Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1241: The ignorant is fearless

Tang Feng nodded slightly to the Sect Master.

He didn't have any spare time to help him explain how they would see their conversation. Right now, he also wanted to see how Zhao Xiaoshan died.

The Sovereign also asked too much.

The things they said in the sect were quite embarrassing. Known by outsiders, his face was also dull. Since Tang Feng was no longer entangled in this matter, he didn’t mention it, so he could only knock off his teeth. He swallowed into his stomach and made a "please" gesture towards Tang Feng.

Yi Nian, who was standing at the door, looked relatively young and didn’t know exactly what was happening here, but he looked quite clever. Seeing this, he made a point at Tang Feng, Lead the way ahead.

Sect Master watched Tang Feng and others all go out, walked to the yard, and then looked back at Jingjie.

At this moment, he has no time to take care of Jingjie's affairs. He just said to Yisu: "Take a few people, stay here, and see how your uncle is."

Yi Su nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, Master."

Then, he winked at the two people around him.

What he indicated was the same door as him, and it was also the disciple passed down by the Sect Master, but when the Sect Master walked outside with other people, Yiping daunted, did not follow, and stayed where he was.

Yisu looked over to Yiping and was about to speak. Yiping was already the first to speak: "Brother, what's wrong with my master? Is it a spell?"

Yisu didn't want to stay here at Yiping.

His character is not that kind of tough. Normally, only a few friends under the same school listen to his words. What he left this time is also two of those few people, all to avoid What unnecessary trouble has happened.

Now that I see that Yiping is a master who cares about him, and because he has no courage, he didn't continue to ask, but just nodded and said, "I don't know, let's go and take a look."

While speaking, Yisu walked in the forefront and walked towards Jingjie.

Yiping hesitated a little, and followed him.

Yiping's scheming is much more than that of Yisu.

Although he was really concerned about Jingjie's condition at the moment, he was still afraid of any danger, and he did not come forward first, but hid behind Yisu.

Yisu didn't think so much. Since the lord had confessed to him, he went straight forward.

When Yisu saw Jingjie's front, his eyes widened immediately, and he immediately stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to help the other person, but realized something, and withdrew his hand back.

After cultivating for so many years, he is also quite knowledgeable about magic, knowing that under such circumstances, he can't touch it without understanding the situation, otherwise it will be of no benefit to both parties.

Just as Yi Su was shrinking his hands, the other two disciples and Yiping also arrived in front of Jingjie. When they saw it, they also showed shock and fear.

At this moment, what was in front of them was always quite conceited master or uncle, showing an extremely frightened expression.

On his forehead, hair, and body, there are layers of sweat. This sweat, his clothes that have been soaked, were originally an extremely elegant white gown, which is now attached to his body, and his hair is wet. One by one, his face was pale and distorted, and he couldn't see the usual appearance at all.

A junior behind Yisu said tremblingly: "Big brother, what's wrong with Uncle?"

The other also cautiously said: "We are all in this room, and we have never seen anything happen. How did it become like this?"

Yisu frowned tightly, searching for intestines, thinking about what kind of technique could cause these results, but after thinking about it for a long time, there is no conclusion, and he can only say ambiguously: "I think, this It's probably that man's method."

The two disciples glanced at each other, both showing surprised expressions, and said: "That man? But, he looks like an ordinary person, how could he—"

"At this time, do you still think he is an ordinary person?" Yisu sighed, his expression a little ugly, "Don't you see that even the master is a little bit jealous of him?"

"This is naturally seen, but the strange thing is here," the disciple frowned, still slightly puzzled, said: "He seems to be a young man in his early twenties. Xu is not even as good as the martial arts practitioners around him, and I don’t know what Master is afraid of."

"That is, we haven't even figured out what his origins are. The master is so polite to him, maybe he is just relying on some bluffing skills, and there is no real material." Another one. Disciple, also echoed.

Listening to the suspicion of the young man by the two juniors, Yisu could not help sighing.

Really ignorant are fearless.

Even people who are afraid of Master, they still think that, is it true that the practice of isolation from the world makes their minds not easy to use?

"When you look at Uncle Master like this, do you still think he is just bluffing people?" Yisu's face was a little helpless.

Speaking of Jingjie, the eyes of several people fell on him again.

Yiping, who had always been standing behind the three people, saw that his master was standing in place with only his face twisted, and there was no real danger, so he stepped forward and said to Yisu a little anxiously: "Brother , Don’t worry about what it is, what should we do now? This magic technique in my master is quite powerful. With his realm, it is impossible to resist. What can we do?"

Yisu's complexion also hesitated.

He also knows the truth.

Jingjie's cultivation base is higher than theirs. Even if he has learned the truth, what can they do? He was worried that they would not be able to save Jingjie by doing anything at will, but it might have a counterproductive effect that would harm him and also hurt others.

But the suzerain let him stay here, if he didn't do anything, it seemed to violate the suzerain's meaning.

Just when Yisu was hesitant, a junior disciple next to him said: "Brother, I think that Senior Uncle looks like this. Apart from the ugly face, there is nothing else. After all, Shicai has been standing for so long. Master should also be able to see any abnormalities. It is better not to touch him."

Another disciple also nodded and said, "It's impossible to say that this movement will trigger this spell, and what will happen afterwards, but maybe it's not clear. Why don't we just stay here and wait until the master comes back. Make the decision."Longevity Return: Becoming a Daddy, the latest chapter address: 103189.htmlReturn of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: /Longevity return as a dad txt download address: Longevity return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1241 The ignorant is fearless) Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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