated?"

Tang Feng was completely speechless.

However, even if Zi Xuan didn't say that, Tang Feng didn't plan to let this group of people go.

It is indeed as Zi Xuan said, that the people in this sect, no matter what the purpose is, doing these things is indeed a kind of provocation to Tang Feng.

He pretends to be caught now, but he just wants to use the simplest way to figure out this matter.

No matter what the origin of this Qinghongzong, what ability he has, even if there is no Zi Xuan, he still has to settle accounts with them.

Furthermore, the resources within this sect were obviously more than the ruined sects of Zixuan's Gu Tianzong and Yangshanzong.

Now separated by a mirrorless mirror, they can see the outside scene and hear the outside sound, but they can't feel the aura, but Tang Feng is sure that there is definitely a lot of aura here.

Tang Feng is selfish.

He searched everywhere, including this visit to Yucheng Mountain. On the surface, he was helping Shen Lao and the others to solve the thousands of things, but in fact, he was also looking for ways and resources to restore the soul.

This place is so rich in resources, of course he can't let it go.

At the beginning, Tang Feng planned to do it himself.

The strength of these people outside was there, he couldn't really let Zi Xuan go desperately with them.

Lin Mengjia looked at Zi Xuan's indignation, she held back a smile, and said to her: "What you said is that these people are indeed very hateful and we must not let it go."

Hearing Lin Mengjia's agreement with her was almost equivalent to expressing her attitude for Tang Feng, and Zi Xuan immediately showed a smile, as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

Tang Feng felt helpless.

Outside the mirror, there was a moment of silence in the chamber.

This time, Jingjie did not answer the question raised by Yiping, but he seemed to hesitate.

He paused for a while before turning around and looking in the direction of the sovereign.

With a meaningful smile on Jingjie's face, he said to the suzerain: "Brother, you still have to decide this matter."

The lord seemed to be pondering, thinking about something, and there was no sound for a long time.

At this moment, Na Jingjie and the other disciples who looked at the Sect Master eagerly, they turned their eyes to the mirrorless mirror together.

Thinking about it, the Sect Master also looked at this mirror at this moment.

Seeing the lord not speaking, Jingjie called out again: "The lord."

"Oh, what about this?" The Sect Master seemed to come back to his senses. Although he responded, he prolonged his voice. There was a bit of hesitation in his tone. "This matter should be considered for a long time."

Jingjie and the disciples under the seat obviously didn't expect the suzerain to have such a reaction.

The disciples looked at each other, and their eyes were a little surprised, and it was because the rules in this sect were strict, that they didn't whisper.

Jingjie stared at the Sect Master for a few seconds before saying: "Brother, why is this? Now we have the upper hand. Those people are in our palms. What we want is not all up to our minds. What can you hesitate?"

Hearing this, it seemed shameless to everyone's ears.

Everyone was still laughing at Zi Xuan's low-level provocation just now, and this time, the expressions of disgruntled expression appeared on their faces.

Even Xie Huo, who has always been extremely stable, said angrily: "It is really polite and self-proclaimed, but it is a deceitful mind. If we people really fall into their hands, I am afraid that there will be no What a good fruit to eat."

Tang Feng didn't say a word, only a cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, with cold light in his eyes. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1222 Low-level provocations), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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