Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1235: Zhao Xiaoshan is dead

Tang Feng didn't care at all about Jingjie's reaction, and continued to walk in the direction of the others.

Sect Master glanced in the direction of Jingjie with a puzzled look. He was already a little confused about his motionlessness in his heart, but at this moment, he did not have much leisure to take care of his situation.

Tang Feng walked towards him, causing the tension in his heart to suddenly increase by a few points.

Tang Feng looked at the calligraphy and painting on the wall indifferently, his eyes fell on the middle one.

This handwriting is cursive, with a poem inscribed.

Tang Feng had never seen this word before, and the name of the person who signed the money, called Yu Guanhai, was also quite unfamiliar.

The calligraphy and paintings hanging around this character are recognized by Tang Feng. They are all masterpieces from ancient times to the present. Many of the calligraphy and calligraphy of the inscribed people on the above are all priced at ten million yuan in the auction house.

Tang Feng knows a little about history. He knows a little bit about these slightly famous literati and writers. Such completely unfamiliar ones must be unfamiliar, and more likely, they are ordinary people.

However, in a sect like Qinghongzong, how can an ordinary person's calligraphy and painting be hung up?

A large sect that has been passed down for thousands of years in history has stretched to this day. There must be a considerable number of rare treasures in this sect. Calligraphy and painting by some ancient masters are not rare things.

Tang Feng looked at it, his heart was clear, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said in a very relaxed tone: "This word is vigorous and powerful, and it is very generous. It seems that you, the Sect Master of Song Dynasty. , Quite literary."

"How did you know that this was the handwriting of our previous sect master?" The sect master's voice was somewhat surprised, "Could it be that you know the name of the master?"

Tang Feng smiled without saying a word.

In these places, among the many famous calligraphy and paintings, there is a name that is not a well-known calligrapher and painter hung in the middle. Who else can be besides the former sovereign of this sect?

His attitude made the Sovereign's heart even more drumming.

Right now, he was a little uneasy because he couldn't see the depth of Tang Feng's cultivation. At this moment, he saw that Tang Feng seemed to know about their previous suzerain, and he could not figure out Tang Feng's condition.

Yu Guanhai was already a thousand years ago, the master of this sect was his master's master, and he was called master master in his generation.

Sect Master couldn't completely believe at this moment that Tang Feng was a generation of his master ancestor, and based on his cultivation base, he could live for more than a thousand years, at least above the golden core.

Even if he felt that Tang Feng's cultivation level was not low, the Sovereign would definitely not think that in this world, there really are cultivators of the Golden Core Stage.

Tang Feng turned around, looked at the master again, and said to him: "Your sect is not based on studying the magic circle. Why do you put most of your mind on these things?"

Sect Master didn't answer, but frowned slightly and stared at Tang Feng.

After Tang Feng appeared, he asked every question he asked Tang Feng. Tang Feng did not answer, but he kept throwing new questions to him. Each new question made the suzerain’s doubts a little bit more. , And even more suspicious of Tang Feng's identity.

Just as the sovereign was thinking about countermeasures, there was a sound of footsteps in the courtyard outside the chamber.

Not long after, the visitor had already arrived at the doorway and was about to bow to give a salute, but when he saw the situation in front of him, he was taken aback.

The people who came looked relatively young, no more than thirty years old, dressed in the same manner as the other disciples, looking at the belt around their waist, they were also disciples passed down directly by the Sovereign Lord.

Tang Feng glanced at the person and saw that he was only on the second level of Qi cultivation. Obviously, the entry time is not too long. In the door, he is also a relatively low-level disciple. According to reason, he is not qualified to come here. Everywhere, it is even more ineligible to participate in these people's discussions.

Then, when he arrives at this moment, there must be something to be notified.

Seeing this disciple's untimely appearance, the suzerain frowned secretly.

Tang Feng in front of him now needs him to put all his mind on it, how can he still have the mind to care about other things?

But he was also clear in his heart that ordinary disciples would not come to the chamber at such an important time. He came, there must be something important.

With a leisurely expression on his face, Tang Feng smiled and made a gesture of inviting the Sect Master, indicating that he would not care about him, just deal with the affairs of this sect.

Sect Master's face was green and white, and he coughed softly.

The big disciple Yisu under him immediately understood, and said to the disciple at the door: "Yinian, what's the matter with you here?"

Yi Nian's face still had a look of suspicion, his eyes turned on everyone and Tang Feng's body, contemplating Tang Feng's identity in his heart.

Although he was only an ordinary disciple in the sect, it was also clear that there was no outsider in the sect. The man in front of him, looking at his clothes and dress, was clearly a man of the world. How did he appear here?

And the atmosphere in this chamber seemed quite weird, the Sovereign took the attitude of everyone, and some seemed to be wary of something.

Is it possible that so many people are still afraid of an ordinary person?

Just when he was thinking about it, he heard his senior brother’s question, and quickly withdrew his mind, respectfully bowed and saluted, and said: "Master Hui, just in the forest, he has found that person and brought back to the sect. , I immediately came to tell Master, Uncle, and all the seniors to know."

Tang Feng remembered that when the three people were speaking outside the door before, they mentioned that it was this disciple named Yi Nian who took people to find Zhao Xiaoshan.

He said that the person he found must be Zhao Xiaoshan.

Yi Su frowned lightly and said, "Why are you so reckless, so easily bringing people back to the sect?"

In his tone, there was a hint of condemnation.

The reason why this sect of theirs has been hidden in the mountains for thousands of years without being noticed by outsiders is precisely because of their caution, never allowing people of unknown origin to easily approach the sect.

This point is naturally clear to Yinian.

At this moment, he moved his lips slightly, and glanced at Tang Feng unconsciously.

His meaning is very clear.

Since according to the rules of the sect, outsiders cannot be allowed to enter at will, what happened to the person in front of him?

However, as a low-level disciple, he certainly can't use these words to greet the senior, and he just said hastily: "Brother, that person is dead, and what we brought back is his body."

died? Zhao Xiaoshan is dead?

Not only the others present, but even Tang Feng, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1235 Zhao Xiaoshan is dead), next Open the bookshelf once to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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