Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1238: Could it be a misunderstanding

Tang Feng looked at the ugly-faced Sect Master, smiled slightly, and said, "If the Sect Master doesn't mind, I would like to see this person's condition."

Yi Nian looked at Tang Feng again with a surprised look, very puzzled.

This young man who seemed to be an ordinary person was so bold as to sit on the position of the sovereign, and his tone was so presumptuous when he talked to the sovereign. What surprised him even more was that the sovereign seemed to be quite affectionate to him. Looks a little jealous.

The Sect Master took a deep breath and said in a deep voice towards Tang Feng: "This fellow Daoist, if you don't say clearly, I'm afraid that next, we can't say it calmly."

Tang Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Oh, what the Sect Master meant, what should happen next?"

Seeing Tang Feng like this, the lord was a bit gritted his teeth.

If he weren't in front of many of his disciples, like Tang Feng, he wouldn't be so, but in this situation, if he shows weakness again, he is afraid that he will lose his majesty in front of his disciples in the future.

Knowing that he might not be able to provoke Tang Feng, the sect master still reluctantly gritted his teeth and said: "No matter what the cultivation level of your friends is, or where you come from, it is like this when the Qinghong sect is provocative, even if it is compared with the people of our sect. I don’t want your cultivation base, for the sake of the face of the sect, and I’ll never let your hands be taunted."

Hearing what he said, Tang Feng couldn't help but sneered, and said, "What you said is interesting. If it wasn't for you to **** our things and set up traps to lure us here, you would still use a mirrorless mirror to sed us. Ingestion, how can we come here? How come to your mouth, it becomes our provocation?"

Even if Zhao Xiaoshan and Qinghongzong are not the same, but outside the Qinghongzong, there is a faint spirit, and it is also a trap that deliberately lures people in. This matter has nothing to do with their sect.

But this suzerain, the wicked person first filed a complaint, saying that Tang Feng was provoking, which was ridiculous.

Tang Feng looked at the Sect Master coldly, wanting to see how he quibbleed, but unexpectedly, listening to Tang Feng's somewhat mocking words, the Sect Master's face showed a somewhat surprised look.

He turned his head slightly and said to the crowd: "Yitong, what's the matter? You are not saying that there are real evidence to prove that these people are involved in such enchanting evildoers?"

Yitong had stepped back a few steps, hiding his body among the crowd, and had almost retreated to the doorway. Hearing that the Sect Master asked him by name, his face immediately showed a very complicated expression and hesitated. My words: "Return, return to the Sect Master, this matter, the disciple does have evidence, but, it's just..."

"Just what?" Sect Master's voice, already a bit harsh, asked.

Yitong looked a little flustered, sweat was already oozing from his forehead, and he was speechless for a while before he said: "It's just that now this evidence can't be obtained by the disciple."

"Naughty!" The Sect Master frowned, his beard trembled, and his face was extremely annoyed, "The evidence that you can't get, but you are so hard to say, really betrayed the trust of the sect in you! As everyone knows, you What a threat to the sect caused by such behavior!"

"Yes, what the Sect Master said." Yitong bowed to the Sect Master deeply, and there was still a little panic in his voice. When he lowered his head, his eyes kept rolling, and his eyes stared in the direction of his master from time to time. past.

Ke Jingjie was still so motionless, as if he were a dummy.

Tang Feng's gaze swept across Yitong's face, and fell on the Sect Master again.

Looking at the expression on Sect Master's face, it didn't seem to be fake, and from that Yitong, he had seen clearly before, and indeed was the same as Jingjie.

Is it possible that this incident was caused by the fact that they were playing tricks in it, so what's the misunderstanding?

Sovereign is still moving towards Yitong: "What is it all about, you can tell me clearly!"

Yitong repeated his thoughts and said anxiously: "Sect Master made atonement. On that day, I went to a village in the mountains and heard someone in the village mentioned that the evildoer appeared again a few days ago, and it also harmed people, so I left my mind. After I came back, I said that I was thinking about telling the master to know what he knew, but the master said that the master has been busy in recent days, and these things have not been finalized. Don't disturb the master, let me investigate secretly, and I will talk to the master after I figure it out. "

Sect Master looked sullenly and looked in Jingjie's direction.

He knows that his junior is always very scheming, and he is not willing to suffer a loss in any matter. Right now Yitong mentioned his affairs, but he is indifferent and seems completely uninterested. In general, it does not conform to his usual style.

The lord coughed slightly, and was about to call Jingjie to confront him, but saw that the smile on Tang Feng's face was meaningful, and he immediately understood that it must be what he did that made Jingjie stand in a daze. right now.

The lord no longer said anything, but turned his gaze to Yitong again, and said, "Go on."

"In those days, I went out to inquire and didn't notice the whereabouts of the evildoer, but I noticed that some of the mountain people were not right. They seemed to have the smell of the evildoer. I started on this and started investigating. Those mountain people, really found the clues, the evildoer must have used tricks on these mountain people to make them obey him. In fact, they are also evildoers. This matter was later reported to the master, the master It's also knowing."

Yitong's voice was hurried, and when he said this, he glanced at the lord.

The lord nodded and said, "That's right."

Yitong let out a sigh of relief, and then said, "The Sect Master also knows what happened afterwards. That person, that person is also a crowd of evildoers, and he brought his accomplices to my sect to find trouble, and the alien monk, He is also an evil evil gangster who must be the same as this evil evildoer, Sect Master, you must not be deceived by them!"

While speaking, he glanced at Tang Feng again, and seeing that Tang Feng was also looking at him, he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng frowned slightly.

He was able to figure out the ins and outs of this situation.

In this Yucheng Mountain, the "monster" behind Zhao Xiaoshan and Qinghongzong have been facing each other for some years, and now the opponent has changed, which has attracted the attention of Qinghongzong, and this Zhao Xiaoshan is the one of the evildoer. Zhong, his group, together with Zhao Xiaoshan, were the people of the Qinghongzong who were regarded as his accomplices.

In addition, Zi Xuan's identity as a heterogeneous cultivator confirmed their thoughts.

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