Become a Dad After Longevity

Chapter 1272: Teach the mind

Tang Feng didn't refuse, because it was something planned, and he didn't have any intentions of wanting to get rid of it.

This Qinghongzong, he intends to reclaim it for his own use, and teach them some methods that can be improved, not only can make them desperate, but also allow them to do more things.

To be honest, Tang Feng was not too satisfied with the overall cultivation base of this sect.

Especially after knowing this sect, there is another line.

Although Tang Feng didn’t know what the condition of the Qinghongzong in the 100,000 mountains was, he could guess that because of the golden branches and jade leaves of this place, and the legendary name of the largest sect in China’s Xia Dynasty. The comprehensive strength of Lu Jingchen must be above that of Lu Jingchen.

Since he wanted to accept this sect, then Tang Feng's should be the best, at least on this earth, the most powerful.

Tang Feng nodded to Lu Jingchen, and said lightly, "Get paper and pen."

Lu Jingchen was overjoyed, his wrinkles stretched a bit with a smile on his face, and he answered again and again.

He had never expected that Tang Feng could accept it so happily. At this moment, he also lost his previous style of being a suzerain. After saluting Tang Feng, he trot and headed towards the outside of the garden.

Seeing Lu Jingchen's back, Zi Xuan said to Tang Feng with some worry: "You really want to tell them how to practice this mentality?"

Tang Feng looked at her with a smile, with a very indifferent expression on his face, and said, "What's wrong?"

Zi Xuan curled her lips and said, "You have a bad memory, and you have forgotten what happened before, but I have not forgotten them. There are many things in their sect that you don't know good or bad, and you haven't given a lesson yet. You want to give them a mentality. It looks like your mentality was given to Lu Jingchen, but in fact, doesn't it mean that you have given them nothing for nothing?"

As a little woman, Zi Xuan is also a bit careful.

She remembered what those people had said in her heart. She knew that she was not the opponent of those people, and she had spent a lot of time "sowing discord" and wanted Tang Feng to do it.

But now, apart from that Jingjie, Tang Feng has no punishment for other people, and even wanting to tell them the way she can't help making her feel a little dissatisfied.

Tang Feng seemed to smile, and took a sip of tea before he said to Zi Xuan, "Do you think Lu Jingchen is a fool?"

"What do you say?" Zi Xuan raised her eyebrows.

Tang Feng still smiled faintly, and looked at her: "In this sect, those disciples who were not passed down by him are not convinced by him, even you can tell, can't he see it? The reason why he forbears it is because What's the reason?"

Zi Xuan was taken aback: "This—"

"In this sect, there are tripartite forces. In addition to Jingjie, there are others from another ancestor. Although their master is no longer there, the strength of this disciple is not weak. This three-legged standing is the most secure. The most important thing for the suzerain is to maintain the stability of this sect. When he has no ability to dominate and suppress the other two parties, he can only tolerate concessions. At least on the surface, this entire sect, It's still kind."

Rong Guocheng said with a smile on his face.

Although his practice and abilities are not comparable to Zi Xuan, he has far more knowledge than him. Many things, as long as he glances at it, he is already clear in his heart, especially the scheming of the relationship between people of this class. thorough.

Xie Huo also nodded slightly, and then said: "This suzerain is not a fool. Who is on the opposite side of him, he knows well, how can he share this and other good things with them? I'm afraid it will not take long. , Within this sect, there will be a dominant family, including Jingjie and his disciples, will be far behind the dust."

Zi Xuan nodded slowly, and said to Tang Feng: "It's pretty much the same, but those people, are you really planning to clean them up?"

For Jingjie and Yiping, Zi Xuan still has a lot of grudges.

Tang Feng just smiled, and said, "Their sect is here, and they can't run away. You leave it to you to clean up later. However, it won't take long to think about it, and you will be able to avenge this revenge."

Zi Xuan blinked her eyes twice, and when he understood Tang Feng's meaning, she immediately beamed her brows.

Jingjie is on the ninth level of Qi refining, but Tang Feng said that it won't take long before she can directly seek revenge from him. Doesn't that mean that she can reach this level soon?

Rong Guocheng added: “When Sect Master Lu’s direct disciples improve their cultivation by leaps and bounds, the life of Jingjie and his disciples will not be easy.”

The other people nodded their heads softly, all of which agreed.

The hidden contradictions within this sect were far deeper than they knew. Once Lu Jingchen had an absolute advantage, the fate of those who had opposed him in the past can be imagined.

However, compared to this result, Zi Xuan is obviously more willing to take revenge on her own.

Just when she couldn't help it, Lu Jingchen had already returned with his pen, ink, paper and inkstone in person.

Their sect does not have much communication with the outside world, and the writing tools they use are still the four treasures of the study. Of course, the quality of these things is quite high.

Lu Jingchen spread the paper in front of Tang Feng and personally studied ink for him. A faint fragrance of ink spread quickly around the crowd. Even Xiao Hui, who was eating fruit, couldn't help sniffing.

Lu Jingchen prepared everything properly, and personally dipped a wolf hae full of ink, held it in both hands, and handed it to Tang Feng respectfully.

Tang Feng took it in his hand, without any hesitation, he swiped a bit of ink on the paper in front of him, and began to write.

Lin Mengjia couldn't help but leaned over and saw Tang Fengyi's hand-crafted regular script, with the pen and the dragon snake. Although it was a neat font, it was full of humor in the bones and bones. In just a few minutes, the whole piece of paper was written.

What Tang Feng wrote was Taoism. Except for Lin Mengjia and Zi Xuan, only Lu Jingchen could understand it. I can't tell at all.

Lin Mengjia followed Tang Feng to learn Taoism. Although it was not a short time, she did not put all of her energy on it. The level of her current mastery is not as good as that of Xiaoyao and Zhou Wan, not to mention that she can understand such profoundness. My mind.

Zi Xuan can understand, but this kind of mentality is very different from what she used. After watching for a long time, although she was very admired by Tang Feng, she finally felt boring and bored to the side and picked up a fruit. When he ate it, the boss Xiaohui was unhappy and rolled his eyes at her. The latest chapter address of Longevity Return: Being a Dad: Returns: Becoming a Dad Full Text Reading Address: return as a dad txt download address: return to be a dad mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this reading (Chapter 1272 Teaching the Mind), next time Open the bookshelf to see it! If you like "Longevity Return to Be a Dad", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! (

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