Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1248: origin

Lin Mengjia heard Lu Jingchen's words, although she knew it was a compliment, she couldn't help showing a faint smile on her face.

Being able to be praised face to face by an old man of several hundred years old is not an honor that anyone can get.

But at this time, Lin Mengjia obviously didn't consider that there was a thousand-year-old guy beside her.

"Can Gu worms be used to cure diseases?"

Obviously, for Xie Huo, such things are also unheard of.

This is not surprising.

Although his current wealth status is similar to that of Rong Guocheng, his previous experience is quite different. Unlike Rong Guocheng, he has visited Wuxiu's sect and understands many unknown things. , Even Wu Xiu and other things, he didn't know until after he met Xue Panpan, let alone Gu Master and Gu worms.

In the eyes of the former Xie Huo, these are all deceptive tricks, nonsense, that is, now, he will believe a little bit. Naturally, this is also because of Tang Feng, otherwise, I am afraid that I will thank the tiger forever. Wouldn't believe these.

Lu Jingchen nodded, and then said: "Southern Xinjiang, in history, is a barren land, where the people are strong and have little contact with the outside world, and the medical skills are not very developed. In such places, the villages The Gu masters in it are almost like a patron saint. If there is any problem, the people there will think of asking the Gu master for help, and most of the Gu masters will help."

Shangguan nodded lightly, and murmured: "If this is the case, it is not surprising that those who use Gu art for evil will be expelled from their place."

"Yes, in fact, most Gu masters are good people, but the Gu techniques they use are a bit too unimaginable. People who don’t know about it will feel terrified and imagine them mysterious and terrible. As time passed, the Gu master’s name added a lot of injustice.” Lu Jingchen shook his head slightly, very embarrassed.

Zi Xuan had no grievances about this Sect Master Lu.

Her mind was quite simple. Hearing that Lu Jingchen had no prejudice against her identity, and thinking about it, the other party's master still had some friendship with her master, which made her even more enthusiastic.

Zi Xuan smiled at Lu Jingchen, and said, "No matter what sect or spell is passed down, there will be some scum. In this Yucheng Mountain, the Gu Master who is the enemy of your sect must be The scum among Gu masters."

After hearing these gossips, Tang Feng asked the disciple named Yiwen again: "How did your sect and that Gu master get ridiculous in the first place?"

Yiwen heard Tang Feng's question, and then continued: "This incident took a very long time. It happened at the time of my ancestor. At that time, our sect still had a lot of contact with the outside world. The disciples in the sect, They also often walked outside. At that time, the situation was turbulent. Due to the war, the people outside did not have a livelihood, and the sects tried their best to help them."

Tang Feng calculated in his mind that the era when he wanted to come to Yiwen should be Yuanshi. At that time, the Sect Master of the Qinghong Sect was the master of the current Sect Master Lu. It was also the predecessor of Yu Guanhai with calligraphy and painting hanging in the chamber. The master's disciple generation.

At that time, wars were frequent, and the government of the Yuan Dynasty was extremely harsh on the aborigines of the Chinese Central Plains. The people's life was quite difficult, and they were almost in a state of difficulty and no way out.

"At that time, for the sake of helping the people, the lord also agreed with the disciples to travel around the world, see injustices, and help each other. Not only did our sects do this, but other sects also did it, but At that time, the whole world was in chaos. With the power of a few sects alone, it was always limited, that is, it was only possible to save the people wherever you went, the people you could see, and more, What they have never encountered before is still living in the precarious waters."

Tang Feng wanted to know what kind of hatred there was between this Green Rainbow Sect and that Gu Master, but listening to Yi Wen’s words was verbose, he seemed to be bragging about his own sect. With some impatience, his brows also frowned.

Upon seeing this, Lu Jingchen saw his intentions, and leaned in his direction, saying: "Do not misunderstand, fellow Daoists, I just hope that fellow Daoists and other little friends can understand the situation at the time. At that time, there is still not much way to survive in a good year. Once you encounter a disaster year, you will be hungry everywhere. Coupled with the resulting plague, there will be corpses everywhere, and the most inferior is human life."

Tang Feng didn't know this situation. He had even seen the tragic situation with his own eyes, but he still didn't know what Lu Jingchen meant. He just nodded and did not speak, but motioned him to explain with his eyes.

"It is precisely because the dead were quite normal at the time. The large-scale dead in a village is not strange. Therefore, this kind of situation occurred and no one paid any attention to it. The corpses were thrown away in random graves, covered with a thin layer of soil and buried a little bit, so they didn't bother to do it."

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but be moved.

Most of these people present are from prominent family backgrounds. Before, things like this were only seen in books, and they wouldn't take it too seriously. Now that Lu Jingchen described it in such a detailed manner, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Tang Feng ignored these, but still frowned at Lu Jingchen, waiting for him to continue talking.

Lu Jingchen didn't say any more. Instead, he nodded to the disciple named Yiwen and motioned for him to continue speaking. Instead, he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Yiwen continued: "At that time, an ancestor who went out and traveled in the sect, arrived in the Central Plains. At that time, it happened in early spring, and the scenery of Yingfei was very beautiful. At that time, I was very sad. In addition to the drought in the previous year, there was almost no harvest. In many places, there was famine. The ancestors walked down all the way and saw many people who died of starvation and sickness. After a long time, he was used to seeing things like this. Until he arrived at a village under the boundary of Shaanxi Province, he began to feel that something was not quite right. He realized that there were still a few nearby villages in this village, dead. There were too many people. Even though people were dying everywhere at the time, he felt that the villages were different, but the specifics were different. For a while, he couldn't tell."The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: of Longevity and Become a Dad Full Text Reading Address: of Longevity and Become a Dad txt download address: of Longevity to be a dad mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 1248 Yuanyuan) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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